by North East » 30 Oct 2014, 2:46 pm
Pays to wear PPE doesn't it. Chaps are usually made up of a kevlar material which will save you from getting cut and will jam up the chain and stop it moving immediately. Helmut, face guard and proper gloves. Good chaps aren't cheap. But all of this will help stop you from getting mutilated.
I know most people just wing it with chainsaws but doing a basic cross cut course is worth it. I had to have cross cut and felling tickets for work.
So far I haven't been bitten by a chainsaw and hopefully never will.
Had a bloke working with me once have a chain snap when it was going flat out….the chain catcher stopped it from hitting him…and he was wearing full PPE.
Big demo saws are probably more dangerous…I hate using the things.
Browning BL-22 lever sights
T3 Varmint .204 Ruger...Meopta Meostar 4-16X44
T3 Lite .30-06 Sprg...Aimpoint Hunter 1X red dot
....that will do me