You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

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You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Die Judicii » 17 Jan 2023, 1:54 am

Fresh baked in the shell long neck turtle, and mullagumba water.
* feed em on seaweed for a week before,, or lettuce and butter beans.
Then twist and pull (removes entrails and content)
Bake on coals till you get a "hollow knock" sound when rapped on the shell with yer knuckles.
Then crack shell open.
The fat which is the same shade of green as the lighter colored trees in front of the Deer in the Enough Gun header at the top of the page
is the best part of the entire feed. :thumbsup:
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by wanneroo » 17 Jan 2023, 2:09 am

No, I'm good thanks.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by JimTom » 17 Jan 2023, 7:23 am

:lol: Yeah sounds delicious but I’ll save that one for a survival situation thanks mate. :drinks:
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by animalpest » 17 Jan 2023, 9:56 am

Thanks but I've just had lunch
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by bladeracer » 17 Jan 2023, 10:04 am

Die Judicii wrote:Fresh baked in the shell long neck turtle, and mullagumba water.
* feed em on seaweed for a week before,, or lettuce and butter beans.
Then twist and pull (removes entrails and content)
Bake on coals till you get a "hollow knock" sound when rapped on the shell with yer knuckles.
Then crack shell open.
The fat which is the same shade of green as the lighter colored trees in front of the Deer in the Enough Gun header at the top of the page
is the best part of the entire feed. :thumbsup:

I had an Aboriginal girlfriend from Kalumburu. She used to get great chunks of dugong and turtle sent down every few months. All she did was boil it for a few hours in a huge pot then tuck in to the disgusting mess :-)
Watching her eat a fresh fish was an experience as well :-)
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Lazarus » 17 Jan 2023, 10:48 am

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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by northdude » 17 Jan 2023, 10:57 am

Ill stick to lamb roast
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Die Judicii » 17 Jan 2023, 11:35 am

You guys,,,,,,,, Absolutely no sense of adventure.
Don't knock it till you try it.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by bladeracer » 17 Jan 2023, 1:05 pm

Die Judicii wrote:You guys,,,,,,,, Absolutely no sense of adventure.
Don't knock it till you try it.

When my girlfriend finished boiling up whatever she was making at the time it looked like something I'd turn over with my foot that's been dead in a paddock for a month - I'd be trying the cast iron pot before tucking into that stuff :-)
My friends told me it thoroughly stunk the house out as well.

Some of my best times were sitting around a campfire chatting with Coolibah while his wife cleaned the entrails of a kangaroo and his kids were running down to the river, coming back with frogs, tossing them into the fire for a few seconds, then swallowing them whole. Our Aboriginal people have the most beautiful lives imaginable. But I prefer my beef cooked black :-)
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by No1Mk3 » 17 Jan 2023, 1:38 pm

I'm with you Die Judicii,
Some "bush tucker" is very good, some not so much, but turtle is fine, first had turtle soup in England and roast turtle in Eastern Europe, roast hedgehog there as well. Common in the USA also. I just can't eat grubs or snails though.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Lazarus » 17 Jan 2023, 3:12 pm

I knew a guy in the 80s who lived with a Portuguese woman.

Aside from being as mad as a bag of rats, she couldn't cook to save her life.

Her favourite traditional recipe was squid soup, I'm dry heaving just at the memory.

Basically she just boiled squid and potatoes with paprika and garlic.

The only way to describe the result was sliced condoms boiled in goat piss.

Haven't been able to bear squid since.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by bladeracer » 17 Jan 2023, 3:34 pm

Lazarus wrote:I knew a guy in the 80s who lived with a Portuguese woman.

Aside from being as mad as a bag of rats, she couldn't cook to save her life.

Her favourite traditional recipe was squid soup, I'm dry heaving just at the memory.

Basically she just boiled squid and potatoes with paprika and garlic.

The only way to describe the result was sliced condoms boiled in goat piss.

Haven't been able to bear squid since.

I've never had any interest in cooking. I can drop a dozen eggs in a pot and boil them for twenty minutes for handy snacks, and I can fry or grill a steak enough to ensure it's safe to eat. Otherwise, sandwiches and fruit work fine to fill up the hole in my belly. When I go bush I take a couple cans of fish, a couple of apples, some cheese and a handful of butterscotch lollies. That'll last me two days easy without getting hungry.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Lazarus » 17 Jan 2023, 4:28 pm

bladeracer wrote:
Lazarus wrote:I knew a guy in the 80s who lived with a Portuguese woman.

Aside from being as mad as a bag of rats, she couldn't cook to save her life.

Her favourite traditional recipe was squid soup, I'm dry heaving just at the memory.

Basically she just boiled squid and potatoes with paprika and garlic.

