on_one_wheel wrote:Camp oven, herbs, spices, gravy powder, onions, potatos, tinned tomatos, beer, self raising powder, milk powder, tin foil. lobb in a leg of whatever or a whole rabbit or two. and everything else..... set and forget on medium heat, chuck the damper on after a copple of hours.
inventurkey wrote:If it's pay week I clean out the deli at Woolworths.
Tonit wrote:Bag of tinfoil soup and a billy.
Tinked wrote:Sad to say it's usually a bag of jerky
inventurkey wrote:If it's pay week I clean out the deli a Woolworths.
Grrzrr wrote:I'm the worst for this. I go planning to buy "a few things" and end up spending $40 on a lunch
Hardcast wrote:two minute noodles
Triang wrote:Mine's getting yelled at for leaving the girl at home all day to go out shooting