Thanks for the free fuel buddy

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Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by jays » 11 Dec 2014, 11:02 am

Had a win on the way to work this morning.

Filled up at the bowser, number 1 on my side and 2 on the other side with the guy already finished filling up.

I line up, get the the front and get told that my pumps already been paid :?

Turns out the guy opposite got the numbers wrong and paid for my side instead of his, $80, and left.

Not knowing what else to do the girl said I should just pay his side so from their POV everything is paid, only $30 on the other side :D

Thanks buddy :D
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by 1290 » 11 Dec 2014, 5:23 pm

So........ it doesnt pay to be stuuuuuuuupid apparently.

Nek time pay attention $30 fill up dude!

(strictly speaking, you could have walked though.....)
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Ariat » 11 Dec 2014, 8:08 pm

1290 wrote:So........ it doesnt pay to be stuuuuuuuupid apparently.

It doesn't?!

s**t I better stop! :lol:
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by balter » 11 Dec 2014, 8:08 pm

Hell yeah, I'd take it.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Chronos » 11 Dec 2014, 8:50 pm

Had the same happen to me about 6 months ago, put. 90 bucks worth of diesel in my ute , went in to pay and the chick said "are you sure that's your pump? That guy just paid it. "

I called the guy back and he was like "don't worry about it , it's a company fuel card " so I paid his bill. Was 30 or 40 bucks

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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Combat_Wombat » 11 Dec 2014, 9:48 pm

I worked at a petrol station as my first job and you have no idea how many times that happens. Doesn't matter how specific you can be they still muck it up.

"What pump are you?"

I think I'm number two"

"So 60L of diesel where the silver hilux is?"

"Yup that's me"

Then they walk back outside to their barina and the next bloke pays 20 bucks.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Westy » 12 Dec 2014, 5:52 am

After reading this I have to say I bet you'd all be pissing and moaning big time if the shoe was on the other foot!!!!! Serious it's called theft by finding and I'd hate to be paying for someone else's Fuel !!!! Truth is the girl at the register is responsible for the mix up and she's the one who's been negligent here so it's her Bloody fault as she is obviously Bloody incompetent at her job!!!! Stealing is Stealing and that says a lot about you I guess????
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by jays » 12 Dec 2014, 1:23 pm

1290 wrote:(strictly speaking, you could have walked though.....)

Eh for $30 peace of mind to just pay it.

If the guy comes back or it ends up getting chased up by the higher ups or something I can say I paid what was asked by their staff member.

Money left over for a case for the encounter anyway though so happy with that :)
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Boatman » 13 Dec 2014, 11:43 am

Probably a smart move.

Bonus either way ;)
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by newsteadvic » 13 Dec 2014, 12:45 pm

Westy wrote:After reading this I have to say I bet you'd all be pissing and moaning big time if the shoe was on the other foot!!!!! Serious it's called theft by finding and I'd hate to be paying for someone else's Fuel !!!! Truth is the girl at the register is responsible for the mix up and she's the one who's been negligent here so it's her Bloody fault as she is obviously Bloody incompetent at her job!!!! Stealing is Stealing and that says a lot about you I guess????

A glass half full way of looking at the problem is that Jays actually saved the fellow from a criminal charge of not paying for his $30 worth of fuel. So Jay is actually the good Samaritan here - like putting a few coins into an expired parking meter!.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Westy » 13 Dec 2014, 8:44 pm

newsteadvic wrote:A glass half full way of looking at the problem is that Jays actually saved the fellow from a criminal charge of not paying for his $30 worth of fuel. So Jay is actually the good Samaritan here - like putting a few coins into an expired parking meter!.

R U For f***ing Real?????? :o :( :shock:
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by 1290 » 14 Dec 2014, 8:49 am

Bloke 1 fills up $30 at bowser 1.
Bloke 2 fills up $90 at bowser 2..

Bloke 1 goes to the register and is asked which bowser, he says bowser 2 and pays 90 drives away
Bloke 2 arrives at register and say bowser 2 thanks", attendant replies;"oh thats paid already"

So Bloke 1 is so inattentive, probably walked from the car to the counter updating his bookface or faceplant orwhatever it is, status "Just filled the Prius, going to go plant some Daffodils, so pumped!"

It was his money (or his employers?) and the attendant, probably should also have a role in this too....

But Bloke 2 has done no wrong..... westy.... HIS FUEL IS PAID. he can walk or drive, knowing he has done no wrong. If he chooses, and honestly I would probably do it... would be to pay the other fill. $30 for $90, to prevent the potential ramifications for the ATTENDANT. Is reasonable. To pay the $90 again is not reasonable.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by mausermate » 14 Dec 2014, 9:19 am

Tuff one.

If I was the attendant at the Counter I would have made person 2 pay the correct amount. I would have then called the bank and reported an error with a transaction and refunded the money. If they paid in cash, problem, CCTV would have also given me a number plate to search and I may have been able to find person 1 that way. I made a stuff up and would have done my best to correct it.

