Safe Location?

Equipment and accessories for shooting. Safes, firearm storage, bipods, carry cases, slings etc.

Safe Location?

Post by S O K A R » 04 Nov 2023, 2:22 am

Has anyone put a safe in a tin shed long term without issues?
I find the information online conflicting to say the least, some say you can if you have a dehumidifier in the safe, some say you can't or your firearms will rust away and so on
Does anyone have any experiences or know of someone that has done it with success?

The shed in question is quite large (approx 1000m2), looking at potentially putting a safe somewhere in there
Is this something advisable?
Another option is there is a concrete pit built by the previous owner in there (about 2m from the base to the top of the slab), would this potentially be a better location as far as keeping the temperature fluctuations at bay? (Aside from the obvious flooding issue if water gets in there, but given the location that is an extremely unlikely scenario)

Any input appreciated
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Re: Safe Location?

Post by womble » 04 Nov 2023, 2:43 am

You can put a dehumidifier in a safe and there is no reason not to. It’s not necessarily a necessity just depends on the climate there.
Tasmania is not particularly humid but there’s no harm it can do anyway.

You can put the safe in the shed but whether or not that’s advisable depends on your circumstances. Maybe the shed is the most secure location. Maybe it’s not.
Sheds do tend to have a magnetic effect on thieves generally. Relatively low risk burglaries. And their typical contents are easily hocked. In that sense not really advisable.
But as said maybe it’s your best option. Maybe you live in a tent . Maybe a tepee. Maybe your an American Indian that got very lost. I just don’t know. And maybe the shed is full of Rottweilers. Which would also explain the humidity. Again I really don’t know.
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Re: Safe Location?

Post by No1Mk3 » 04 Nov 2023, 1:24 pm

G'day SOKAR,
I know humidity in Northern Tassie, (anywhere from Launie up) is a fair bit higher than Melbourne so I would definitely look at a dehumidifier, also be sure to use a lined safe, not bare metal, even glued carpet is better than a bare metal wall in any case. An unlined shed is certainly subject to higher weather variations than a house or a shed lined with even just sisalation. I doubt the pit will make any difference at all, but if you can make a timber cabinet lined with leftover or even 2nd hand Batts or just a inch or two of polystyrene foam and keep your safe in that, Cheers.
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Re: Safe Location?

Post by deye243 » 05 Nov 2023, 12:59 am

Why would you put firearms in a shed
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Re: Safe Location?

Post by bladeracer » 05 Nov 2023, 1:08 am

deye243 wrote:Why would you put firearms in a shed

Because you spend more time working in the shed than you spend in the house?
Because your internet/phone connection come into the shed?
I'm sure people have other reasons as well.
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Re: Safe Location?

Post by womble » 05 Nov 2023, 4:51 am

Maybe he has a wife and kids, all daughters.
There are certain time frames you really do not want to be in that house.
Probably don’t want the guns in the house either.
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Re: Safe Location?

Post by Die Judicii » 05 Nov 2023, 1:59 pm

My 1st thought was,,,,,,, Are you sure there's enough room in that shed to fit a Safe ??? :lol: :lol:
Wow man,,, a 1,000 sq metres,,, I wish I had a shed that big.
However, to the point of your question/s,,
If in doubt always put in a de humidifier as its cheaper than having all your arms go rusty.
As for the pit, I'd avoid that cos I think any humidity would tend to be worse,, than upstairs on the floor level.
If I had a 1,000 sq metres of shed, I'd look into building a concrete block room inside the shed. Concrete block construction is considered
adequate for a compliant strong room in most states I think.
Just make sure a compliant door is fitted.
And, as others have said, make use of insulation as much as possible.
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Re: Safe Location?

Post by bladeracer » 05 Nov 2023, 3:15 pm

Die Judicii wrote:My 1st thought was,,,,,,, Are you sure there's enough room in that shed to fit a Safe ??? :lol: :lol:
Wow man,,, a 1,000 sq metres,,, I wish I had a shed that big.
However, to the point of your question/s,,
If in doubt always put in a de humidifier as its cheaper than having all your arms go rusty.
As for the pit, I'd avoid that cos I think any humidity would tend to be worse,, than upstairs on the floor level.
If I had a 1,000 sq metres of shed, I'd look into building a concrete block room inside the shed. Concrete block construction is considered
adequate for a compliant strong room in most states I think.
Just make sure a compliant door is fitted.
And, as others have said, make use of insulation as much as possible.

Yeah, 1000m2 is massive. Our biggest shed is 375m2, but it really started as a "double garage" size, then a larger shed up the hill, then a bit in between got enclosed, then another bit until it became one big shed, then another bit was added on the front (and none of the dirt floor ever got levelled, good luck trying to stack anything). I think that's how farm sheds evolved years ago, not many farmers had the capital to just build a 300m2 shed. They'd build as big as they needed at the time, then extend it as they needed more room.

I built an office in the shed, on stumps and insulated. I put the stumps at 900mm centres so I could lay 1800x900mm fibre cement sheets on top of them without needing any timber underneath, then laid joists on top of the FC, filled with batts, then 19mm Yellowtongue on top. Walls are standard timber frame, filled with batts and lined with 19mm YT, ceiling is also 19mm YT. Doors are two thicknesses of YT. Door frames are steel packed with strips of YT to solidify them. I wouldn't consider it a strongroom but it's pretty solid.
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