Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

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Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by Lorgar » 23 Dec 2019, 9:39 am

Hi folks,

For the past couple of years I've had these Dainese Latemar boots.

My one complaint with them is that when wearing for extended periods on hot days I feel like my shins are baking.

These will still be my most-of-the-time boots, but I'm entertaining the idea of getting some short boots / riding shoes for the hottest days.

Protection is still key for me, so looking at track type shorties. Something like these Dyno Pro D1's

They're leather, have sliders, re-enforced toes, have plates/padding for lateral and medial bones, etc., so they tick a lot of boxes for safety, but ultimately they offer no ankle support or impact protection for the lower half of your shin.

I've searched high and low for accident and injury statistics on full vs short boots, but haven't been able to find anything; it doesn't seem to be that granular, and seems more to just record whether the person was wearing 'regular' footwear or footwear intended for riding, but no more detail than that.

Basically I can't decide if these are actually a sensible safety choice, or if I'm giving too much credit to the tougher shoe offsetting the lack of ankle coverage.

I'm curious what peoples experience around this kind of thing is.

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Re: Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by GQshayne » 23 Dec 2019, 7:11 pm

I have pondered this also. Ultimately, whenever I look at the short boots, I conclude that they offer limited protection, especially for ther ankles.

I like them, but have given them a miss so far. My compromise will be buying a light and breathable non-waterproof boot for day rides, and keeping the waterproof boots for touring.
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Re: Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by Raband » 24 Dec 2019, 12:13 pm

I can't see how/where they fasten up.

If they do tighten up ok, hold the ankels and won't "slip off" in a fall/slide I don't really see too much of an issue.

Comfort plays a big part in riding safely - if you're having issues with the full boot due to heat then either a vented boot or shorter one may be the answer.

Something a little longer may give you the cooling while still offering the upper protection
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Re: Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by Lorgar » 24 Dec 2019, 4:10 pm

GQshayne wrote:I like them, but have given them a miss so far. My compromise will be buying a light and breathable non-waterproof boot for day rides, and keeping the waterproof boots for touring.

I've thought about that too... Maybe that's the smarter option.

I guess I was thinking towards the short-boot here with the aim of not half-assing my goal here, i.e. there's no point buying a second boot that's only 5% cooler or whatever.

If going for a cooling option, want it to really nail that.

( I say the above having never worn a perforated boot though, just picked 5% out of the air as an example. You get my point though.)

I guess that takes me to something like this - https://www.dainese.com/row/en/motorbik ... 95228.html
Last edited by Lorgar on 27 Dec 2019, 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by Lorgar » 24 Dec 2019, 4:16 pm

Raband wrote:I can't see how/where they fasten up.

If they do tighten up ok, hold the ankles and won't "slip off" in a fall/slide I don't really see too much of an issue.

I don't know either, to be honest. I haven't seen these in the flesh, just grabbed the online link as an example.

I agree with your point though. If I tried them on and had any doubt at all about them staying put in the event of an accident I wouldn't indulge the idea any further.

Raband wrote:Comfort plays a big part in riding safely - if you're having issues with the full boot due to heat then either a vented boot or shorter one may be the answer.

I'm not having "issues" as such... It's a bit of a niche situation really. It's getting hot in Melbourne lately, a few evenings I've gone out to meet mates for a drink or whatever, and end up wearing the boots for a few hours. That's when the shins feel like they're cooking a bit.

My existing boots are fine while riding, fine for the daily commute as I change into shoes at work, etc. etc.

It would be nice to have something cool for the kind of example mentioned above.

Better get to the shop I suppose and try some out.
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Re: Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by GQshayne » 24 Dec 2019, 8:05 pm

Same here - on some days they would be nice to have. But so would a nice pair of runners.

I would have a look at some light race boots and see how cool they would be.
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Re: Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by Lorgar » 27 Dec 2019, 7:42 am

Raband wrote:I can't see how/where they fasten up.

Returning to this, as I know the answer now.

The leather bellows on the front are just elastic tight, behind that on each boot is a quick-lace system.

I don't know what material the lace is made from, but that's how there held on.
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Re: Entertaining the idea of short riding boots...

Post by GQshayne » 27 Dec 2019, 7:28 pm

I saw some with laces recently, and recoiled in horror at the thought of them!!!!!! When I was a kid, I had laces get caught on the gear lever, preventing me form putting my foot down. The result was as you would expect. I would never ride with anything that had laces.
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