Conallin24 wrote:Hey guys, just wondering what the maximum magizine capacity is in Cat A and B rifles. I live in Vic but I would like to know other states as well. Thanks, Campbell.
<<Genesis93>> wrote:Shotguns have NO mag limit. yet.
I would expect grandfathering anyway.
Lever action SGs are NOT now restricted, we will probably see some legislation soon, possibly AFTER the state election...
Note those 10/15round limits do NOT apply if you have a PP licence....
bladeracer wrote:
Do you mean we can still buy the A110 in Victoria on a Cat A/B licence with no restriction on mag capacity?
<<Genesis93>> wrote:bladeracer wrote:
Do you mean we can still buy the A110 in Victoria on a Cat A/B licence with no restriction on mag capacity?
Absadoobily.... cat A...
No law have been presented to parliament.... NFA is nothing more than a wish list until it goes through parliament.
If you want an Addie, go get one NOW... get 4 if you like, modify to .... 12 rounds with one of those super extended mags.... So buy it, then modify (lawful) to extended then UPDATE the registration so its recorded as a XX capacity....
They will absolutely* be GRAND-FATHERED so you can own them but they revert to Cat D if you sell.....
sungazer wrote:if a rifle is sold with a internal storage and say holds 4 rounds and that is what is on the certificate and you then fit a DBM to the rifle and it can no hold what ever the magazine capacity is. Are you meant to update the registration record? and how is that done?
<<Genesis93>> wrote:Its 15rds for a cat B (no limit for PP)...... the 'changing' to 'change category' is the Firearms Act NOT "what police say"..... the police 'policy' and what they say isnt the law....though they might say it with a sidearm....
When it come to the Adler, I would suggest anyone who wants an extended mag Adler EXTEND IT NOW to 7+ because WHEN (not if) our socialist leaders in the SR of VIC change the Firearm Act to accord with the BS NFA...... your 7+ will be G R A N D F A T H E R E D....... and if not, just screw the old tube back on.... but importantly, email LRD with the NEW mag capacity BEFORE the laws are DRAFTED....
bladeracer wrote:Conallin24 wrote:Hey guys, just wondering what the maximum magizine capacity is in Cat A and B rifles. I live in Vic but I would like to know other states as well. Thanks, Campbell.
In Victoria I think we're restricted to fifteen-round mags in A/B.
Looking at the Firearms Category chart though I can't see any mag capacity listed for A/B. Mag restrictions only come with Cat C rimfire and shotguns. Cat C semi-auto rimfire is limited to 10rds and semi-auto/pump-/lever-action shotguns are limited to 5rds.
I found it!
So, Cat A/B _detachable_ rimfire rifle mags can hold fifteen rounds, centrefire is ten rounds.
If you have fifteen round mags for a bolt-action rimfire rifle (Ruger American for example) you can't possess them "in combination with" a lever- or pump-action rimfire rifle (Ruger 96/22 for example).
I can't find any restriction on mag capacity for Cat A/B shotguns.
Although lever-action shotguns are now restricted, I see that in WA a smarty pants is converting the Adler A110 to bolt-action to get it around the lever-action mag restriction.