If I was person 2, I would have paid the $80 and left with a clear conscience. I got $80 worth of fuel and so I pay.

If I was person 1, I probably would have found out at some point and gone back to the servo to find out why I was charged $80 for half a tank of juice.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Westy » 14 Dec 2014, 1:13 pm

mausermate wrote:Tuff one.

If I was the attendant at the Counter I would have made person 2 pay the correct amount. I would have then called the bank and reported an error with a transaction and refunded the money. If they paid in cash, problem, CCTV would have also given me a number plate to search and I may have been able to find person 1 that way. I made a stuff up and would have done my best to correct it.

If I was person 2, I would have paid the $80 and left with a clear conscience. I got $80 worth of fuel and so I pay.

If I was person 1, I probably would have found out at some point and gone back to the servo to find out why I was charged $80 for half a tank of juice.

At last some one else with a conscience.

This proves we have a society on the downward slope!!!Yep it's all about me and how my needs are met not about the other bloke or how ripped off he feels, just my dam selfish needs!!!! And then to take the time to brag about it here, serious mate your a Grub!!!!

Just remember "Karma" she's a Bitch !!!!!!! :o :shock: :o
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by KWhorenet » 14 Dec 2014, 1:36 pm

Westy, I get your point but saying society is on a downward slope is drawing a longggggg bow on this one IMO.

As if the majority of people in the 60's, 70's or 80's would have done any different.

As far as theft goes; I'm pretty sure it was just as rampant back in the day as it is now.

Main point is the dumbass didn't pay attention to his fuel bowser gauge and screwed up the most. He deserves to learn the hard way for being a dumbass.

People don't blindly pay at cash registers for anything. Just this pillow please, that's $90, ok no worries cheers, bye now.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by 1290 » 14 Dec 2014, 5:07 pm

Westy.... today YOU need a hug



(actually, I think you also got a bunch of man kisses there too, I don't know which is the kiss and which the hug, doesnt matter)

You pay the other bill,

Over paying is NOT AN OFFENCE as such the roads authority will probably not provide rego details unless a crime THEFT has been committed.

Again, the driver's bill has been settled and owes nothing!
only because I'm a technical b'stard; if the attendant asked me to settle the other lower value account, although I'd probably settle it, I could under no stretch of the imagination be forced to! Not because I'm a thief. That I am far from dishonest? no I'm neither that.

Back to shootin talkin.....enough of this bull.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by mausermate » 15 Dec 2014, 11:49 am


okay! one last bite.

In a legal perspective, person 1 did not pay for persons 2's fuel. He did not agree nor offer to pay for it. All intentions of person 1 was that he paid for his own fuel.

Because the attendant charged person 1 for the amount of another customers item by no means removes person 2 of his obligation to pay for his own item. Person 1 was simply overcharged for his item.

Legally, the relationship between person 1 and person 2 is nil. There is no relationship or binding agreement between the two. Although the attendant sought to create a relationship, it was improper. No relationship exists.

Legally, the responsibility for correct pricing and charging is with the attendant. If the attendant overcharged customer 1, regardless of the information the attendant received from customer 1, the attendant overcharged him for the item he purchased and customer 1 has a right to refund.

Further, if the attendant undercharged customer 2, customer 2 is not at fault. He simply paid what he was asked to pay. In a legal perspective, customer 2 has left the premises with agreement from the attendant. Customer 2 may be asked in future for correct payment of the item he purchased but has no legal obligation to do so. He was honest and forthright at the time of purchase. He would only have a moral obligation as he knew he was undercharged.

The customers would only be at fault if they intended to fraud by intentionally giving false information for financial gain. This is not the case in this instance.

Now, about those guns fellas? where were we up to.........?
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Hucka » 15 Dec 2014, 12:38 pm

KWhorenet wrote:As far as theft goes; I'm pretty sure it was just as rampant back in the day as it is now.

I've read.... Stealing license plates to fill up and then do a running is apparently a common technique these days by crims.
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Bark » 15 Dec 2014, 12:42 pm

1290 wrote:Westy.... today YOU need a hug

minions_hug.gif (299.27 KiB) Viewed 4395 times
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by KWhorenet » 15 Dec 2014, 12:58 pm

Hucka wrote:
KWhorenet wrote:As far as theft goes; I'm pretty sure it was just as rampant back in the day as it is now.

I've read.... Stealing license plates to fill up and then do a running is apparently a common technique these days by crims.

and who said drugs rot he brain haha brilliant idea...

just kidding,

I hate thieves and wish corporal punishment was introduced i.e. lopping ones hand off for stealing. I've been the victim of home invasion-burglary and have a very biased opinion on the scumbags who do it.

Back to my point about theft in past generations so to speak, just ask old timers what working in Government departments was like regarding pilfering anything not bolted down...
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Re: Thanks for the free fuel buddy

Post by Korkt » 15 Dec 2014, 6:37 pm

Perks of a Government job, hey.

Get paid to steal s**t from the office.
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