If you stuck it in the fridge thats fine mate...even if you didnt it would still be fine..
I usually gut as i go, or if theres heaps around, gut every 10 mins to half hour--or every half dozen...then i leave the bodies skin on in a breathable bag out of the sun.
The only reason i dont always gut immediately is i just prefer to not have the animal moving & twitching while im doing it...
Ive got i vid on my phone from a year or 2 back where id taken the head off a bunny with the 204, was in the process of gutting it 15-20 mins later & must have hit a nerve with the knife & its back leg started moving for the next 10 mins--its was as funny as it was freaky...a dead, headless gutless bunny on its back on my tailgate trying to get away...
Im not going to argue with food safe standards or what sungazer said about getting a carcass chilled as quick as possible...thats right//not wrong & maybe i should do it...
But Im a believer in letting a dead animal chill naturally...
If you shoot a bunny (any animal) , gut it & let it cool for 10 or so mins...then knock the skin off, remove all other offal down to bare meat carcass & hang it--even on a hot day--say 38 degrees--(in shade & keeping flies off it of course), the meat will naturally chill down to (what feels like) fridge temps...it will reach a certain low temp then rise again eventually coming back up to ambient temp...even if you do it an hour after killing...its at this naturally chilled point being the longest time i ideally want them out of the fridge...
Now i dont know if its placebo effect, but ive always had better results in letting meat go through this natural chilling process rather than force chilling it...although, as sungazer says, the aging in fridge is i think the most important step...!!!
I Had super quality veal rack that was killed, chilled, packed, transported in one day (to me) & i was cooking half of a rack 3 days later...it was utter crap....like eating a tyre...
I left the other half in the fridge for a month...yep...a month...& that was one of the best pieces of cow ive ever eaten...!!...
The man who knows everything, doesnt really know everything...he's just stopped learning...