Does anybody have ANY???? idea if a No4 lee enfield magazine can be modified to feed 308, or do I need a dedicated 7.62mag
Please, don`t refer me to some sort of ??
Just your own experiences
Jorlcrin wrote:Is the No.4 .303 magazine a different fit to the No. 1 Mk3 .303 mags?
Does either fit into either?
I dont think I've ever checked.
Must have been a pain in the arse if they are different.
No1Mk3 wrote:Jorlcrin wrote:Is the No.4 .303 magazine a different fit to the No. 1 Mk3 .303 mags?
Does either fit into either?
I dont think I've ever checked.
Must have been a pain in the arse if they are different.
Yes, they are different. Most No1 mags will not lock in to the No4 action, some will.
Jorlcrin wrote:No1Mk3 wrote:Jorlcrin wrote:Is the No.4 .303 magazine a different fit to the No. 1 Mk3 .303 mags?
Does either fit into either?
I dont think I've ever checked.
Must have been a pain in the arse if they are different.
Yes, they are different. Most No1 mags will not lock in to the No4 action, some will.
Well; There ya go!
I had (what I thought was) a SMLE mag here in the house, so cleaned it up and compared it to the variants described and photos online.
If I'm reading it right, turns out this one is a Lee Metford 10-round mag(assuming I have ID correct).
The spring has a hooky section that hinges under the follower, and clips to the front top of the mag.
I have a single Broad Arrow stamped on the upper of the mag follower; just in front of the rear lips.
What I dont understand, is the markings on the spine, and whether they match up:-
One the spine(no rivets) I have a broad arrow at the bottom, and then halfway up the spine, I have what looks to be a crown under crossed scepters,
and then under that, I have 'A4',
and then under that, I have '13'.
Would '13' be Year of Manufacture?
If so, would they have still been making magazines for the Lee Metfords in 1913??
Or is this same mag design being used in some of the SMLE variants?
It seems the more I delve into the dark arts of Lee Enfields, the more confused I get!