Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Bolt action rifles, lever action, pump action, self loading rifles and other miscellaneous longarms.

Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Baronvonrort » 23 Apr 2015, 3:08 pm

A gun is a tool so I require a few tools.

I have more than 1 hammer as well,sledge,5lb,claw,skutch and rubber-wooden hammers, each is suited for it's job.
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by bluerob » 23 Apr 2015, 6:54 pm

1290 wrote:Anyone that understands anything about ballistics, basics your mind should be capable of assemling with logic (small bullets-small things, lots of small bullets flying things, big bullets-big things, biger bullets bigger things, fast, slow) and firearms (rifles / shotguns) generally will have no issue grasping the concept of why an individual interested in a diverse array of shooting activities, will by necessity require different firearms, sometimes multiples in the same configuation and/or chambering....Want to shoot fast moving flying or running things, whether animals or not, you probably need at least one shotgun. Want to shoot further out or less mobile targets, you'll start with a 22 rimfire then further than a reasonable distance or size, a centrefire is necessary. Want to hunt medium stuff, bigger stuff... there's a reason why there exist a multitude of different firearm types and chamberings commonly within the range of 0.17 up to 0.51calibre. also smaller/bigger.....

Most reasonably intelligent people, whether or not golfers, would understand the golfing analogy maybe they've seen the news reports of the drive, with a longer heavier club... seen the chip from the bunker with the wedgey shaped thing... the putting, the stuff in the middle with the other clubs and of course the guy or girl lugging the bag with a dozen or so different club.....yet golfer arent asked why?........ so those people cant use a reasonable amount of intelligence to figure out the parallel / association, and why maybe more than 1 gun is required?

So what I'm saying is that anyone who asks "why you need" or states that "you don't need more than one" or even 2 firearms, is displaying a great level of ignorance in the basics of shooting and firearms....and golf...that doesnt deserve a response other than a suggestion to possibly learn a few thing about shooting then come back and ask if you have any further questions (by that stage they may even wish to have a go!!).

Any suggestion by the Greens that individuals should be limited to 3 or 2 or 1 firearm, is simply a step in their Fabian (google it, go on) conquest of the firearm question, that means slowly but surely they seek to achieve their objective of total disarmament. The INTERMEDIATE step is gun-control, controlling the number, ultimately, disarming. Hence the United Nation has an office of disarmament, not an office of gun-control


The Office promotes:
........Disarmament efforts in the area of conventional weapons, especially landmines and small arms......

Make no mistake what the objectives are, 3 months ago the global arms trade treaty was finally ratified after years of global negotiation. The treaty requires national legislation to be implemented!!, and now we hear rumours of committees calling for national changes..oh but its only global transfers, right....I say buckle up.

I think that once shooters feel the need to justify multiple firearm (except where necessitated by law, on a PTA) it demonstrate a certain level surrender to the gungrabbers...dont give in by floundering for an answer.

We all need to pay attention to these treaties entered into, what they are using as a trojan horse to bring in tougher firearm law - terrorism-. We need to keep on top of what our respective state police ministers are discussing at their love fest, previously known as the APMC (Australasian police ministers council) infamously known for the 1996 National Firearms Agreement, now the 'Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management'.... I beleive the MCPEM has recommended changes at the recent COAG (premiers and Prime Minister love-in) hence the SFP 'disclosure'......

I'd like to know more about the Transpacific Partnership, but, nothing available - and people say there's nothing to worry about :roll:
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by 1290 » 23 Apr 2015, 9:19 pm

The TPP is being negotiated behind closed doors between select parliamentary reps, with no doubt major global corporate input - a major part of it is the multinationals ability to SUE our government if a decision or change in law harms there business..... and we're on board with this!!!

Other members of parliament have complained about being kept in the dark.... to no avail. It will however be revealed once the treaty is in its final negotiated form and ready for parliamentary debate....

Go to wiki leaks, if you can bear reading the treasonous disgusting contents of just the ISPs and copyright....... then you'll understand why our representatives were so eager to run the metadata laws thru!!! If they agree to that stuff, they have really let us down, and fed us to the lions..
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Gwion » 23 Apr 2015, 9:44 pm

a/ because i want to
b/ because i'm a law abiding person
c/ because i'm not hurting anyone
d/ because i'm not devastating native wildlife
e/ because one wont sort out all my shooting needs
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by cooker » 24 Apr 2015, 8:40 am

Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Because NZ laws let me have better toys :P :lol:

Sorry :P
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by 1290 » 24 Apr 2015, 11:06 am

cooker wrote:
Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Because NZ laws let me have better toys :P :lol:

