by AS30N » 09 Jan 2023, 9:26 am
I don't know which state you are in, so I can't tell about the registration requirements. As for shooting a centerfire/high cal match with a 22 kit it really depends on your club admin. Never mind legal position of the conversion kits, the match rules will clearly dictate that a match must be shot with a centerfire, if the 22lr kit is used, you should get DQ and sent home before you even start shooting, period.
Now not all club will be this strict. Usually smaller clubs are more accommodating, I know many clubs will entertain the idea of someone showing up, enter the match with the right equipment, shoot one round (or even go the "oops I forgot my ammo" route) and record this match as did not finish but still counts and an attendance. This is usually for older members who can't handle full blown centerfire but would like to keep the guns they have had for ages" . Due to recent powder shortages, they may even let you shoot the when thing with a 22, just to disqualify you at the end and record as an attendance . So no point asking us, ask your club admin instead.