Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Double barrel, side by side, over-under, semi-automatic, straight-pull and lever action shotguns.

Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by mickb » 07 Dec 2024, 8:24 pm

I have only tested single shots before where you can get some sort of accuracy at times out to 40-50 yards but never compared barrels in a SXS. Obviously shotguns arent regulated for slugs and Im curious whether the slugs tend to shoot all ovet the place or cross early etc,
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 07 Dec 2024, 8:34 pm

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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by mickb » 07 Dec 2024, 8:45 pm

yes what mate : D
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bladeracer » 07 Dec 2024, 8:49 pm

mickb wrote:I have only tested single shots before where you can get some sort of accuracy at times out to 40-50 yards but never compared barrels in a SXS. Obviously shotguns aren't regulated for slugs and I'm curious whether the slugs tend to shoot all over the place or cross early etc,

I tested slugs in my under/over but it was early on and I lost the log records. I should really do it again though so I'll try to remember. They were fairly accurate and from memory I don't think they were horrendously off. Unlike shooting the .45Colt Chiappa chamber adapter which from memory had about 500mm difference between the barrels at 25m.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by mchughcb » 07 Dec 2024, 9:10 pm

mickb wrote:I have only tested single shots before where you can get some sort of accuracy at times out to 40-50 yards but never compared barrels in a SXS. Obviously shotguns arent regulated for slugs and Im curious whether the slugs tend to shoot all ovet the place or cross early etc,

Will be okay if you use decent slugs. I use rottweil exact and exact magnum.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 07 Dec 2024, 9:46 pm

mickb wrote:yes what mate : D

Yes I've tried slugs in every sxs shotgun I've owned. Some regulated well and would land slugs within a couple of inches of each other at 50m,others were woeful. You can do things to the crown to bring them closer together though
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Bugman » 08 Dec 2024, 6:01 pm

Tried em once. Bit hard on bunnies at close range.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Blr243 » 30 Dec 2024, 5:09 pm

No but I patterned tested my Adler b230 a couple of days ago. Printing 300 mm spread at 20 yards with a full choke with 27 pellet Winchester shells. That’s perfect for my situation at the moment
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bladeracer » 31 Dec 2024, 3:02 pm

I remembered to take the 30" Stoeger Condor under/over out today. I fired 17 Lee 7/8oz slugs over the chronograph onto paper at 25m.
I forgot that I had removed the rear sight so only had the front bead, and I have the extended turkey chokes in, so that might have an effect.
But at 25m the dispersion between the lower and upper barrels falls within the group size, either barrel will hit a fox in the chest at 25m.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 01 Jan 2025, 2:10 pm

Screenshot_20250101-141206_Facebook.jpg (145.36 KiB) Viewed 4760 times
Screenshot_20250101-141221_Facebook.jpg (142.87 KiB) Viewed 4760 times

Here's my old slug gun with ghost ring sights fitted
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bladeracer » 01 Jan 2025, 2:30 pm

bigpete wrote:

Here's my old slug gun with ghost ring sights fitted

Rifled barrels?
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 01 Jan 2025, 4:43 pm

No,screw in chokes. Each barrel shot around 3" groups at 70m or smaller with federal power shock slugs,and about 4" apart.

In hindsight I shouldn't have sold it...
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bladeracer » 01 Jan 2025, 4:50 pm

bigpete wrote:No,screw in chokes. Each barrel shot around 3" groups at 70m or smaller with federal power shock slugs,and about 4" apart.

In hindsight I shouldn't have sold it...

You're right, that one was a keeper alright :-)
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 01 Jan 2025, 8:31 pm

I KNOW RIGHT .,!!!!!!
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Fester » 02 Jan 2025, 12:13 am

It surprised me how well they went out of the 20" Dicko using 1 size less than the open choke as another bloke found best shooting from a bench using a scope.

I shot a 3 shot group at 20 and 40m, standing, leaning on a pole for extra support.
Both groups had 2 near touching and the flyer not far out.

The red dot stayed as sighted for shot so I think you could shoot them 60 or more with no accuracy issues.
I don't shoot them through the U/O as no real need.
I should give it a go at 60yd to check if they are dropping a bit.

They will do some damage to a deer if you can hit one, imagine the meat loss lol
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New South Wales

Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 02 Jan 2025, 5:28 am

Fester wrote:It surprised me how well they went out of the 20" Dicko using 1 size less than the open choke as another bloke found best shooting from a bench using a scope.

I shot a 3 shot group at 20 and 40m, standing, leaning on a pole for extra support.
Both groups had 2 near touching and the flyer not far out.

The red dot stayed as sighted for shot so I think you could shoot them 60 or more with no accuracy issues.
I don't shoot them through the U/O as no real need.
I should give it a go at 60yd to check if they are dropping a bit.

They will do some damage to a deer if you can hit one, imagine the meat loss lol

There's bugger all meat loss. You'd lose more using a 270
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bladeracer » 02 Jan 2025, 9:11 am

Fester wrote:It surprised me how well they went out of the 20" Dicko using 1 size less than the open choke as another bloke found best shooting from a bench using a scope.

I shot a 3 shot group at 20 and 40m, standing, leaning on a pole for extra support.
Both groups had 2 near touching and the flyer not far out.

