by Wyliecoyote » 20 Sep 2024, 9:45 am
I get annoyed at used gun sites where people advertise that their stock for sale is bedded for such and such an action. This does not make it more desirable for sale. In actual fact it makes it less desirable as for me the first thing needed is to rout out the bedding compound used and prep it for new bedding. When an action is bedded into a stock, that bedding is really only good for that action and most likely will be detrimental to a similar actions performance. The objective of bedding is to place the action in as stress free an environment as possible where ideally when the action screws are torqued down there is no measurable movement between stock and barrel at the forend. A simple test of a beddings integrity is to torque down the action screws then alternately release one then the other to see if there is any flex between the barrel and fore end. Any movement beyond a couple of thou is second rate.