Federal fusion recovered bullets

Calibres, cartridges, ballistics tables and ammunition information.

Federal fusion recovered bullets

Post by Kumaabear » 04 Feb 2019, 12:33 pm

Just curious if anyone has got any pictures of bullets they have recovered from federal fusions used in the field. Or reports on how they performed on game.

My rifle loves them (0.7 MOA), and they seem like a really solid factory hunting ammo choice being a bonded construction boat tail that is fairly affordable.

Posts: 66
New South Wales

Re: Federal fusion recovered bullets

Post by SCJ429 » 04 Feb 2019, 8:22 pm

The Fusion is a proprietary bullet for Federal and seems to have a bit of marketing attached to it. The boat tail design is great if you shoot past 300. What case are you using and what do you intend to shoot?
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
Posts: 3245
New South Wales

Re: Federal fusion recovered bullets

Post by Kumaabear » 05 Feb 2019, 7:47 am

The case is a 30-06

The plan would be to use it for probably anything from goats, pigs and deer up to maybe red deer depending on how they perform for me on smaller stuff first. If I ever get the chance to go after Samba I would likely take some Barns TTSX 168's - 180's either their Vor-Tx stuff or hand loads.

I do realise there is a lot of marketing around them as there is for everything that hasn't been around for 20 years and I never blindly trust marketing alone but its presence doesn't necessarily deter me if I can find supporting experience from people who have tried them :drinks:

They are very accurate out of my rifle and quite affordable $35/box if you buy a case. I managed to find a couple of decent videos that seem to show really good expansion / weight retention, I will link below.

70-75 yds



308 @ 25 yards, not really super realistic hunting distance except maybe in the woods but shows they do hold together close in and still expand further out.


Obviously these videos don't show how it would behave hitting a bone, but seems to act very much like a Accubond as far as performance on gel.

This is why I am curious if anyone here has given them a go on actual game.
Posts: 66
New South Wales

Re: Federal fusion recovered bullets

Post by SCJ429 » 06 Feb 2019, 6:56 am

The 30/06 is capable of shooting the 180 very well and I would say they would do the job on most things you would find in Australia.
Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
Posts: 3245
New South Wales

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