Doggers castarating boars

Game hunting and large prey. Deer stalking, hunting with hounds. Boar, pigs etc., large prey, culling, hunting large feral animals.

Doggers castarating boars

Post by Blr243 » 31 Oct 2019, 1:24 pm

I have heard that some do this and then release so that the boar forgets about shagging And so he just grows big and fat. It’s done beacause they want to catch big pigs I just had another look at my photos and although one back leg is slightly guarding the area it appears he’s not intact. Surely there should be a great big set of balls hanging out the back. What do u reckon. Have I shot a barrow ( castareted boar ) ?? This would explain his chubby shape
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Blr243 » 31 Oct 2019, 1:26 pm

Forgot photo
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by RoginaJack » 31 Oct 2019, 3:21 pm

Dunno, have a feel around... :lol:
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by bigpete » 31 Oct 2019, 3:32 pm

I've heard about it too hey.
And yeah, I'd expect to see a big set of nuts hanging out the back too...
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Blr243 » 31 Oct 2019, 4:05 pm

Every time I look at the photo he looks wrong. Like a pig kept in a sty with no excerise and an owner who is too generous with grain he gets for free Or you could say he looks like a cattle tick that’s swollen with blood. Doesn’t like he is free range and has to work hard to survive during a drought
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Member-Deleted » 31 Oct 2019, 7:16 pm

There's a couple of reasons people cut boars (1) is they cut them and release them with the chance they catch them again when they're bigger mainly for eating it eliminates the having to feed them they will put on more weight and fat than a boar because they don't compete with the boars and generally grow larger then (2) piggers cut them for bigger trophies and extra weight for the commercial meat box also some weekend warriors catch pigs out west and bring them to the coast and let them go in their own area for sport this is illegal now but its too late the pigs are everywhere Blr243 that big fella would have been good to eat looks like he was nutted young as far doggers cutting pigs i'm not sure of that because what would be to their advantage they'd just shoot them and use them for baits :thumbsup:

Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Strikey » 31 Oct 2019, 8:26 pm

I have met a few doggers who cut the nuts out of Boars, the usual excuse is so they will have something bigger to catch next time out, funny thing they didn't appreciate my thoughts on that :unknown:
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Member-Deleted » 31 Oct 2019, 10:54 pm

Whats these doggers you are talking about ones who hunt dogs or people who hunt pigs with dogs I know a lot of dog hunters who wouldn't even touch a small pig let alone cut it they're no use to them as I said they may shoot them for bait but ones who hunt pigs with dogs is a different matter its beneficial for them as the pigs grow bigger when cut especially when on good tucher and no feed costs a win win situation another thing is a nutted wild pig doesn't get that wild rank taste of a boar their meat tends to be more palatable than a boar

Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by duncan61 » 31 Oct 2019, 11:21 pm

I am aware that some pig hunters that use dogs will keep the piglets and release them in different areas to 'seed' an area.The department of conversation have a heart attack about it
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Blr243 » 01 Nov 2019, 6:01 am

GDB. when I say doggers I mean people who use dogs to hunt pigs ......I’m not referring to men who trap or shoot wild dogs/ dingoes
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Member-Deleted » 01 Nov 2019, 2:53 pm

Thanks Blr243 I thought that may have been the case mate yes there were a lot of pig hunters and roo shooters who took their pigs to the box would cut suckers and let them go for catching later when they were box size a bit like free range farming it was common up here to catch 2 or 3 for a weekend pigging but not common now as they've taken all the meat box trailers away and i'd say most would have been caught and shot some would have been eaten I suppose

Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Blr243 » 01 Nov 2019, 3:27 pm

I was about to say it’s the first one i have ever shot in my life but I did not actually notice till I got home and was looking thru the pics. So prob could have shot many without noticing because even if u do take a photo it’s not normally from the back end and sometimes , actually plenty times no photo just move on
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Member-Deleted » 01 Nov 2019, 4:06 pm

Yes that's true mate it's easy to miss one although when you are doing it all the time once you notice that the pig is carrying a little more weight than the others then you tend to look a little closer :thumbsup:

Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Am88 » 01 Nov 2019, 4:20 pm

I won't say where I'm from but my hometown there was probably 50% of doggers I knew, were catch and release, most of the time without castrating, however it is common, ad it annoys me something chronic. I even had a disagreement with one said dogger, after I should him photo's of a mod of 5 I came across with my .308 one night in the same area he hunts. Rambling on about ruining the spot for him and there would be no pigs left to catch for 'sport' not pest control. I'm sure I know which the farmer appreciated more and I'm sure alot of farmers don't know that people are catching them and letting them go ago either. Havent seen it mentioned yet but we call them Barra's up here, don't know where the name came from but they tend to be quite large and fatter, also the pig comps they have up here have a Biggest Sow, Biggest Boar and Biggest Barra class. Barra's also usually being alot harder to find.
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Blr243 » 01 Nov 2019, 5:06 pm

A grazier at gundy who is also a wool grower told me he despises the castaration of boars mainly because he said then they are more likely to turn into lamb killers
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Member-Deleted » 01 Nov 2019, 7:36 pm

Yes Am88 happens a lot where I live to if the farmers knew the culprits they would loose their nuts to or wouldn't be let back on to the property nearly all piggers here don't harm the smaller pigs or piglets but I've never let one go in my time over the years anything good enough to eat got ate the rest went to the crows but most farmers know it goes on but it's hard to control you'd have to be with the pigger to really know they are doing it unless you find freshly cut suckers after someone had just been on your property which would be a fluke almost zero chance of that happening

Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Member-Deleted » 01 Nov 2019, 7:52 pm

Yes Blr243 a lot of what he said is true but as far as cut pigs being more of a lamb eater well I really don't know I've never had anything to do with sheep but I know where he's coming from I used to worry when my dogs hit a Barra because they normally don't grow tusks as long as boars thus making them slicing machines they do more damage to a dog than a large boar with long tusks but don't get me wrong both are dangerous to dogs but I've had more damage done to my dogs from a big Barra I've caught both boars and Barra and sows will follow a cow ready to calve then snatch it from her either during birth or straight after depending on how much food is around for them

Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by duncan61 » 01 Nov 2019, 9:56 pm

At the dairy farm I lived foxes would chew the teats of cows that had birthed and could not get up.And some f wits have a save the fox campaign.If on;y they had met one.I used to cull our hill block and one afternoon I spotted a 3 small sows and a heap of piglets in the valley.I shot all 3 and hand grabbed 2 piglets.cute little fellas.The farmer told me he had never seen a pig on that block ever so they just show up where they do
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Stix » 01 Nov 2019, 10:08 pm

A chat about castrating pigs eh.. :problem:

.I wish the good for nothin ex pig my daughter once took in had his nuts slashed & tossed into the fire before she met him... :huh:

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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Die Judicii » 02 Nov 2019, 3:38 pm

That practice used to be common place during the 70s and 80s
For a while there they were certainly getting some humungous barrows.
As for those who did it, I cannot offer any reasonings

It seemed to have died out until now that is.
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Blr243 » 02 Nov 2019, 4:04 pm

First time I saw it was my first time dogging ....with some teenage kids. They did it own their own farm when they should have just despatched it. When I asked why they were doing it they said to make it grow big and fat so they can catch a big pig down the track
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Re: Doggers castarating boars

Post by Am88 » 04 Nov 2019, 9:11 am

Yes Am88 happens a lot where I live to if the farmers knew the culprits they would loose their nuts to or wouldn't be let back on to the property nearly all piggers here don't harm the smaller pigs or piglets but I've never let one go in my time over the years anything good enough to eat got ate the rest went to the crows but most farmers know it goes on but it's hard to control you'd have to be with the pigger to really know they are doing it unless you find freshly cut suckers after someone had just been on your property which would be a fluke almost zero chance of that happening

Same here. I didn't mention that, Ive also been dogging when I haven't had a rifle with me, and all four dogs hit up the one big Boar and leave the other sows and suckers alone to roam off freely, drives me nuts, all they want now is to put photo's of the biggest pigs they can on instagram or facebook to show how good of a hunter they are, knowing that the rest of the bloody mob that was with it are now off back doing what they do. Dog Followers I call em :lol:
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