Probably the primary reason I have avoided getting a .17 rimfire is having to clean the bore regularly to maintain accuracy. Cost of the ammo is also ridiculous, but as it's not something I would use much, it's not really a deciding factor. I'd likely grab one box of everything I can find for testing, then a couple bricks of whatever shoots most accurately. I don't see any useful variation in loads for it, like you do with WMR, so one round does the same job as any other. All offerings I've seen are similar bullet weight, design and velocities, so it's only a matter of determining the most accurate in the rifle.
Wind around here is horrendous so it would likely never been taken out after live game. Anything I might want to take with it I can do better with reduced .204 loads with better ballistics.
So, I thought I'd see if I can get some feedback on how many rounds owners find they can put down the tube before accuracy starts deteriorating. As the barrel plays a large role in fouling it'd be useful to know that also. I haven't looked at any rifles, but would likely lean toward the RPR or the CZ457 for the multiple barrels, useful for experimenting with. The RPR has an easily-removed barrel so swapping between HMR and WMR is an easy barrel swap, similar to the 457.
I think of the HMR as offering fairly easy half-minute accuracy at 100m, but is that only within 20-30rds of cleaning, or can you get through a couple boxes with no measurable deterioration?