Clintwoodz wrote:Hi all is it just me or these Bosnian Ginex primers don't sit flush with starline brass? Some of them do but rarely, and most of them you gotta push real hard on the press to seat, I can't imagine how hard would be on hand priming tool. I did measure them with caliper and it seems to be within spec? Should I be reaming starline brass?
edit - it's 38SPL using Lee challenger press. Seems like these primers are overprice POS junk
Clintwoodz wrote:Hi all is it just me or these Bosnian Ginex primers don't sit flush with starline brass? Some of them do but rarely, and most of them you gotta push real hard on the press to seat, I can't imagine how hard would be on hand priming tool. I did measure them with caliper and it seems to be within spec? Should I be reaming starline brass?
edit - it's 38SPL using Lee challenger press. Seems like these primers are overprice POS junk
Bugman wrote:I have used over 3000 spp and a couple of times had difficulty seating them. I deprime all my brass, ultrasonic clean, use a primer pocket tool, then load. No problems since.
straightshooter wrote:Clintwoodz wrote:Hi all is it just me or these Bosnian Ginex primers don't sit flush with starline brass? Some of them do but rarely, and most of them you gotta push real hard on the press to seat, I can't imagine how hard would be on hand priming tool. I did measure them with caliper and it seems to be within spec? Should I be reaming starline brass?
edit - it's 38SPL using Lee challenger press. Seems like these primers are overprice POS junk
Possibly because they are small rifle primers and not small pistol primers. Small rifle will have slightly thicker brass in the cup than small pistol and might also experience misfires.
bladeracer wrote:Clintwoodz wrote:Hi all is it just me or these Bosnian Ginex primers don't sit flush with starline brass? Some of them do but rarely, and most of them you gotta push real hard on the press to seat, I can't imagine how hard would be on hand priming tool. I did measure them with caliper and it seems to be within spec? Should I be reaming starline brass?
edit - it's 38SPL using Lee challenger press. Seems like these primers are overprice POS junk
Have you taken the edge off the pocket so they can funnel in?
Even better, use a pocket cutter to cut all the pockets to consistent depth and diameter and put a square corner in there, then chamfer the edge.
Clintwoodz wrote:I might give that a shot as Starline pockets might be shallow?