Templeton T2000 question

Double barrel, side by side, over-under, semi-automatic, straight-pull and lever action shotguns.

Templeton T2000 question

Post by Joe J » 25 Jul 2023, 5:55 pm

First off hi guys I'm new to the forum have browsed many times over the years about time I joined.
My question is are there any leftys out there that have shot the Templeton T2000 in the right hand configuration? I'm keen to get one but don't want to pre order one as there next shipment isn't due until late September then it has to clear customs and hit the shops.Been down that road before with the LA105 after waiting over 10 months still wasn't in to the production stage so I got my money back and bought the Tikka tac A1 and never looked back.My concerns with the T2000 is does the ejection go to the side or back at a lefty like most semi auto back in the good old days.cheers
Joe J
Posts: 1

Re: Templeton T2000 question

Post by Weather » 01 Feb 2024, 10:52 am


I'm not a lefty but have shot this gun quite recently, but the shells mostly fly out the side with mine. I say mostly because occasionally it does fly backwards, and if I was a lefty, that would be right in my face. I think how the shells eject will also depend on each indiviual gun as well, but take that with a grain of salt because that is from my very limited understanding of manufacturing tolerances.

I'd say get the left handed version honestly. Its such a fun gun, but I would imagine all of that being undone very quickly if you got hit in the face every time you took a shot, the last thing you want is to be stuck with something you hate, especially seeing as it isn't exactly cheap.

- Weather.
Posts: 2

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