Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

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Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 14 Nov 2023, 12:20 pm

Yesterday I started a new series of tests for Rexem Projectiles.
James from Rexem provided the projectiles, the gelatin and some pretty snappy editing of the video.
This test was the Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer, fired from a Howa 1500, 24" 9 twist at 100m.
The round had the minimum load of 22gn of 2208, and produced a respectable group without fiddling.
I have no doubt that a little jiggery-pokery will give brilliant results.

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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Billo » 15 Nov 2023, 8:54 am

Good stuff Lazarus, whats accuracy like ?
22lr, 17 WSM, 20 Hornady Hornet, 6mm ARC, 6.5 PRC, 270 Win, 7mm-08, 308 Win, 358 Win, 9.3x62, 44 Magnum, 500 S&W
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 15 Nov 2023, 9:23 am

Billo wrote:Good stuff Lazarus, whats accuracy like ?

Thanks Billo

Judging from the group above, which was the minimum load of 22gn 2208, with very little tinkering they'll be like the 62s I tested earlier. That group above was in a 25-30kph wind at ~80° right, they don't seem to notice the wind that pushed 55gn RooMax up to 4" left at the same range.

The pic below is the 62s at 100m with 24gn of 2208

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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Billo » 15 Nov 2023, 10:41 am

Yeap 80gr should be good for the wind, just contemplating what to run in new year build, whats the length on these 80gr Rexem's ?
22lr, 17 WSM, 20 Hornady Hornet, 6mm ARC, 6.5 PRC, 270 Win, 7mm-08, 308 Win, 358 Win, 9.3x62, 44 Magnum, 500 S&W
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Oldbloke » 15 Nov 2023, 11:47 am

I see they only make 224 and 6.5mm.
Any idea if they intend expanding to other cals such as 308?
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 15 Nov 2023, 2:14 pm

Billo wrote:Yeap 80gr should be good for the wind, just contemplating what to run in new year build, whats the length on these 80gr Rexem's ?

That's the beauty of what James has achieved
As you know heavier bullets tend to be longer, which is no doubt why Hornady told me that with my 9 twist, the heaviest of theirs I could stabilise would be the 73gn ELD Match, and assuring me their heavier pills would be too long.

James has managed to produce his 69gn, 77gn and 80gn using the same jackets, and ending up with an 80gn projectile the same length as a 69gn.

I was going to do a 200m test today, but the 22gn load that was efficacious at 100 was not so much at 200, so I'm going to warm them up by 1.5gn.
That's half way to the maximum load of 25gnC.

More to come
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 15 Nov 2023, 2:24 pm

Oldbloke wrote:I see they only make 224 and 6.5mm.
Any idea if they intend expanding to other cals such as 308?

G'day OB

There are no doubt many projects on the drawing board of which I'm not aware, but, and I could be misremembering, I think he might have mentioned 308s were in the mix
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 15 Nov 2023, 4:16 pm

Billo wrote:Good stuff Lazarus, whats accuracy like ?

Update on the accuracy, at 24.5gn of 2208 at 200;

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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Rabbithole » 15 Nov 2023, 4:20 pm

Lazarus wrote:
Billo wrote:Good stuff Lazarus, whats accuracy like ?

Update on the accuracy, at 24.5gn of 2208 at 200;

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Geez thats a tidy group for 200! Also I saw the damage to the gel block on youtube/facebook and I doubt much would trot off after that. Jeepers.
I have some Rexem's as well and shoot like a laser!
Just freakin brilliant.

And yes they are about to release a 6mm 105-110 gr projectile. I think they are releasing it this or next week?

Thsi was my favourite picture you posted of the projectile's expansion.
Rexem 80 expansion
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Jorlcrin » 15 Nov 2023, 5:02 pm

I've been running the Hornady BTHP match 75gn pills in my CTR (1:8"Tw), in front of 24.0gns AR2208.
Also running the 68gn Hornady BTHP match pills in a Howa 1500 (1:9"Tw),in front of 24.5gns AR2208.

Not been seeing any pressure signs on either, and both seem to be quite accurate.

I've since loaded up a batch of 50 each of the 69gn F-Bomb REXEM's for the Howa, and 75gn F-Bomb REXEM's for the CTR, with the same charges behind them respectively.
No reports on either yet(yet to fire any off), but they loaded up pretty well, and I expect they will perform well.
Looking at the pics from Lazarus, I'm considering making up another batch of the 75's in front of 24.5gns, and see how they go.
First; I'll see how the current loads work with these new projectiles.
I do have a box of the 62gn F-Bombs sitting on the shelf; looking at your results, mighty tempted to loaded up a batch to see what they do, as well.


Given how well my week has been unfolding, persecuting some pork for a field-test would work well for me...
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 15 Nov 2023, 5:04 pm

Rabbithole wrote:
Lazarus wrote:
Billo wrote:Good stuff Lazarus, whats accuracy like ?

