At the time I also put a few drops of oil on the fireing pin.
To follow up/check I went to the range today.
More misfires, about 1 in 6-7.
I've measured bump, a bit much, about 0.008"
I'll reduce that.
BA, Marlin xl7
6-7 years old. (Remlin)
Fired about 450 rounds.
S&B primers abt 4 yrs old, till now, no issues.
Rifle is shooting small 5 shot groups. Say,,,20mm @ 100mtrs.
Looks like a weak strike.
After the range session I've stripped the bolt, soaked/washed in kerosene (Not much gunk in there)
and lubed with transmission fluid.
I'm thinking to eliminate the excessive bump as an issue, I will just prime 20 fired cases and try them?
I'll check firing pin putrusion tomorrow.
Rifle is in very good condition.
Any ideas welcome.