by rc42 » 03 Nov 2022, 12:08 pm
I picked one up a few weeks ago, for clay shooting 7.5 shot 28g loads the recoil is barely enough to cycle the action, even for the faster (1300 fps+)
Dismantling and giving all moving parts a good polishing has certainly helped, probably the equivalent of a few thousand run-in rounds.
The shotgun itself is about what you'd expect for Turkish budget and actually a well made clone of the Benelli M1 inertia operated semi-auto shotgun.
The thumb lever is OK, maybe a few mm low for my hand size, and probably deliberately designed to not be a thumb rest during use, but follow up shots are still fast, obviously not as fast as a double or triple barrel break action but fast enough for clay pairs with some practice.
It probably is as close to a semi-auto as we will ever get in Australia and certainly looks and feels like one, I love using it at club shoots that are approved for Cat B.
Some police and politicians may struggle to believe this but using it hasn't created any urges to go on a murderous spree in the local shopping center either.