Very dull field report

Game hunting and large prey. Deer stalking, hunting with hounds. Boar, pigs etc., large prey, culling, hunting large feral animals.

Very dull field report

Post by Blr243 » 20 Mar 2020, 9:28 pm

Saw a couple of daytimefoxes this morning on the drive to my hunting block Set up mucked around. I needed to do a pre gun check with my new kayak. I wanted to test my dog in the kayak first to see it was Not going to be a total wet disaster He was coaxed into the back section ( storage bay ) without too much trouble and he seemed to sit still the whole time ... I paddled a bit up and down the river negotiating some fallen trees. I was nervous prior to this outing that he might kick off into the river and upset the balance to the point where I end up in the river too that was all good .... then at night I headed of on the quad to a reliable spot but all was quiet and at 930 pm I had had enough so I cruised on home to the hut. It’s usually impossible not to see pigs on this place ..I also saw no Roos, hares cats or foxes. Just one field mouse ....and the mozzies were brutal ... I’ll camp for the moment and then try again at 3 am to see what I can find. In the coming week I think the beaurio has predicted tomorrow as being the hottest day , so I think I really need to spend a couple of hours with my dog and rifle up and down the river in the kayak to see if I can find pigs watering If I can shoot without my dog jumping into the river or we can sneak up onto pigs without him getting so excited that he dives off and gives chase then it could be a good thing. We will see
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Re: Very dull field report

Post by Wm.Traynor » 21 Mar 2020, 2:11 pm

Thanks for reporting and good luck :thumbsup: :)
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Re: Very dull field report

Post by Blr243 » 21 Mar 2020, 3:24 pm

Thanks wm. When my alarm went of at 230 am this morning instead of swearing at it and going back to bed I surprised myself by gearing up and scooting over to the paddocks for a look , bugger all on the cult so I wandered over to the neighbours cattle yards but bugger all was happening there so I came back to the hut and had a snooze Then just after noon today I tried to get to the preferred part of the river to launch the kayak but the soft moist black soil in certain areas looked too scary so I went to another part that I could access safely .... I’m not quite ready yet to paddle with dog and expensive thermal scope so I though the Adler in the kayak and off we went. Deisel behaved himself and we stayed dry but no pigs were seen on that stretch So resting now .. Tonight I’m hesitant to sit and wait on the edge of the cultivation so I’m going to grab my new water proof boots and mini back pack , dog and walk into the wind to wherever it takes me ... there’s a new water point and sort of watercourse area that I want to investigate now that we have had so much rain I want to check it out and see what’s on offer there ... it’s also a major traffic route for the pigs travelling from the thick reeds to one of their favourite crops. I’ve seen and shot pigs in there before ...I think it was the first place I used the app on my phone to call a couple of boars out of the reeds. I have also seen rub marks on a tree there nearly a metre high. That’s way bigger than any pig I have ever seen. I think there’s a fair bit of back arching going on when they rub that high. Every time I walk past that rub I want to measure it but not exactly carrying a tape measure. I’ll try a piece of string that will do
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Re: Very dull field report

Post by Die Judicii » 21 Mar 2020, 5:48 pm

Blr243 wrote: I have also seen rub marks on a tree there nearly a metre high. That’s way bigger than any pig I have ever seen. I think there’s a fair bit of back arching going on when they rub that high. Every time I walk past that rub I want to measure it but not exactly carrying a tape measure. I’ll try a piece of string that will do

You've always got a "tape measure" with you.
How do you think the Egyptians got on ???
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
I've come to realize that,,,,, the two most loving, loyal, and trustworthy females in my entire life were both canines.
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Re: Very dull field report

Post by Blr243 » 21 Mar 2020, 6:32 pm

I heard about a Stanley tape measure found in an Egyptian tomb. And I don’t believe cigarette papers can’t fit between their rocks. Complete total garbage
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Re: Very dull field report

Post by Wm.Traynor » 21 Mar 2020, 7:04 pm

Good luck with Diesel, BLR, he might need a settling in period :)
Re the rub marks
Yowies, Bunyips :lol:
Good Hunting mate :thumbsup:
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
Posts: 1659

Re: Very dull field report

Post by Blr243 » 21 Mar 2020, 9:00 pm

In keeping Will the dull , boring nature of my latest action packed adventure, I headed out in the Ute tonight , ( thank god its 4 wd or I wood be sleeping in the swamp with a million mozzies) gotta go dog is freaking out
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Re: Very dull field report

Post by Elmer » 22 Mar 2020, 10:48 am

Blr243 wrote:Saw a couple of daytimefoxes this morning on the drive to my hunting block Set up mucked around. I needed to do a pre gun check with my new kayak. I wanted to test my dog in the kayak first to see it was Not going to be a total wet disaster He was coaxed into the back section ( storage bay ) without too much trouble and he seemed to sit still the whole time ... I paddled a bit up and down the river negotiating some fallen trees. I was nervous prior to this outing that he might kick off into the river and upset the balance to the point where I end up in the river too that was all good .... then at night I headed of on the quad to a reliable spot but all was quiet and at 930 pm I had had enough so I cruised on home to the hut. It’s usually impossible not to see pigs on this place ..I also saw no Roos, hares cats or foxes. Just one field mouse ....and the mozzies were brutal ... I’ll camp for the moment and then try again at 3 am to see what I can find. In the coming week I think the beaurio has predicted tomorrow as being the hottest day , so I think I really need to spend a couple of hours with my dog and rifle up and down the river in the kayak to see if I can find pigs watering If I can shoot without my dog jumping into the river or we can sneak up onto pigs without him getting so excited that he dives off and gives chase then it could be a good thing. We will see

...did you shoot the mouse? :lol:
Posts: 727
South Australia

Re: Very dull field report

Post by Blr243 » 22 Mar 2020, 12:15 pm

I see mice in my scope most nights Because of the small heat signature I only see mice inside 50 metres ... not real sure of my trajectory at close range And if I shot im not sure I would know if I hit it or not .... but I did sneak up andpat one on the head one night ... I thought it was a nice experience but the mouse was unimpressed and eventually sprang up into the air and ran away
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Re: Very dull field report

Post by Blr243 » 22 Mar 2020, 12:29 pm

And now if I may continue to whinge and moan about my slow hunting trip .... last night I took the Ute and attempted to get to an area to hunt but the ground was way too soft so I pulled up an reassessed my options ..... I decided to walk into the area knowing it would take me longer but I had all night. But I found deep sucking mud and I sunk almost to my knees and briefly wondered if the earth was going to consume my entire body Is death from quick sand real or only in the movies ? A bugger of a way to go. I walked bac to my Ute and then walked to another track but it too became impassable..... that’s when I noticed a solo boar trotting into the neighbours. I had no permission to enter that paddock on this trip so I allowed him to continue feeding Un disturbed A little disheartened I headed back to camp for an early night At some stage between then and now I have been thinking about another paddock that I can get my Ute two. I can access this paddock from a number of locations with my Ute or quad without fear of getting bogged. Hopefully after resting today I can give it a thorough work over tonight on foot with my dog. A bit of planning and looking on google maps might put me in position for a dry walk into the wind
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