Update on the accuracy, at 24.5gn of 2208 at 200;

The attachment 20231115_170309.jpg is no longer available

Geez thats a tidy group for 200! Also I saw the damage to the gel block on youtube/facebook and I doubt much would trot off after that. Jeepers.
I have some Rexem's as well and shoot like a laser!
Just freakin brilliant.

And yes they are about to release a 6mm 105-110 gr projectile. I think they are releasing it this or next week?

Thsi was my favourite picture you posted of the projectile's expansion.

There's so much to like, eh?
When I tested the 62gn F-Bombs, they actually blew the 30kg block in halves, and given this, I fully expected the 80s to obliterate the block and go about its business.
The fact that it actually dumped the majority of its kinetic energy into the gel in the first couple of inches and actully stopped is a pretty graphic indicator of terminal performance in the field.

This is the permanent wound cavity from the 62gn F-Bombs, the 80gn hammered the block so hard I couldn't do my normal autopsy.

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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 15 Nov 2023, 7:59 pm

Jorlcrin wrote:I've been running the Hornady BTHP match 75gn pills in my CTR (1:8"Tw), in front of 24.0gns AR2208.
Also running the 68gn Hornady BTHP match pills in a Howa 1500 (1:9"Tw),in front of 24.5gns AR2208.

Not been seeing any pressure signs on either, and both seem to be quite accurate.

I've since loaded up a batch of 50 each of the 69gn F-Bomb REXEM's for the Howa, and 75gn F-Bomb REXEM's for the CTR, with the same charges behind them respectively.
No reports on either yet(yet to fire any off), but they loaded up pretty well, and I expect they will perform well.
Looking at the pics from Lazarus, I'm considering making up another batch of the 75's in front of 24.5gns, and see how they go.
First; I'll see how the current loads work with these new projectiles.
I do have a box of the 62gn F-Bombs sitting on the shelf; looking at your results, mighty tempted to loaded up a batch to see what they do, as well.


Given how well my week has been unfolding, persecuting some pork for a field-test would work well for me...

When I tried 24.5 behind the 80s today there was just the beginning of pressure sign

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Not enough to be a worry, but a caution against going further.
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 12 Dec 2023, 5:03 pm

I can't link the video directly for some reason, but for those interested in recent testing;
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 30 Jul 2024, 3:55 pm

Good news Rexem fans.

I was speaking to James yesterday, there's some good things coming for both 5.56 and 6mm fans.

More to come
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Jorlcrin » 30 Jul 2024, 4:36 pm

Finally had the chance to try the Rexem 75gn F-Bomb pills in earnest; sunset Pig prowls the past month.
Re-sighted the rifle at the start of this batch, and really pleased to see a sub-moa group at 100m.

I have shot maybe 20 pigs the past month, and most out at 100-150 metres.
Practically no through & throughs, and every one either dropped on the spot, or staggered a little way before going down.

Interested to see you are using a Howa 1500 with 1:9tw on the 80gn; might trial doing same with overseers rifle, on his Howa(same spec).
That would save me running 69gn F-Bombs for him, and 75gn F-Bombs for my CTR 1:8tw.

Really happy with the Rexem Projectiles; same money as buying the 75gn BTHP match Hornadys, but the Rexem ones look to be working a bit better(to me).

Interested to see what James comes up with next; he gets a big thumbs-up from me.
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Lazarus » 30 Jul 2024, 5:35 pm

Jorlcrin wrote:Finally had the chance to try the Rexem 75gn F-Bomb pills in earnest; sunset Pig prowls the past month.
Re-sighted the rifle at the start of this batch, and really pleased to see a sub-moa group at 100m.

I have shot maybe 20 pigs the past month, and most out at 100-150 metres.
Practically no through & throughs, and every one either dropped on the spot, or staggered a little way before going down.

Interested to see you are using a Howa 1500 with 1:9tw on the 80gn; might trial doing same with overseers rifle, on his Howa(same spec).
That would save me running 69gn F-Bombs for him, and 75gn F-Bombs for my CTR 1:8tw.

Really happy with the Rexem Projectiles; same money as buying the 75gn BTHP match Hornadys, but the Rexem ones look to be working a bit better(to me).

Interested to see what James comes up with next; he gets a big thumbs-up from me.

I was surprised, at first.

What James is doing is pretty revolutionary, fitting 80gn in the same jacket as the 69gn.
Same lenght, ergo 1:9 spins them just right.

I'm frothing at the mouth with anticipation of the new 55s.

Another thing to recommend them, I have 200 62gn pills, and being a bit OCD I went to batch them.

195 were 62.0 the others were .1 and .2 out.
That's almost Lapua type quality.
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Re: Rexem 80gn Pig Hammer

Post by Jorlcrin » 31 Jul 2024, 6:19 pm

Nailed this gent just after sunset this evening.

Roughly 150 metres; dropped him with a single 75gn Rexem F-Bomb pill, just as he was about to make the safety of the scrub...

He was trotting away at about a 60 degree angle, and looks like the projectile simply tore him up inside.
Dropped him on the spot; didnt even move..
Again; no sign of exit, but signs of a LOT of damage within..

Freakin happy with that..
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