Sorry :P

We hate you :evil:
.....though our constitution still says you're a brother :D
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Bourt » 26 Apr 2015, 9:13 pm

Don't apologize, make the most of it mate :thumbsup:
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Walt68 » 28 Apr 2015, 9:40 pm

.22 WMR for making sure I get ethical kills on small game.
.338 WM for making sure I get ethical kills on big game in Australia.
12 Gauge for making sure I get ethical kills on waterfowl and pigs in close country.
All my firearms are for putting food on the table in the most ethical efficient manner.
May get an air rifle to practice my marksmanship principles.
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Northern Territory

Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Tonit » 29 Apr 2015, 9:19 am

bentaz wrote:I don't fish or golf and as such think they should be banned, if not, those criminals that do should be restricted to only one "golf bat" and they can use it for fishing as well! :lol:

Hooks are sharp, people have been killed with golf balls.

That's all the reason we need to ban things as demonstrated elsewhere :problem:
.22-250 Howa Thumbhole Varminter + Weaver Classic 4-20x50
.308 Howa Hunter + Weaver Classic 2-10x50
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Faedy » 11 Jun 2024, 11:47 pm

Wow, while researching 375 Ruger, I stumbled upon this..
How things have accelerated in 10 yrs..
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by bigrich » 12 Jun 2024, 4:14 am

Faedy wrote:Wow, while researching 375 Ruger, I stumbled upon this..
How things have accelerated in 10 yrs..

Can you elaborate on how things have accelerated please?
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by wrenchman » 12 Jun 2024, 9:07 am

I myself think why should you have to tell anyone why if you re not hurting anyone or breaking any laws with the gun it is fine to have as many as you want and just because you want it should be good
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by bigrich » 12 Jun 2024, 10:09 am

wrenchman wrote:I myself think why should you have to tell anyone why if you re not hurting anyone or breaking any laws with the gun it is fine to have as many as you want and just because you want it should be good

I agree
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by bigpete » 12 Jun 2024, 12:33 pm

MeccaOz wrote:Laffin I mean I know I prolly should should have put it better. I just wanted to know what and why you chose what you did

Me - example
308 bolt action : everything from dogs to Donkeys
.22 lever action : rabbits, the odd fox
.357 lever action: pigs in tight bush
9mm semi: IPSC
303 bolt: Nostalgia

And remember Im not your wife, so all answers are perfectly valid lol

See English isn't so hard
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by on_one_wheel » 12 Jun 2024, 10:02 pm

Because who would head out for a game of golf with one one club ?
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by straightshooter » 13 Jun 2024, 8:41 am

Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm?

So far most direct responses to that question have been defensively self justifying.
Why so?
Do those responders realize they have immediately placed themselves in a defensive situation and the inquisitor thus has the upper hand?
My terse response, depending on exactly how such a question may be framed or how accusatively the question may be asked, would be:
a) What's it to you?
b) Who are you to question what I may or may not own?
c) Do I ask you to justify your ownership of anything?
d) Because I can.

However if the question came from, say, my wife then the answer would of necessity be far more conciliatory and diplomatic and might possibly contain the words bargain and investment.
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about."
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by drone » 14 Jun 2024, 12:59 am

I have 6 and only one is really an extravagance, 22 ruger 10/22, Ruger #3 223, Rossi R92 357, Win 94 30/30, Browning BLR 81 in 308 and my extravagance is a savage mod 99 from 1918 in 22 sav hi power, plus 3 shotguns.
I'm getting on a bit now, and my mobility is limited so most of my hunting is paper or silhouette shooting plus at least once a week on the indoor range with the 22 auto and 357.
I shoot cast in all the guns except for the 3 22 calibres as I managed to buy up a 1000 barnes varmint grenades for the 223 and about 800 jacketed for the 22 Savage.
In an ideal world I'd like a couple more,a 25/06 and a big bore lever gun like an 1886 miroku winchester in 45/70 but I won't hold my breath while I ponder it.
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Peterwho » 14 Jun 2024, 9:12 pm

bigrich wrote:
Faedy wrote:Wow, while researching 375 Ruger, I stumbled upon this..
How things have accelerated in 10 yrs..

Can you elaborate on how things have accelerated please?

In my case, I accelerated from 0 to .177, .22 pellet, 17hmr, 22lr, 222, 243, 6.5x55 (x2), 25-06, 270, 303-270, 7mm rem mag, 308, 9.3x62, 404j, 12g

As to why, I can I could I did and it was fun
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by bigrich » 15 Jun 2024, 6:06 am

Peterwho wrote:
bigrich wrote:
Faedy wrote:Wow, while researching 375 Ruger, I stumbled upon this..
How things have accelerated in 10 yrs..

