I have a 1982 BLR 81in 308, with plain timber with an oiled finish.
At times I'm struggling with fliers, couple of inches off on the first shot which isn't a major issue out to about 100 metres but is a pain in the butt at 150 - 200 plus as it isn't a constant.
When I bought the gun the fore-end was almost fully floated and I relieved it a little more so a sheet of notepaper curled into a U shape passed freely between barrel and fore-end(it has a very light barrel BTW). One of my club mates shot it and did the paper trick and it stuck about half way to the receiver so I guess the for-end is warping so I have a couple of queries,
1. Should I relieve the fore-end some more and, when that is done what's the best method for resealing the timber.
2. After doing 1 above should I build up the tip of the fore-end with epoxy to act as a pressure point and then reseal it.
It's worth pointing out that subsequent shots make very compact 100 yards groups.
16 shot group cast 165 grn boolits at approx 1800 fps.
- cast 16 @ 100.jpg (436.05 KiB) Viewed 2836 times