Rabbit recipes

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Rabbit recipes

Post by on_one_wheel » 06 Feb 2017, 4:24 pm

Heres a place to share your Rabbit recipes.
2014-08-04 17.27.11.jpg
2014-08-04 17.27.11.jpg (138.96 KiB) Viewed 11069 times

Information about rabbit diseases in the following link.
https://hoffos.wordpress.com/2017/02/15 ... australia/

I'll get the ball rolling with...

Rosemary Rabbit

Plain flour
Oil for the pan
1 brown onion finely chopped
1 teaspoon of corn flour
1 cup of chicken or vegi stock
2 level teaspoons of rosemary
1/2 cup of white wine.
1/2 cup of cream
1/4 teaspoon of tumeric
Salt & pepper to taste


The rabbit can be carefully deboned and cut into bite sized peices or simply quatered into larger peices to be eaten form the bone.

Coat the rabbit peices in flour and shallow fry untill browned.
Put the rabbit peices to one side and drain most of the oil from the pan.
Cook the onion until its transparent.
Mix together the wine, corn flour, stock, tumeric and cream.
Add mixed ingredients to the pan and gently simmer and stir with the onion untill slightly reduced.
Sit the browned rabbit peices in the pan with the sauce and continue slowly reducing untill you have a nice thick consistency.
( 20 / 30 minutes on low heat )
Add salt and pepper to taste

Serve with beans and mash potatoes
Also goes well with rice or pasta.

This recipe can also be easily adapted to the slow cooker for the ultimate slow cooked rabbit that falls off the bone.

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2017-02-06 16.35.34.jpg
As Rosemary chicken
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Last edited by on_one_wheel on 03 Mar 2017, 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by on_one_wheel » 06 Feb 2017, 10:45 pm

Slow cooked rabbit stew
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140g prune
50ml brandy
50g soft brown sugar
2 rabbits, jointed
plain flour, for dusting
1 tbsp vegetable oil
3 rashers smoked streaky bacon, sliced into thin strips
2 carrots, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 celery sticks, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 thyme sprigs
1 bay leaf
150ml red wine, the best you can afford
250ml chicken stock
chopped parsley and wild rice or mash potatoes to serve with.


Heat oven to 150C/130C fan/gas 2. Put the prunes in a bowl with the brandy and brown sugar, stir, then set aside to soak.
Dust the rabbit in the flour. Heat the oil in a large flameproof dish and brown the rabbit all over until golden – you may have to do this in batches. Set the rabbit aside. Add the bacon, vegetables, garlic and herbs to the dish and fry for 5 mins until starting to colour.
Pour in the red wine and scrape all the goodness off the bottom of the dish. Add the chicken stock and put the rabbit back in the dish with the boozy prunes, then cover and cook for 2 hrs, stirring occasionally, until the rabbit is totally tender.
Serve scattered with parsley and mash potatoes or rice.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by Barnard » 07 Feb 2017, 5:43 am

great topic. :drinks:
keep 'em coming.
might try one of these recipes with the next bunny.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by bigfellascott » 07 Feb 2017, 6:29 am

Sounds good to me OOW,

I normally soak my rabbits in White Vinegar for a day before cooking to get rid of any of the gaminess etc, then soak them in a milk/egg white mix or a few hrs before cooking. I usually roll them in plain flower and put them through a milk/egg wash then coat them in a southern chicken coating I buy from the shops or use my own crum depending on how I feel and what's in the cupboard so to speak, then I give them a shallow fry for a few mins until brown then I bake them in the oven until tender on a bed of sliced onions and mushies and about 20mins or so before they are finally cooked I add some chicken stock and a packet of steak diane sauce to cover them 3 qtrs or so and just let that cook for a bit until they are lovely and tender and the sauce thickens - they come up great that way (meat just falls off the bone usually). I try and use spring type bunnies not the old big bucks or anything like that (I'm after a nice feed not a chewy one) an the young milky bunnies seem to fit the bill nicely I find. :drinks:
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by bigfellascott » 07 Feb 2017, 7:35 am

bentaz wrote:I take off the legs and remove the backstraps (the rest goes to the dogs) and cook in one of these http://m.continental.com.au/product/cat ... ook-in-bag
Basic, i know! But it works a treat :drinks:

Yep I do the same, back legs and backstrap (still on the bone) and maybe the front legs if they are meaty enough otherwise they get left for prey animals to eat.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by Bushie » 13 Feb 2017, 8:08 am

Lovely mate, definitely gonna try these!!!
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by darwindingo » 17 Feb 2017, 11:19 pm

Damn you mob are making me hungry.... :twisted:

I like to do them like chicken nuggets with or without a dipping sauce....

Corn flour the nuggets, egg and bread crumb or corn crumb, can even rice crumb if you like. (Some times I add some finely chopped chives along with some salt and pepper in the process) just coat with finely chopped chives S and P, then re flour egg crumb with either of the crumbing options...Then chuck them in the fridge for a bit, as it seems to make the crumbs stay on better...

