For reasons I am finding hard to remember, I dismantled my Marlin 336CS(Built somewhere in the 1990's) about 3 years back.
I think I had plans to do something with the stock, but cannot honestly remember what.
I mothballed it; parts into a sealed container after being drenched in Gun oil, and the barrel/action being wrapped in cotton cloth, and then soaked in gun oil.
I'd been through some problems with various sights beforehand; firstly a C-More 'Railway' red-dot, and then a 4x40 scope on it.
Neither really made my day, for various reasons.
So, in the back of my mind, I've been thinking I needed to bite the bullet, and have a look at it, and see if time had been kind.
Climate here is mostly hot and dry, but back of my mind, I wondered if I was going to open the cloth up, and find a whacking big rusty lump..
So, 2 days back, unwrapped the Marlin barrel/action, and it's pristine.
Spent the afternoon re-assembling it with the help of a visitor, and then fitted a Crimson Trace CTS-25 red-dot sight onto the rail on top.
Had a bit of frustration on getting the bullets onto the target; CT arent keen on explaining which way the damn knobs adjust the dot...
Anyhoo, some web searching, and experimenting, and a few dozen round, and we have the holes appearing in center of a 50 metre target, and Strelok pro tells me the holes should appear roughly in the same spot on a 100 metre target.
This Red-Dot seems to work much better than the C-More sight(lower profile).
I'd forgotten how smooth that action is.
I have a Win94 of roughly the same age, and we pulled it out to compare shooting while sighting the Marlin in.
The Win94's got NOTHING on the Marlin; smoother action, better trigger, better sight options, etc etc etc.
I was like having a reunion with an old friend.
Young visitor(about half my age) has taken the 336 out today for some 'Pokkin De Pork' along a creek about 20kms South of the homestead, and he was freaking thrilled to have the chance to take the 336.
Suspect there will be quite a few more on the Marlins' tally by tonight...