G'Day Fella's,
Thanks for your kind comments and suggestions, JimTom and Tiger650.
In the flesh, there are some things/mistakes I made which you can see, that I now better understand, and hope will not do the same again in the future.........
OK, I have now prepared both the recoil pad and the Butt end of the stock.
I chose a Pachmayr model 200B, Decelerator pad, that were on special, so I bought 3 of them.
You can see how I am in the process of making the inside face of the pad flat (by carefully rubbing it on abrassive paper, placed on a dead flat surface).
If you look just above where my finger is, you can see a shiney area/Low spot, that is still untouched, so I need to do some more sanding, to get this right/flat.

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You also need to do the same to the rear face of the stock/Butt, as well.
What you should do, is use proper wood scrappers, to remove a small amount of wood, from all the center part of the stock, out to just short of the outside edge. I don't have any wood scrappers, so I used my linsher, to basically do the same. No room for slips or mistakes here!

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If you look above, you can see where I have also started to sand flat (by hand), the butt stocks end.
On the Heal of the stock (left side), and the Toe of the stock (right side), you can see where the wood has been removed, and these area's are flat.
The parts in between, around the outside edgen (top and bottom), are lower, and so it still needs some more wood removed/sanded off/down.
If you look where my thumb is in the below image, you can the last Low spot on the edge of the butt.
So I sanded it down a little more, and that job was finished.

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I also rubbed in a couple of coats of Tru Oil, into the bare wood surface of the stocks Butt end, to help seal this area as well.
So with that all done I then worked out where to, and drilled two holes in the Butt, to srew the recoil pad on.
I ment to do a Before and After photo........... but forgot to take the Before image.............. D'oh!........... again!
So here is the After image, with one of the spare Pachmayr pads beside the now fitted, and rough ground to size.

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I ground the slightly oversized pad, down to be slightly bigger than the butt stock, on my linisher.
As you can see above, I wrapped two thicknesses of masking tape around the stock, to give it some protection, whilst doing this task.
Getting close to finishing the outside now.