Then deep or shallow fry them, both methods work well... As would the oven I'm sure but have not tried..

Make a dipping sauce that you like and enjoy... I like a simple Dianne style sauce ( some cream and some more chopped chives along with some Worcestershire sauce to taste) Have also added some finely chopped chilies and I rather liked that variation too..

Hey If you are lazy just use a dipping sauce you like with chicken nuggets. I prefer rabbit nuggets over chicken ones with or without dipping sauce !


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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by gazza » 19 Feb 2017, 4:50 pm

I fillet out the backstraps for the kids and they go nuts over them. My wife tenderizes them, puts them in cornflour then fries them while they are still warm.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by bigfellascott » 21 Feb 2017, 10:53 pm

Going out ferreting tomorrow so hopefully will have some bunnies to cook.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by Lyam » 02 Mar 2017, 12:52 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Slow cooked rabbit stew

That could be in a cook book mate :thumbsup:
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by in2anity » 04 Mar 2017, 8:48 am

Rabbit in Red Wine/Tomatoes

easy one, good for camping.

1. Brown rabbit pieces in lubricant of choice
2. Remove rabbit, sauté onion and garlic in same pot
3. Add dried rosemary, bay leaves and a sprinkle of thyme. Fry a little till fragrant.
4. Add tin tomatoes and a good swig of red wine.
5. Season and bring to boil. Reduce heat by turning down gas on campfire.
6. Add browned rabbit, simmer covered for an hour or two, add water if it starts to dry out.
7. Drink rest of the bottle of red wine.
8. Throw in root veggies towards the end so they're still crunchy (or earlier if you want em soft).
7. Garnish with good handful of parsley.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by on_one_wheel » 03 Jun 2019, 7:09 pm

Now that the mushrooms are out .... :thumbsup:

Creamy Rabbit, Bacon and Mushroom Casserole


2-3 rabbits

1 cup all-purpose flour
seasoned with 1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
and a teaspoon of paprika


2 cups white wine (or chicken broth)

2 cups heavy cream

2 tablespoons of whostshire souce

2 tablespoons of brandy or musket

2 sweet onions

6 slices of bacon

10 button mushrooms

200 grams smoked gouda cheese
shredded (or whatever cheese you want)

4 cloves garlic, crushed, minced

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon paprika

3 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons corn flour

Add salt to taste.

Cooking Instructions
In a heavy skillet, melt three tablespoons of butter over medium-high. heat Add the diced onions and salt lightly. Sautee the onions until soft and translucent. Add the garlic and sliced mushrooms. Cover the skillet and reduce heat to a simmer. Cook until mushrooms are soft and onions are carmalized.

In a heavy Dutch oven, render the diced bacon until crisp. Remove and reserve. While bacon cooks, toss the rabbit in seasoned flour mixture. Brown the rabbit, a few pieces at a time, in the bacon grease over medium-high heat. Cook for two minutes per side or until the rabbit takes on a golden color. Remove each batch to a warm plate and continue cooking until all of the rabbit has been browned. Once all of the rabbit has cooked, return it to the Dutch oven, layering if necessary. Turn off the heat and cover the pot to keep the rabbit warm.

Brown the rabbit in oil.

To the onions and mushrooms, add two tablespoons of flour. Stir well. Pour in two cups of white wine or chicken stock. Bring to a boil. Once sauce starts to thicken, add the heavy cream,Worcestershire sauce, brandy or musket and season with black pepper and paprika. Add the shredded gouda cheese and cooked bacon. Stir well.

Pour the sauce over the browned rabbit in the Dutch oven. Cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid and transfer to a pre-heated 325 degree oven. Bake 90 minutes or until rabbit is tender. Older, larger rabbits or hares might take the full 90 minutes, younger, smaller rabbits less time. Start checking after 60 minutes by piercing a larger piece of rabbit with a fork to see if it pulls easily from the bone.

Serve over pasta, rice or with a generous helping of mash potatoes.... and a nice beer. :drinks:
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by bigrich » 03 Jun 2019, 8:22 pm

damn you guys. i just cooked a rabbit stew the other night, some of these recipes sound good. although mine turned out alright . browned a "high country" rabbit segmented, removed from saucepan. fried up onion,bacon and garlic , challots and some fennel seed, added one chopped up tomatoe and some chopped mushrooms . fried for about another 5 minutes then added the rabbit back in with a jar of dolmio pasta sauce and about 1 1/2 cups of hot water and simmered with the lid on for about 90 minutes, then removed lid and simmered for another 15 minutes to reduce it a bit. . served up over some "penne" pasta . bewdiful
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by bigrich » 03 Jun 2019, 8:24 pm

that rabbit and mushroom caserole sounds REALLY good onewheel :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by on_one_wheel » 05 Jun 2019, 9:20 pm

Hope ya don't mind me stealing ya rabbit recipe Stix
Sometimes the simple ones are the best :thumbsup:
Stix wrote:Well ive had a sachet of that tandaco coating mix that a couple of you fellow bunny eaters have recomended, on the shelf for over a year...

