This theory shot down in flames

Game hunting and large prey. Deer stalking, hunting with hounds. Boar, pigs etc., large prey, culling, hunting large feral animals.

Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Die Judicii » 10 Jan 2020, 8:55 pm

Blr243 wrote:Ferris what projectiles are u useing in your creed more and what weight please? I ask because I have only ever shot pigs broadside and with 223 and 243. In about ten days I’m heading out with my 303 to my best spot I was going to load 150 Speer soft points but might grab some 180 as well. And when u are shooting them from behind are most or all of them dropping on the spot. ? I don’t want to be just slowing them down and having to finish them off Do u think 150 weight is ok or will the 180 weight be more reliable at ensureing full destruction of vitals. Any one else feel free to pitch in too. I never used big cals before

:lol: :lol:
A 375 H+H Magnum up the rear tunnel should pull em up without any drama.
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Member-Deleted » 10 Jan 2020, 9:19 pm

Yeah DJ it'll turn um inside out and they'll run back to you :thumbsup: :lol: :drinks:

Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Member-Deleted » 10 Jan 2020, 10:00 pm

There's nothing written in stone on how animals will react to scent or sight. I have found it mostly depends on the needs of the animal and how much scent is emitted from you on the day. if an animal is hungry, thirsty and desperate then it will take risks to a point similar to the animals in Africa crossing rivers full of crocks .I've had dogs walk up to within mtrs even though I was up wind of them they had to have smelt me but wanted water. also I've sat quietly on the bank of a creek and had roos come down to drink also within mtrs animals that are thirsty, hungry, starving and tired will tolerate a lot of dangerous things to survive . but on saying that I have also had healthy animals, pigs, dogs ,goats, wild cattle and cats all in a good season and some even walked up the track I had just walked up so '' Why'' truly I don't know its one of those things that just happens this is why I always say don't under estimate them they will come up with the most unexpected thing . but most times they are creatures of habit just that sometimes they'll alter it . my advice would be ,Try and do the down wind thing because it's the practical thing to do and is proven in most cases except in a few instances .scent is something that really works at close quarters depending on the animal I've heard deer will pick you up at a distance so it would be one to take care with . dogs I've shot them from distance 200-300yds but scent wasn't an issue but if they had been closer then it may have been. the scent problem comes when you are chasing rogue animals like dogs not so much pigs but cattle yes they seem to be in a heightened alert stage not like something that's just moving around. Thing is just keep doing what's giving you the results . You must be doing something right because you're getting them . so well done you all :thumbsup: BUT! Dam you, dam you, dam you :lol: :lol: :lol: i'm stuck at home with 2 crook legs and can't walk around too much results of hopeless surgeons, so I've just found out :violin: :violin: :silent:

Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Ferrisweil » 10 Jan 2020, 10:16 pm

Hey mate. Me personally, I don’t go in for that whole “load a 300gr projectile and smash them” philosophy. I’ve seen pigs hit with a .22 and drop and I’ve seen them hit with 180gr pills and Still runs away, so for me, it’s more about shot placement.
In my 308 I run the OSA 135gr Hp’s and what a great little round they are. I’ve dropped some massive pigs and I wasn’t using 180gr pill. Have pigs run away on them? Yup, but you find me a person on here who shoots pigs and drops them every single time on the spot and there’s a liar for you. Everyone misses “vitals” at some point or another, regardless of the pill.
I chose 6.5 for a very particular reason, that being for the sh&thouse eye relief/recoil on the thermal scopes so while it’s not my personal preference as a calibre for pigs, (I love my 308) it still performs the job really well.
There’s people on here who will prolly get their back up about taking shots at animals on the run for “ethical” reasons but honestly, the farmers where I go would laugh at us if we only hit only 1 pig at a time out of a mob. You do the best ya can and finish off any wounded animals as quickly as possible.
So to answer your original question, digital scopes like the Trail allow you to run a variety of zeros as I’m sure you’re aware. I have 3 profile zeroes at moment. I’ve got a 90gr zero if I’m out chasing foxes, dogs or culling roos (but I’d use my 22-250 for that more), I’ve a zero on a 120gr hornady supervarmint, This is a lovely load to use on the thermal scope and my rifle seems to produce good groups with it. It shoots so well. It’s the main round I use on the thermal and is a great all rounder. I’ve also got a zero for a 140gr pill and I only use that zero at one particular farm as there is a MONSTER pig there we’ve been chasing for a while now. We’ve shot smaller than him there that have weighed in at 130 and he makes them look small, so I use a bit bigger pills whenever I’m at that spot.
If you’re going to a spot with a few pigs, pick your first pig and hit him to drop him. (Behind the ear is good and also behind front leg of course - you know all this) Once they’re running, just hit them anywhere. Remember to lead your shots of course. We’re very conscious of the background and where misses will be going. Soon as you hear that “thud”, pick your next target.
I hope this helps a bit. Sorry for being long winded and as I said, I know not everyone is into running shots but i can’t see how you can be a pig shooter and NOT take running shots.

Here’s a picture of a good lead shot taken from a video I took a few weeks ago. This pig was hooking along at a fast rate at about 60-70m I reckon. This is the frame before i took the shot. Wish I could put vids on here and you’d see the result.
85D5A660-941E-43BB-95C8-9A9A29A0E7CF.png (2.78 MiB) Viewed 3904 times
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Die Judicii » 10 Jan 2020, 11:19 pm

Ferrisweil wrote:Hey mate. Me personally, I don’t go in for that whole “load a 300gr projectile and smash them” philosophy.