Can you elaborate on how things have accelerated please?

In my case, I accelerated from 0 to .177, .22 pellet, 17hmr, 22lr, 222, 243, 6.5x55 (x2), 25-06, 270, 303-270, 7mm rem mag, 308, 9.3x62, 404j, 12g

As to why, I can I could I did and it was fun

With regards to accelerating, I thought faedy was referring to the legal situation and was asking for clarification on his post. For me, the cost of running my rifles is becoming a consideration. I would like to build up a 35 whelen, but the cost of projectiles is getting expensive. It’d be used in comps as well as in the field. But I’ve gone full circle and come back to 308 as an all rounder cause it’s very accurate, affordable and works well on all the medium game I encounter. Scratching around in the bush looking for 6.5x55 brass was annoying. I’ve owned exotic calibers and made brass for them, but keeping things simple and affordable is also a consideration. I do comps as well as hunting, and am a history buff my collection reflects this. I have a krico 22lr with the two stage match trigger ( looks just like a weihrauch hw66), early rem 700 madco barrel 222, tikka t3 223 in b&c stock, rem 700 in 250 savage, late 60’s musgrave 308 FN commercial action, and my sporterised 1880 303 martini. This is a smaller collection than I used to have, with the exception of the martini, they are multi purpose in their use. If I had the finances to own more I would. Especially stuff with a historical nature. This is what suits me if other folks want to collect more I can’t see a problem. But the powers that be think more guns is dangerous . I can see that limits on how many we can own will creep in eventually. A collector license may be a way around this. I know of a dealer in the Brisbane valley who has a collection of over 900 hundred pristine milsurps in a specially converted shipping container. Custom built racks and climate control, it was a magical thing to see. You name it , he had it . Just my humble thoughts and opinions. Have a great day fellas
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Oldbloke » 15 Jun 2024, 8:52 am

bigrich wrote:

the cost of running my rifles is becoming a consideration. I would like to build up a 35 whelen, but the cost of projectiles is getting expensive. It’d be used in comps as well as in the field. But I’ve gone full circle and come back to 308 as an all rounder cause it’s very accurate, affordable and works well on all the medium game I encounter. Scratching around in the bush looking for 6.5x55 brass was annoying. I’ve owned exotic calibers and made brass for them, but keeping things simple and affordable is also a consideration. I do comps as well as hunting, and am a history buff my collection reflects this. I have a krico 22lr with the two stage match trigger ( looks just like a weihrauch hw66), early rem 700 madco barrel 222, tikka t3 223 in b&c stock, rem 700 in 250 savage, late 60’s musgrave 308 FN commercial action, and my sporterised 1880 303 martini. This is a smaller collection than I used to have, with the exception of the martini, they are multi purpose in their use. If I had the finances to own more I would. Especially stuff with a historical nature. This is what suits me if other folks want to collect more I can’t see a problem. But the powers that be think more guns is dangerous . I can see that limits on how many we can own will creep in eventually. A collector license may be a way around this. I know of a dealer in the Brisbane valley who has a collection of over 900 hundred pristine milsurps in a specially converted shipping container. Custom built racks and climate control, it was a magical thing to see. You name it , he had it . Just my humble thoughts and opinions. Have a great day fellas

Yep, common/popular chamberings are popular for good reason.

Sensible cost.
Do the job
Easy to buy components.

I have never considered exotic/obscure chamberings.
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Vince24 » 15 Jun 2024, 5:56 pm


However if the question came from, say, my wife then the answer would of necessity be far more conciliatory and diplomatic and might possibly contain the words bargain and investment.[/quote]

That was before, when interest rates were low and gun prices were going up, it was making sense to buy for collection rather than leaving excess cash on a poorly remunerated account.

But now, with high interest rates, the market is litterally collapsing, at least the market I follow, being the one of old military rifles.
They just don't sell these days.

Probably due to a combination of factors:
- the WA 10 gun story, scaring everyone else
- high interest rates
- inflation on the ammo/reloading components
- older people dying and not that many young people interested?
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by bladeracer » 15 Jun 2024, 6:14 pm

Are you sure it's not just the owners asking too much for their milsurps? If I saw bargain prices I'd probably grab some more but prices I've seen don't seem to be any lower than they have been, even before Covid.

Vince24 wrote:That was before, when interest rates were low and gun prices were going up, it was making sense to buy for collection rather than leaving excess cash on a poorly remunerated account.

But now, with high interest rates, the market is literally collapsing, at least the market I follow, being the one of old military rifles.
They just don't sell these days.

