by CAVEMAN » 28 Feb 2021, 4:56 am
Loaded question what do you call budget?
Im a big fan of Garmin, used the wrist mounted 401 Foretrex allot and its simple but good. $300ish allows you to plot points but also just work as a passive reference system.
I have recently picked up a Garmin eTrex 32x for $400. Lots of options, has colour topo maps pre loaded onto it. Has a digital compass and few ither things. AA batteries so easy to feed.
I put a GPS in safety gear teritory, i could pay allot more. But i also dont skimp out. I think its good to have a ruged standalone system especially one that doesnt use a phone.
"Well if it ain't an 8 inch, i'm not paying"
Some guy on the internet circa 2020