Handgun rental?

Semi automatic and single shot handguns, revolvers and other pistols

Handgun rental?

Post by Gun-nut » 24 Jan 2024, 5:56 pm

Anyone know of any ranges in Melbourne that let you shoot handguns without your cat H licence? I have my A/B and my two mates who I'll be going with don't have any firearms licence but are looking to get into shooting. I know springvale does (or used to?) So if anyone can recommend some ranges that'd be greatly appreciated!
Posts: 435

Re: Handgun rental?

Post by bladeracer » 24 Jan 2024, 7:21 pm

Gun-nut wrote:Anyone know of any ranges in Melbourne that let you shoot handguns without your cat H licence? I have my A/B and my two mates who I'll be going with don't have any firearms licence but are looking to get into shooting. I know springvale does (or used to?) So if anyone can recommend some ranges that'd be greatly appreciated!

I thought all pistol clubs do this, that's how you get people interested in getting licenced.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by No1Mk3 » 24 Jan 2024, 8:04 pm

As bladeracer mentioned, many, not all, pistol clubs will allow a person to fire a handgun under direct supervision to "try out" handgun shooting. To do so you will need to fill out a form, Notice Of Receiving Instruction, downloadable from the VicPol website. This form is submitted to LRD by the club you shoot at, and be aware that you may only use 10 NORI forms in your lifetime after which you must apply for a Licence or never use handgun again. SSAA Little River and Springvale are used by clubs such as PPLA, SSPC, MPC etc or many VAPA clubs around the State which can be found online.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by Gun-nut » 24 Jan 2024, 8:39 pm

Interesting information, thanks gents! Didn't know about the NORI forms, so if I were to fill out 10 throughout my life I wouldn't be able to fire one until I get my licence? Stupid bureaucratic rules like this don't surprise me anymore...
Posts: 435

Re: Handgun rental?

Post by Sarco » 24 Jan 2024, 9:27 pm

No1Mk3 wrote:As bladeracer mentioned, many, not all, pistol clubs will allow a person to fire a handgun under direct supervision to "try out" handgun shooting. To do so you will need to fill out a form, Notice Of Receiving Instruction, downloadable from the VicPol website. This form is submitted to LRD by the club you shoot at, and be aware that you may only use 10 NORI forms in your lifetime after which you must apply for a Licence or never use handgun again. SSAA Little River and Springvale are used by clubs such as PPLA, SSPC, MPC etc or many VAPA clubs around the State which can be found online.

13 X NORIs now per lifetime. Has been for several years.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by No1Mk3 » 24 Jan 2024, 9:37 pm

Sarco wrote:
No1Mk3 wrote:As bladeracer mentioned, many, not all, pistol clubs will allow a person to fire a handgun under direct supervision to "try out" handgun shooting. To do so you will need to fill out a form, Notice Of Receiving Instruction, downloadable from the VicPol website. This form is submitted to LRD by the club you shoot at, and be aware that you may only use 10 NORI forms in your lifetime after which you must apply for a Licence or never use handgun again. SSAA Little River and Springvale are used by clubs such as PPLA, SSPC, MPC etc or many VAPA clubs around the State which can be found online.

13 X NORIs now per lifetime. Has been for several years.

it's gone up? A move in the right direction, though still a stupid rule.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by alexjones » 25 Jan 2024, 6:17 am

13 really? Is that in the legislation or in "policy"?
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by bladeracer » 25 Jan 2024, 7:43 am

Gun-nut wrote:Interesting information, thanks gents! Didn't know about the NORI forms, so if I were to fill out 10 throughout my life I wouldn't be able to fire one until I get my licence? Stupid bureaucratic rules like this don't surprise me anymore...

So, if over ten years or more you lose count and attend a 14th without realising what is the result? Do you commit a firearms offence? Do Police come banging on your door the next night?
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by No1Mk3 » 25 Jan 2024, 10:59 am

alexjones wrote:13 really? Is that in the legislation or in "policy"?

Legislation, it is contained in the Firearms Act, which also grants the Chief Commissioner authority to make policy enforceable under the Act.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by No1Mk3 » 25 Jan 2024, 11:06 am

bladeracer wrote:
Gun-nut wrote:Interesting information, thanks gents! Didn't know about the NORI forms, so if I were to fill out 10 throughout my life I wouldn't be able to fire one until I get my licence? Stupid bureaucratic rules like this don't surprise me anymore...