The only way to describe the result was sliced condoms boiled in goat piss.

Haven't been able to bear squid since.

I've never had any interest in cooking. I can drop a dozen eggs in a pot and boil them for twenty minutes for handy snacks, and I can fry or grill a steak enough to ensure it's safe to eat. Otherwise, sandwiches and fruit work fine to fill up the hole in my belly. When I go bush I take a couple cans of fish, a couple of apples, some cheese and a handful of butterscotch lollies. That'll last me two days easy without getting hungry.

If you like your fish with a tasty sauce, you might want to try this:

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Made in Germany and damn nice. :thumbsup:
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by northdude » 17 Jan 2023, 4:46 pm

hunt for a day for me i take an osm bar and maybe an apple and water. not sure if osm there
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Pendous » 17 Jan 2023, 5:04 pm

What's it taste like/similar to?
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by bladeracer » 17 Jan 2023, 5:12 pm

northdude wrote:hunt for a day for me i take an osm bar and maybe an apple and water. not sure if osm there

I use to take muesli bars, another good choice for food you don't have to stop for.
Yes, heaps of water.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by bladeracer » 17 Jan 2023, 5:20 pm

Pendous wrote:What's it taste like/similar to?

Whatever flavour you order. I bought some sample packs a few years ago and they were okay. Easier to just grab something similar from the supermarket I found.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by bladeracer » 17 Jan 2023, 5:30 pm

They don't look bad so I'll keep an eye out for them.

I'm actually not a fan of seafood generally, but a can of sardines/shrimp/tuna/salmon takes up very little space and weight, doesn't care if I sit on it, lasts forever and is small enough that I'm never going to be carrying a half-eaten can. I've had cans of tuna and onion in my hunting gear for years that I haven't been hungry enough to break into yet. I also used to carry some milk arrowroot biscuits but they're not something you can leave in your gear for a month before heading out again or you'll have mice in there.

When I was a kid we used to get these huge (maybe 6"x4"?) sort of bacon flavoured hard biscuits that we could munch at for an hour or so. They'd be good in the bush but I haven't seen them for decades.

Lazarus wrote:If you like your fish with a tasty sauce, you might want to try this:


Made in Germany and damn nice. :thumbsup:
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by womble » 17 Jan 2023, 5:44 pm

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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by No1Mk3 » 17 Jan 2023, 6:32 pm

womble wrote:Image

They never look like that when you open the box!!
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Lazarus » 17 Jan 2023, 8:43 pm

bladeracer wrote:
When I was a kid we used to get these huge (maybe 6"x4"?) sort of bacon flavoured hard biscuits that we could munch at for an hour or so. They'd be good in the bush but I haven't seen them for decades.

That sounds like hard tack

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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Die Judicii » 17 Jan 2023, 11:17 pm

bladeracer wrote:
When I was a kid we used to get these huge (maybe 6"x4"?)
sort of bacon flavoured hard biscuits that we could munch at for an hour or so. They'd be good in the bush but I haven't seen them for decades.

Lazarus wrote:If you like your fish with a tasty sauce, you might want to try this:


Made in Germany and damn nice. :thumbsup:

Hard Tac Army biscuits (good for breaking teeth on) Vietnam era provision.
I don't think they have been made for years now.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Die Judicii » 17 Jan 2023, 11:21 pm

womble wrote:Image

You just failed dismally at basic recognition.
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Die Judicii » 17 Jan 2023, 11:26 pm

bladeracer wrote:
Die Judicii wrote:You guys,,,,,,,, Absolutely no sense of adventure.
Don't knock it till you try it.

When my girlfriend finished boiling up whatever she was making at the time it looked like something I'd turn over with my foot that's been dead in a paddock for a month - I'd be trying the cast iron pot before tucking into that stuff :-)
My friends told me it thoroughly stunk the house out as well.

As with all foods,,,,,,, if not prepared and cooked properly the results can be pretty awful.

A prime example of which I'm sure you'd be well aware of would be venison.
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by Die Judicii » 17 Jan 2023, 11:30 pm

No1Mk3 wrote:I'm with you Die Judicii,
Some "bush tucker" is very good, some not so much, but turtle is fine, first had turtle soup in England and roast turtle in Eastern Europe, roast hedgehog there as well. Common in the USA also. I just can't eat grubs or snails though.

:lol: Nothing wrong with a good feed of Bardi grubs mate,,,,,, and also Bogong Moths,,,,, a real treat.
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.
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Re: You haven't lived unless you've tried this tucka.

Post by womble » 18 Jan 2023, 4:15 am

Breakfast of champions.

Look, just no, you don’t have to eat everything just because it flies into mouth. Go to the supermarket then go home and make a sandwich
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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