The red dot stayed as sighted for shot so I think you could shoot them 60 or more with no accuracy issues.
I don't shoot them through the U/O as no real need.
I should give it a go at 60yd to check if they are dropping a bit.

They will do some damage to a deer if you can hit one, imagine the meat loss lol

The Lee 7/8oz shoots well in the Dickinson for me as well. I recovered one yesterday that caught the side of a dead tree, peeled the bark back, and tucked itself in between without too much damage. I cast these back in 2016 and they are hard so I think I used shot for them rather than soft lead. The very tight turkey chokes tore the shotcups to pieces, and the wad was forced up into the base of the slug.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Fester » 02 Jan 2025, 11:09 am

I would be too scared to use any tighter choke.
I only went 1 tighter than open as this other bloke bench-tested the Dicko extensively.

I did shoot some different brand std-sized slugs and they appeared to shoot well.
They are not cheap so I just collected some boxes for hunting and haven't shot it in that role as yet.
If I took the shotty, I could almost guarantee that I would see deer at 200m.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bladeracer » 02 Jan 2025, 11:33 am

Fester wrote:I would be too scared to use any tighter choke.
I only went 1 tighter than open as this other bloke bench-tested the Dicko extensively.

I did shoot some different brand std-sized slugs and they appeared to shoot well.
They are not cheap so I just collected some boxes for hunting and haven't shot it in that role as yet.
If I took the shotty, I could almost guarantee that I would see deer at 200m.

I should probably inspect the chokes to see if I did them any damage but it seems unlikely.

I think most people just buy the Lee slug mould (1oz or 7/8oz), cast some slugs out of soft lead (like recovered .22LR bullets), buy bulk field loads for about fifty-cents each, tip out the shot and put the slugs in instead - makes for very cheap slug loads.

Same here, it's difficult to make that choice when going out because you know whatever limitation you go with will for sure cost you once you get there :-)
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 02 Jan 2025, 1:30 pm

I find the ⅞oz Lee terrible so far. Its a pity because I bought the mold after hearing how good they were. I even get better results from just round ball.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Jan 2025, 6:09 pm

Mmm, my 1oz was doing ok last I shot it.

How bad?
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Fester » 02 Jan 2025, 7:52 pm

Casting is about all I don't do but it would be good to make slug loads from clay shooting ammo slabs for sure.
I would end up needing to do 30-30 pills as well as powder coating as it's the way to go.
If you have a lead source, it would be worth thinking about it.
Roof workers would get it easily.

I once left my pack in the car and carried the Dicko with my Tikka on the shoulder.
Seen the big mob on the other side about 200 away and had to lay the shotty in the middle of the track so it couldn't be lost, snuck into a position and shot a big doe.
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New South Wales

Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bigpete » 02 Jan 2025, 8:42 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Mmm, my 1oz was doing ok last I shot it.

How bad?

Around a foot at 20m
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South Australia

Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by bladeracer » 02 Jan 2025, 9:11 pm

Fester wrote:Casting is about all I don't do but it would be good to make slug loads from clay shooting ammo slabs for sure.
I would end up needing to do 30-30 pills as well as powder coating as it's the way to go.
If you have a lead source, it would be worth thinking about it.
Roof workers would get it easily.

I once left my pack in the car and carried the Dicko with my Tikka on the shoulder.
Seen the big mob on the other side about 200 away and had to lay the shotty in the middle of the track so it couldn't be lost, snuck into a position and shot a big doe.

I do a lot of .22 shooting so I recover lots of free lead. But for rifle bullets you want hard lead, and the simplest way to get that is to buy hardcast bullets from Cleaver when they're on special and melt those down for casting.

When I was a kid I used to take at least two rifles (centrefire and rimfire) and often a gun as well. After walking for twelve hours or more, more than once I dropped some of them out in the paddocks so I had the strength to walk home, then walked out and recovered them the next morning to do it all over again.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Jan 2025, 9:18 pm

Oh, dear.
I never checked on paper. But hitting a 4 ltr paint can at ummmm IIRC ABT 30 yards just using the bead. Maybe 4 out of 5.

Think I'll take it to the range when I go next. I have about 20 rounds in the ammo locker just waiting patiently.
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Jan 2025, 9:33 pm

bigpete wrote:I find the ⅞oz Lee terrible so far. Its a pity because I bought the mold after hearing how good they were. I even get better results from just round ball.

What was the load?
All I did was:
Load up normally. IIRC 21 gr AS50n
Drop in the plastic wad
Couple of cardboard wads do lift the Lee solid
8 crimp in normal manner.

Edit: gun is an old Stirling single. Choke opened up to about Imp Cyl
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Re: Anyone tested slugs POI in standard SXS guns?

Post by Oldbloke » 23 Jan 2025, 3:49 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
bigpete wrote:I find the ⅞oz Lee terrible so far. Its a pity because I bought the mold after hearing how good they were. I even get better results from just round ball.

What was the load?
All I did was:
Load up normally. IIRC 21 gr AS50n
Drop in the plastic wad
Couple of cardboard wads do lift the Lee solid
8 crimp in normal manner.

Edit: gun is an old Stirling single. Choke opened up to about Imp Cyl

Went to the range Monday.
Shot this out of the old Stirling single barrel. No sights. Just used the front bead.

IMG_20250123_164106.jpg (129.54 KiB) Viewed 1356 times
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