Probably due to a combination of factors:
- the WA 10 gun story, scaring everyone else
- high interest rates
- inflation on the ammo/reloading components
- older people dying and not that many young people interested?
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by markg » 15 Jun 2024, 8:32 pm

I like many have a few... BUT I would love to have a Sauer 505 Synchro XTC. OH YEAH!
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by alexjones » 17 Jun 2024, 6:53 am

My goal is to have 100 guns because it is a nice number. I am about half way at the moment.

Why? Because it is my money, my hobby and nobodies business. Obviously I need them all or else I would not of been given police approved permits now would I? Boats, golf and cars are gay. So I just put a lot of my money into guns. 20grand on a supercharger for a general motors LS V8 engine just does not do it for me when I can buy a few desert eagles and 1911s handguns and thousands of rounds of ammo.

Why do you need more than one pair of pants or one pair of shoes?
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Jun 2024, 7:20 am

bladeracer wrote:Are you sure it's not just the owners asking too much for their milsurps? If I saw bargain prices I'd probably grab some more but prices I've seen don't seem to be any lower than they have been, even before Covid.

IMHO majority are over priced. Many are far from being special. Some of course are unique or rare.
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by straightshooter » 17 Jun 2024, 9:10 am

Vince24 wrote:
However if the question came from, say, my wife then the answer would of necessity be far more conciliatory and diplomatic and might possibly contain the words bargain and investment.

That was before, when interest rates were low and gun prices were going up, it was making sense to buy for collection rather than leaving excess cash on a poorly remunerated account.

But now, with high interest rates, the market is litterally collapsing, at least the market I follow, being the one of old military rifles.
They just don't sell these days.

Probably due to a combination of factors:
- the WA 10 gun story, scaring everyone else
- high interest rates
- inflation on the ammo/reloading components
- older people dying and not that many young people interested?

I don't necessarily disagree with your comments but in respect to my quote please don't confuse marital self vindication and reality.
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by alexjones » 17 Jun 2024, 9:40 am

I would agree with that comment that a lot of the older bolt action wood mil spec stuff is of little interest to the younger people who want more polymer tactical pump action type rifles.

303, 8mm mauser and 7.62x54 Russian etc are for the most part for older people. Some people on usedguns want thousands of dollars for some so called "rare" 303 that was produced in limited numbers. Who cares it is just a 303 and there are millions of them. Some people develop emotional attachments to material possessions that are unfounded in reality.
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by bigrich » 17 Jun 2024, 10:09 am

alexjones wrote:I would agree with that comment that a lot of the older bolt action wood mil spec stuff is of little interest to the younger people who want more polymer tactical pump action type rifles.

303, 8mm mauser and 7.62x54 Russian etc are for the most part for older people. Some people on usedguns want thousands of dollars for some so called "rare" 303 that was produced in limited numbers. Who cares it is just a 303 and there are millions of them. Some people develop emotional attachments to material possessions that are unfounded in reality.

I agree with this statement. I’m emotionally attached to some of mine, and unless they play up and give me the sh!ts , I wouldn’t sell them for thousands. Old cars can be like this too
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by Oldbloke » 17 Jun 2024, 10:33 am

alexjones wrote:I would agree with that comment that a lot of the older bolt action wood mil spec stuff is of little interest to the younger people who want more polymer tactical pump action type rifles.

303, 8mm mauser and 7.62x54 Russian etc are for the most part for older people. Some people on usedguns want thousands of dollars for some so called "rare" 303 that was produced in limited numbers. Who cares it is just a 303 and there are millions of them. Some people develop emotional attachments to material possessions that are unfounded in reality.

The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: Ok why do you personally have more than one firearm

Post by alexjones » 17 Jun 2024, 10:45 am

bigrich wrote:
alexjones wrote:I would agree with that comment that a lot of the older bolt action wood mil spec stuff is of little interest to the younger people who want more polymer tactical pump action type rifles.

303, 8mm mauser and 7.62x54 Russian etc are for the most part for older people. Some people on usedguns want thousands of dollars for some so called "rare" 303 that was produced in limited numbers. Who cares it is just a 303 and there are millions of them. Some people develop emotional attachments to material possessions that are unfounded in reality.

I agree with this statement. I’m emotionally attached to some of mine, and unless they play up and give me the sh!ts , I wouldn’t sell them for thousands. Old cars can be like this too

I am the same. Somethings to me are "priceless" but I feel like if you are going to sell something the buyer would not have that emotional/sentimental value that the seller would have. So whilst the seller thinks it is worth a fortune the market says otherwise. Lever action rifles I see on used guns all the time. 100 ever made give me 5 grand. It is just a 30/30 or 45/70 lever action. Nothing special about it sorry. Maybe if John Wayne used the rifle then sure it would be cool but otherwise it is the same as any other.
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