Fastest way to boil water - camping

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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by TassieTiger » 04 May 2020, 3:32 am

Metho? Screw that...pull a bullet and use the powder.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by TassieTiger » 04 May 2020, 3:44 am

poid wrote:
TassieTiger wrote:I went to Bunnings today and couldn’t find the smaller butane canisters shown to be used with jet boil...they had larger cans of all shapes and sizes but not the small hexagon type shaped ones...I then asked and was advised they are / process of being discontinued due to safety?

nah Bunnings don't carry those. BCF, Anaconda and the like do.

Didn’t know that re canisters.
and I’ve only seen the large rocket / Kelly boilers In person. There’s a point where you might as well try and have a fire...imagine 150mm of rain in 8 hours and fuggen cold. Love the idea of boiling water with surrounding rubbish but as you say, need a back up fuel regardless.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by trekin » 04 May 2020, 3:58 am

TassieTiger wrote:
poid wrote:
TassieTiger wrote:I went to Bunnings today and couldn’t find the smaller butane canisters shown to be used with jet boil...they had larger cans of all shapes and sizes but not the small hexagon type shaped ones...I then asked and was advised they are / process of being discontinued due to safety?

nah Bunnings don't carry those. BCF, Anaconda and the like do.

Didn’t know that re canisters.
and I’ve only seen the large rocket / Kelly boilers In person. There’s a point where you might as well try and have a fire...imagine 150mm of rain in 8 hours and fuggen cold. Love the idea of boiling water with surrounding rubbish but as you say, need a back up fuel regardless.

Mate, if we could find enough dry fuel in the bush around Tully, FNQ, in the wet season (anual rainfall of 2 meters) then I'm sure if you look you could find some, even down there in Tas.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by TassieTiger » 04 May 2020, 4:05 am

Tully? Snap. Had a boss move to Tully for a 3 year contract in late 90’s. he last 6 months, as he was so upset about not getting out for golf due to insane rain all the time lol.
True true. I guess if it came to it, I could pull back some bark...but the spiders lol.
Ps. You should be asleep.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by trekin » 04 May 2020, 4:40 am

Sleeping is a luxury reserved only for the lazy. Besides, being awake at this hour, gives me a couple of nag free hours from the mrs.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by CAVEMAN » 04 May 2020, 10:29 am

Ive used, Hexi, Jet-boil and the little gas cookers.

Hexi cheap dirty takes a bit, and kind of oldschool. But is cheap and reliable. Never really liked it as it takes time and leaves a mess all over your cup. Haven't used it since i discovered the miracles of compressed gas.

Jet-boil brilliant, light easy compact and quick. I've had a Sol Ti for over 6 years been knocked around hard in my pack. Been burnt abused neglected but still works. The piezo will die but can be replaced or just carry a lighter. I advise not cooking in them but just boiling water. But can do just tricky to clean. Still have rice burnt to mine from one of the few times i did cook straight in it. Under a minute for half a litre of hot brew.

Gas burners, Not as quick but still efficient. This is the what i have just gone for to start a bit of hiking, As the Jet boil is good but its not really designed for cooking just boiling. So a little burner and a small pot is more suitable for such a task. And fairly cheaper, i picked up a burner and a cook set for under $70 witch is far cheaper than even your baseline Jet-boils.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Stix » 04 May 2020, 12:24 pm

Caveman brings up a good point...

Just keep jetboils use for boiling water...

Ive heated stew/casserole in mine twice, & flavoured rice only once, & the non-stick is marked/sight encrusties on it.

If im going to need to heat/cook food, i carry a small saucepan & the pot attachment...

I still carry/store mine in the packaging it came in...(would be a good 6 yrs now) & its very durable...
Admitadely mine is knocking around in back of car-- not in a backpack.

Another thing is i find them very efficient on fuel...!!
In comparison, they make those small butane burners very expensive to run.

I also carry the larger gas cylinder in the car as a backup, & a box of matches in almost every crevice...side pocket of pack, ammo box, console, glove box, passanger door, coffee n sugar box etc etc...

They are great in up the jetboil as soon as youre outa bed & its boiled by the time youve had your morning pee...!!... :clap:
Ya gotta love that kind of efficiency... :thumbsup:
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Oldbloke » 04 May 2020, 4:44 pm

Grouse. Lol
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Blr243 » 04 May 2020, 8:50 pm

Many Centuries ago , when men lived in caves , as they stared into their campfires after dinner , they probably discussed and debated with each other “ what type of tree burns the hottest , and cooks our meat the quickest? They had no internet , so they couldn’t just google it , and order it through eBay
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Stix » 04 May 2020, 9:14 pm

Blr243 wrote:Many Centuries ago , when men lived in caves , as they stared into their campfires after dinner , they probably discussed and debated with each other “ what type of tree burns the hottest , and cooks our meat the quickest? They had no internet , so they couldn’t just google it , and order it through eBay

Then they stumbled across a dished rock that captured & fermented fruit ...

...& thus...

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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Oldbloke » 04 May 2020, 9:51 pm

And then they invented the wheel to help carry the raw products to the brewery. Then take the fermented beer and wine to the pub. :thumbsup:
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by safeshot » 18 Nov 2022, 7:55 pm

A kelly kettle. These are brilliant look them up.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by on_one_wheel » 18 Nov 2022, 8:34 pm

safeshot wrote:A kelly kettle. These are brilliant look them up.