Never got around to trying it until last night...

Bunny was a young & tender but full grown buck that was aged for 7 nights in the fridge, then soaked in buttermilk for 24hrs...
Then rinsed off, drained & coated in the mix & left in fridge to set.

Pulled out the fridge for couple hours then dropped in the wok in hot cheap canola oil... (from Aldi...lol)
This is half the bunny.
2019-05-29 11.04.28.jpg
2019-05-29 11.04.28.jpg (421.21 KiB) Viewed 9870 times

No kidding,, it was incredibly juicy & tender, & the peppery flavour of the mix went well with the sweet young bunny flavour... :clap:
Even the normally dry saddle was like a young tender juicy chicken breast except it had flavour...!!!
2019-05-29 11.06.51.jpg
2019-05-29 11.06.51.jpg (462.55 KiB) Viewed 9870 times

Had to have a nibble of the front leg & very nearly didnt get to take any pics...
Gonna have to see if can buy this coating mix in bulk...!!

I rekon you bunny shooters a're mad to not try this once or twice--beats flavourless chicken hands down...!!!
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by bigfellascott » 05 Jun 2019, 10:17 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Hope ya don't mind me stealing ya rabbit recipe Stix
Sometimes the simple ones are the best :thumbsup:
Stix wrote:Well ive had a sachet of that tandaco coating mix that a couple of you fellow bunny eaters have recomended, on the shelf for over a year...

Never got around to trying it until last night...

Bunny was a young & tender but full grown buck that was aged for 7 nights in the fridge, then soaked in buttermilk for 24hrs...
Then rinsed off, drained & coated in the mix & left in fridge to set.

Pulled out the fridge for couple hours then dropped in the wok in hot cheap canola oil... (from Aldi...lol)
This is half the bunny.
2019-05-29 11.04.28.jpg

No kidding,, it was incredibly juicy & tender, & the peppery flavour of the mix went well with the sweet young bunny flavour... :clap:
Even the normally dry saddle was like a young tender juicy chicken breast except it had flavour...!!!
2019-05-29 11.06.51.jpg

Had to have a nibble of the front leg & very nearly didnt get to take any pics...
Gonna have to see if can buy this coating mix in bulk...!!

I rekon you bunny shooters a're mad to not try this once or twice--beats flavourless chicken hands down...!!!

It's the best coating I've found so far, it works well with chook and ground mutton. :thumbsup:
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by Stix » 05 Jun 2019, 11:36 pm

bigfellascott wrote:
on_one_wheel wrote:Hope ya don't mind me stealing ya rabbit recipe Stix
Sometimes the simple ones are the best :thumbsup:
Stix wrote:Well ive had a sachet of that tandaco coating mix that a couple of you fellow bunny eaters have recomended, on the shelf for over a year...

Never got around to trying it until last night...

Bunny was a young & tender but full grown buck that was aged for 7 nights in the fridge, then soaked in buttermilk for 24hrs...
Then rinsed off, drained & coated in the mix & left in fridge to set.

Pulled out the fridge for couple hours then dropped in the wok in hot cheap canola oil... (from Aldi...lol)
This is half the bunny.
2019-05-29 11.04.28.jpg

No kidding,, it was incredibly juicy & tender, & the peppery flavour of the mix went well with the sweet young bunny flavour... :clap:
Even the normally dry saddle was like a young tender juicy chicken breast except it had flavour...!!!
2019-05-29 11.06.51.jpg

Had to have a nibble of the front leg & very nearly didnt get to take any pics...
Gonna have to see if can buy this coating mix in bulk...!!

I rekon you bunny shooters a're mad to not try this once or twice--beats flavourless chicken hands down...!!!

It's the best coating I've found so far, it works well with chook and ground mutton. :thumbsup:

No worries OOW...plagerise away--i did... :lol: .

I think it was Big fella that i first saw post that coating as part of his recope, then Marksman with his Kentuky fried rabbit...so its not really mine...but im happy to take the accolade's... :D

Although i had never tried the buttermilk soak before so that turned out a winner...it pushes the meal price up, but im not game to try it without now.

Greek yogurt works wonders for tenderising them too...!!

Ive found a local place that sells that type of coating mix in bulk, even got gluten & msg free ones so if they work out ill post it up...
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by on_one_wheel » 27 Mar 2021, 9:27 pm

Here's some more, It's about time I busted a few bunnies for the pot.
I found these recipes from an old Rotary Club cook book, the recipes within were put together by all the resident wives on one street, good old community spirit :thumbsup:
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by Iron_Lord » 08 Feb 2023, 10:02 am

Looks delicious. I've only had rabbit once or twice but I enjoyed it.
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Re: Rabbit recipes

Post by bigpete » 10 Feb 2023, 7:52 am

Not sure how I've missed this thread lol. We eat a fair amount of rabbit when the numbers are up,have done my entire life. Current favourite in the house is rabbit nuggets
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