Miroku mk10 sporter vs miroku mk38 sporter

Double barrel, side by side, over-under, semi-automatic, straight-pull and lever action shotguns.

Miroku mk10 sporter vs miroku mk38 sporter

Post by Royslaven » 02 Jan 2024, 9:29 pm

Hi, so I am reasonably new to clay target shooting. Just started from a complete novice, to having a gun fitted and shooting gun down 2 months ago. I only interested in sporting, and have been shooting comps nearly every week and whilst I am learning every week am shooting an average of 13/25 atm, so a long way to go. I bought an akkar churchill, as I wasn't,t sure if I wanted to stay in the sport, so a cheap gun was ok to start. Whilst I can shoot reasonably at this stage, my churchill is fairly light, as am I at 64kgs and kicks pretty hard, I also struggle with gun speed and would prefer a but heavier gun for recoil and swinging the gun. I have used a miroku mk10 club gun and shot pretty well, and liked the feel of it. So I am interested in a miroku mk10 or miroku mk38. Not worried about pretty or the grade, as long as it works, so probably 2 to 2.5 k budget. What are the pros and cons ??? Doesn't,t seem to be many mk38 sporters in Oz, mainly trap guns, also, I am a lefty and require a true left gun. Any advise would be great, cheers , roy
Posts: 1

Re: Miroku mk10 sporter vs miroku mk38 sporter

Post by Faedy » 05 Jan 2024, 5:48 pm

I'm a lefty and managed to get a left handed mk10.
Bloody love it.
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 245
Western Australia

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