I bought a similar thing many years ago, it's a 1 Ltr Royce Rimfire Bush Kettle, boils a couple of cups with a handful of sticks in no time flat. I just stuff it full of sticks n twigs and place some crunched up spinifex or dried grass under it and away it goes. Being stainless is a bonus, it's pretty durable.

There's a few types on the market now, Aussie busk Kettle is another,
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Dandry » 19 Nov 2022, 10:08 pm

+1 the Jetboil, have had one for years. Kmart have a copy as well, hard to go wrong for $49…. ... -42879091/
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Diamond Jim » 23 Dec 2022, 10:19 pm

I don't own any Jetboil products so I can't comment on how well they work. They have very good reviews and a huge following - but - online this evening, Anaconda has the 230g single-use gas canister for $12.99. The 100g canister is $9.99. That works out to $56.48 and $99.90 per kilogram respectively. That will buy a lot of methylated spirits for the Trangia or similar. Just saying, Your money, your choice and sometimes convenience and weight win but I can't see a universe where I, Joe Citizen, am paying $100 for a kilogram of gas. If it comes to that I'll be rubbing sticks together.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Oldbloke » 24 Dec 2022, 6:06 am

Diamond Jim wrote:I don't own any Jetboil products so I can't comment on how well they work. They have very good reviews and a huge following - but - online this evening, Anaconda has the 230g single-use gas canister for $12.99. The 100g canister is $9.99. That works out to $56.48 and $99.90 per kilogram respectively. That will buy a lot of methylated spirits for the Trangia or similar. Just saying, Your money, your choice and sometimes convenience and weight win but I can't see a universe where I, Joe Citizen, am paying $100 for a kilogram of gas. If it comes to that I'll be rubbing sticks together.

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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by str8shutr » 24 Dec 2022, 9:58 am

Getting back to the physics of the question, the key is to minimise heat loss to the environment and maximise heat going into the water.

That's why the design of the Kelly Kettles, or equivalent, make such good sense. They maximise capture of heat from the rising hot air.

The speed angle is skewed by just how quickly it takes to get the fire going and the heat rate of the fuel itself.

There's probably a shoot out video on the web that accounts for the overall time involved. There'll be a certain amount of YMMV at play as well.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Lazarus » 24 Dec 2022, 11:32 am

I'm a big Trangia fan, but have on several occasions had exhaust from the metho taint the contents I'm heating.
There's now a new gas powered model that looks the goods and it's more scalable that the 2 setting metho flame.

Have you had that taint problem?
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by bigpete » 24 Dec 2022, 11:43 am

I find a fire helps
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by str8shutr » 24 Dec 2022, 2:00 pm

Lazarus wrote:@womble
Have you had that taint problem?

Geez, that's a bit of a personal question :shock: :lol:
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by bladeracer » 24 Dec 2022, 2:06 pm

Paul Harrell released a video on the weekend about lighting fires in snow.

I don't need boiling water in the bush, but it's useful to know how just in case I ever need to boil drinking water. Unfortunately it does require carrying some sort of steel or aluminium vessel for the purpose.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Lazarus » 24 Dec 2022, 2:25 pm

str8shutr wrote:
Lazarus wrote:@womble
Have you had that taint problem?

Geez, that's a bit of a personal question :shock: :lol:

:lol: :clap:

I knew it, didn't know who, but it was just hanging there :drinks:
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Lazarus » 24 Dec 2022, 2:27 pm

The joke, not womble's taint :mrgreen:
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Diamond Jim » 20 Jun 2023, 12:01 am

Campmaster Jetboil clone form K-Mart about $49. Gas canisters about $4.50. Boiling water in about a minute from lighting. Coffee, tea, noodles etc.

And, you can buy "Firemaple" accessories from "Alibaba" that fit your Campmaster stove and turn it into a versatile hiking/camping unit.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by womble » 20 Jun 2023, 4:44 am

Hadn’t seen the firemaple accessories before :drinks:
I could turn my 50 buck kmart job into a meth lab with some of that stuff as a side hustle.
Not that way inclined and will stick with my out of date Greek yogurt. But still, just another reason why the Kmart 50 buck job was a great buy. They are a great piece of kit /bargain.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by JimTom » 20 Jun 2023, 6:41 am

Now running a jetboil. Recommended.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Blr243 » 20 Jun 2023, 10:28 am

Kmart have imitation jet boils 5 bucks. Works fine with the supplied kettle. Its got a specially designed base. But if you put a fry pan on top instead it directs hest down and ruins tje plastic shroud. Then the stove is buggered. BEWARE !
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Flyonline » 21 Jun 2023, 7:16 pm

bladeracer wrote:Unfortunately it does require carrying some sort of steel or aluminium vessel for the purpose.

You can boil water in a paper cup, plenty of videos on the 'tube.
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by Gamerancher » 22 Jun 2023, 9:35 am

I've tried a bunch of different 12v kettles for making coffee in the truck, had a couple of good ones that lasted a couple of years each. They work best with the engine running so I would normally plug them in while driving and pull up and make a cuppa when they boiled. (I may have driven a couple of different trucks that rode smooth enough to make it on the go, :allegedly: definitely not able to do so in any Kenworths though...)

Bought something similar to this a few years ago. Works great, boil a cup of water in about a minute. Definitely have to be parked when using it.
(The one I have didn't come with the cup and utensils.) You can get the gas cans at any camping store and they last pretty well. ... QS4G&psc=1
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Re: Fastest way to boil water - camping

Post by TheRed » 22 Jun 2023, 6:41 pm

I brought a butane gas when we were camping
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