So, if over ten years or more you lose count and attend a 14th without realising what is the result? Do you commit a firearms offence? Do Police come banging on your door the next night?

The NORI form has a section where you must declare the number of times ou have received instruction, boxes numbered 1 - 13. if you make a false declaration you are subject to S 140A which provides penalties of up to 240 penalty units (currently $192.31 so fine could be $46,154.40c) or 4 years in jail, the instructor who knowingly breaches this section is guilty of n offence under S54 (5) and cops 120 pu or 2 years. As yet I have never heard of anyone exceeding the 13 shoots, so what exactly would happen or be a defence to a genuine mistake I don't know, and from my point don't want to find out.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by moopere » 29 Jan 2024, 12:15 pm

I might be misunderstanding this thread - but this VIC 'NORI' form is required when exactly? When you want to shoot a firearm (under supervision) and don't have a license for it?

If thats right then how do retail ranges work around this? There are ranges here in WA and at least one on the sunshine coast that I'm aware of where you just walk in off the street, pay money at the counter, then go and shoot any of the pistols or long arms they have available ... under supervision of the RO. Does the concept of a walk-in range not exist in VIC?
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by Jackaroo » 29 Jan 2024, 1:42 pm

My stance on gun control depends on firearm, caliber, wind, and obstacles.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by No1Mk3 » 29 Jan 2024, 2:52 pm

moopere wrote:I might be misunderstanding this thread - but this VIC 'NORI' form is required when exactly? When you want to shoot a firearm (under supervision) and don't have a license for it?

If thats right then how do retail ranges work around this? There are ranges here in WA and at least one on the sunshine coast that I'm aware of where you just walk in off the street, pay money at the counter, then go and shoot any of the pistols or long arms they have available ... under supervision of the RO. Does the concept of a walk-in range not exist in VIC?

Not in the sense you mean, anyone without a licence can be instructed in the use of longarms at an approved range without any real formalities, but NOT handgun. To use a handgun you must have a licence or fill out a NORI form, and as stated only 13 times. We no longer have 'retail' ranges where people can just come and rent a club gun and shoot, last of those went years ago, either Flemington Rock Climbing or Ivan Relic's not sure who was last
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by Sarco » 29 Jan 2024, 8:46 pm

Ivan's in Thomastown I think was the last, Flemington got burnt out when the adjacent paper place went up some years earlier.
Was a pity Ivan closed, was real convenient going there as I lived in Mill Park at the time.
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by Oldbloke » 02 Feb 2024, 3:36 am

moopere wrote:I might be misunderstanding this thread - but this VIC 'NORI' form is required when exactly? When you want to shoot a firearm (under supervision) and don't have a license for it?

If thats right then how do retail ranges work around this? There are ranges here in WA and at least one on the sunshine coast that I'm aware of where you just walk in off the street, pay money at the counter, then go and shoot any of the pistols or long arms they have available ... under supervision of the RO. Does the concept of a walk-in range not exist in VIC?

I wonder if that will continue much longer?
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by moopere » 02 Feb 2024, 11:27 am

No1Mk3 wrote:We no longer have 'retail' ranges where people can just come and rent a club gun and shoot, last of those went years ago

** boggle **

Wow! I didn't know that. I think it would be quite difficult to make handgun ownership decisions if you'd never fired a broad number of different pistols before .. and 13 times over a lifetime wouldn't be enough.

Having said that, I guess the difference in VIC is that you get a cat H license and you're good for all pistols? Is that right? So if you knew you wanted to get a pistol but didn't know which one, you'd get your cat H and then go nuts at the local club until you found the type that appealed to you?
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Re: Handgun rental?

Post by Sarco » 02 Feb 2024, 9:27 pm

"Going nuts at your local club" is probably a poor choice of words,

However pretty much how it works is:
You go to the club/s of your choice. Do the required, get a provisional license, use club guns and/or try out guns owned by members find a gun you like. Noting there are restrictions on what you can buy in the first 12 months. If you decide you require a calibre greater that .38, a separate approval is required which is generally done during the Permit to Acquire (PTA) process. We have several matches other than silhouette where greater than 38 handguns may be used.
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