Apollo wrote:Thanks mate, I might have to have a dabble at 500 & 800m out at that tree we ranged.
Next I'll have to find is how big the 6 ring is at various ranges. I found some info but not sure if it's right. At 500m, Super V 72mm and 6 Ring 145mm. That's a lot bigger than our "500m Fly Target" with it's 10 Score Ring at 46mm. So those 1.5-2.5" 5 shot groups at 500m would score well if they were on center. Sounds like fun.
Edit... BTW, is this "Best Edge" where touching/breaking the line brings the higher score.
And I realise it is not "Group" so no extra points for best grouping. Pity.
Oh how many variations of shooting targets there are out and about but it all makes you a better hunter as well by improving your skills.
all the rules are here
http://www.nraa.com.au/wp-content/uploa ... ers-2b.pdf and chapter 6 covers scoring and chapter 13 covers targets and the ring dimentions for different distances
13.1.3 Target Dimensions – for Imperial Yard Ranges
MODIFIED ICFRA Distances in Yards All Dimensions in millimetres
Yards Appendix Aim Super V
(X) Centre Bull Inner Magpie Outer Hit (Score 1)
300y 560 32 65 130 260 390 560 ROT – 1200x1200
400y D3.1 746 43 86 173 346 520 746 ROT – 1200x1200
500y 915 65 130 260 600 915 1320 ROT – 1800x1800
600y 915 72 145 290 600 915 1320 ROT – 1800x1800
700y D3.1 1000 80 160 320 660 1000 1320 ROT – 1800x1800
800y 1120 127 255 510 815 1120 1830 ROT – 2400Wx1800H
900y 1120 127 255 510 815 1120 1830 ROT – 2400Wx1800H
1000y 1120 127 255 510 815 1120 1830 ROT – 2400Wx1800
i'm not up to date with the scoring ring sizes as it has undergone some changes since i shot it, seems having half the field within a few points of each other required smaller scoring rings to sort the wheat from the chaff LOL
edit: i have pasted the table showing target info but the formatting is rubbish LOL
at 800y it seems the X ring (6 points) is 5" or 127mm, pretty achievable if you take shooter error, enviromental conditions, bull ants, random load errors and anything else that can be blamed for not putting every shot in the same hole at 800y LOL