I chose 6.5 for a very particular reason, that being for the sh&thouse eye relief/recoil on the thermal scopes

Hey there Ferrisweil,,,,
Just in case it is me that you are referring to with the 300gr projectiles,,,,,,,,,,, I was only jesting when I posted that comment.

And re the sh&thouse eye relief/recoil on thermal scopes, I see and understand what you mean,,,,,,,, and that is one reason why
I chose the particular thermal that I use. It has none of those issues,,,, in fact I do use it occasionally on the 375 Mag.

:drinks: :friends:
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Ferrisweil » 10 Jan 2020, 11:22 pm

Hey DJ. Wasn’t referring to you at all mate. I know plenty of people that use 180gr and have done myself. Was just me making a sweeping statement that you hear about people using big grains regularly....
Which thermal you using again?
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Die Judicii » 10 Jan 2020, 11:52 pm

Ferrisweil wrote:Hey DJ. Wasn’t referring to you at all mate. I know plenty of people that use 180gr and have done myself. Was just me making a sweeping statement that you hear about people using big grains regularly....
Which thermal you using again?

Check yer Mailbox shortly Mate.
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Blr243 » 11 Jan 2020, 3:13 pm

Thanks men for taking the time to post your experience s. I bought a box of 180 speers this morning. Mon or tue I will have time to do some accuracy testing with different loads in the 150 and 180. Then I’m back in the field on jan 22 so I will post my results Sorry for interruption of your topic D.J. I’m sure u don’t mind I always was a random rambler new high seat that I’m making is taking shape I will post a pic of it when it’s set up on the dam I have a new motto...... It’s too hot to work but never to hot to hunt
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Die Judicii » 11 Jan 2020, 5:43 pm

Blr243 wrote:Thanks men for taking the time to post your experience s. I bought a box of 180 speers this morning. Mon or tue I will have time to do some accuracy testing with different loads in the 150 and 180. Then I’m back in the field on jan 22 so I will post my results Sorry for interruption of your topic D.J. I’m sure u don’t mind I always was a random rambler new high seat that I’m making is taking shape I will post a pic of it when it’s set up on the dam I have a new motto...... It’s too hot to work but never to hot to hunt

You do realize of course that you are not allowed to take it out field,,,, till after it's been
inspected and passed Occ Health & Safety standards by an independent authority on "high seats"
:lol: :lol:
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I've come to realize that,,,,, the two most loving, loyal, and trustworthy females in my entire life were both canines.
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Blr243 » 11 Jan 2020, 6:18 pm

I met a bloke once who did lots of stuff that was not necessarily correct and when asked if he was worried about the law he said that his entire family has this special licence that allows them to do Anything anytime any where I thought it was a brilliant idea so I got one of those licences too now it’s the best thi g I ever did ( and it never expires ) I got tek screws and duct tape So the hi seat safety is covered and certified..... I think the pigs cats and foxes are going to hate it
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Blr243 » 11 Jan 2020, 6:21 pm

D.J. do u really have a 375 h and h. ? And do u ever use it. ? It must boot like hell
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by GQshayne » 11 Jan 2020, 7:09 pm

BLR, I reckon the only difference that would matter with a 150 or 180 will be construction. If the lighter projectile will give better trajectory I would pick that, in a suitable construction. Nothing special needed in that size, so a Hot Cor or something would be fine. As you well know, a .243 will drop a big pig, so the 30 cal will do a job with a 150 I reckon. My 2c anyway.
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Blr243 » 11 Jan 2020, 8:57 pm

Go shayne. Thank you for your contribution, Every bit of information / experience all adds up to assist me with my choices and reloading I’m Looking fwd to being in the field again
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Die Judicii » 12 Jan 2020, 2:38 am

Blr243 wrote:D.J. do u really have a 375 h and h. ? And do u ever use it. ? It must boot like hell

:lol: Do ya wanna try it on for size Mate ?
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I've come to realize that,,,,, the two most loving, loyal, and trustworthy females in my entire life were both canines.
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Blr243 » 12 Jan 2020, 6:26 am

Yes ok. One day on the way home from a hunt ,,,,standing position not lying prone. And pref with a recoil pad
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Die Judicii » 12 Jan 2020, 1:33 pm

Blr243 wrote:Yes ok. One day on the way home from a hunt ,,,,standing position not lying prone. And pref with a recoil pad

:lol: :lol: :lol:

How about "seated" in the high seat ???
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
I've come to realize that,,,,, the two most loving, loyal, and trustworthy females in my entire life were both canines.
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by Blr243 » 12 Jan 2020, 2:04 pm

First I must secure the tops of the hi seat with steel cables at 45 degrees attached to steel pickets drivin into the ground .....I have so little experience with big guns that I’ll prob do this with my 303 anyway .. better to be safe than flat on my back unable to move and wondering how long before the pigs start chewing on me
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Re: This theory shot down in flames

Post by GQshayne » 12 Jan 2020, 5:21 pm

Blr243 wrote:Go shayne. Thank you for your contribution, Every bit of information / experience all adds up to assist me with my choices and reloading I’m Looking fwd to being in the field again

I forgot when I wrote my last post, but my father and I both used 30CAL, 150 grainers for a long time. In the old 30/30, he had a Marlin 336 and I had a 94 Winchester. Just normal lead core and nothing special. In the .303 they should work even better.
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