by Oldbloke » 02 Sep 2024, 8:33 pm
SSAA Announcement.
New Game Regulations announced
The Victorian Government has released its decisions on the review of the Wildlife (Game) Regulations ahead of them being presented to the Governor in Council for approval tomorrow.
The intent of the Regulatory Impact Statement process was for proposals to be tested with the community ahead of final regulations being made. We are pleased to report that, whilst not all our arguments were ultimately successful, this process has worked, and the submissions made on the Regulatory Impact Statement were apparently considered properly and on merit.
Key decisions include:
Not to mandate a transition away from lead-based ammunition for deer hunting
Whilst we accepted that there is merit in avoiding lead-based products where this is feasible, SSAA Victoria was able to put forward a detailed and compelling case that there would also be negatives associated with any change and that a transition at this time would be unwarranted and counterproductive. We are pleased that the Government has taken SSAA Victoria’s advice on board and decided not to proceed with this proposal. The Government will examine this issue more holistically in the future but has said a firm no to a ban on lead projectiles in these regulations.
To proceed with an immediate ban on lead ammunition for quail hunting
This was one of the Government’s commitments as a part of its decision to continue with duck and quail hunting. SSAA Victoria argued for a staged transition. We will now focus on making sure that hunters are as ready as they can be for the change.
To allow the use of handheld thermal during the day
To regulate a Wednesday opening and an 8 am start for the first five days of the duck season.
SSAA Victoria put the case for a more nuanced approach, but that argument was unsuccessful.
To prohibit electronic callers for quail but continue to allow them for ducks.
SSAA Victoria has long supported the prohibition on acoustic quail callers but argued strongly against a similar prohibition on electronic duck callers – the two are not comparable.
To keep hog deer checking stations in place for 2025 with a likely change ahead of the 2026 season.
Our understanding is that there will be a transition away from checking stations when the alternative process is robust. SSAA Victoria’s stated concern was not with a change but with the potential for unintended consequences. The Association welcomes this sensible pause.
To consider allowing extra hound breeds in the future.
The Victorian Hound Hunters put forward an excellent proposal, which SSAA Victoria threw our weight behind. We are pleased that this remains on the agenda.
To keep Australasian (Blue Winged) Shoveler as a “game” species, but to have no open season for them.
SSAA Victoria argued for a more nuanced approach that would have allowed a sustainable seasonal harvest, but we are pleased that Shoveler has not been removed from the game list - this decision will enable the Game Management Authority to continue critical research into this species.
In making its decision, the Government has also rejected several proposals put forward by anti-hunting activist groups, including:
Mandating a maximum shooting distance
Abolishing junior hunting licences (setting the minimum age for hunters at eighteen)
Banning all hunting with dogs
Introducing a special permit for so-called “wildlife rescuers”
Introducing mandatory I.D. tags for hunters
Banning bowhunting
SSAA Victoria members can be proud of the leading role that their Association played in this process, and the Association thanks members for engaging so actively on this issue and thanks the Government for consulting genuinely with the community.
SSAA Victoria will continue to lead the charge to grow hunting opportunities and to push back against the constant attacks on hunting from animal rights extremists
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
Member. SFFP, Shooters Union.
SSAA, the powerful gun lobby.
Hunt safe.
A bit more bang is better.