Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Rimfire bolt action rifles, lever action, pump action and self loading rifles. Air rifles.

Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by puredingo » 17 Nov 2013, 2:20 pm

G'day all, my first post here (couldn't see an intro section?) and I'm on the bludge :oops:

I've recently did up my old Voere single shot .22 and it came up unreal only problem is it's missing it's front sight. The sight set up is quite strange as it's like an elongated dove tail that runs down the barrel. The sight itself is a plasic sleeve type of thing that slips over (and off!) the dove tail.
A bit of a design fault I reckon because a quick search seems plenty are lost, which is a shame because I remember when it was around it was deadly accurate.

Anyway if anyone has one or has any info I would greatly appreciate if you can help me out with due compensation of course. I'm hoping to give it to my young bloke for chrissy.

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New South Wales

Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by Norton » 17 Nov 2013, 3:06 pm

Which bit are you missing? The whole sleeve or just the front sight blade bit that slips into the sleeve?
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Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by puredingo » 17 Nov 2013, 4:46 pm

G'day Norton, from memory it's all one piece. It's plastic so the blade that sits on the sleeve is all one unit so to speak. You could slide it up and down the dove tail for distance to correnspond with the ladder type rear sights....Make sense?
Posts: 5
New South Wales

Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by Aster » 17 Nov 2013, 7:56 pm

If everyone's losing them that's only going to make finding one harder.

Is the barrel the same width all the way down? Or is it tapered?

If it's the same width you could probably make something without too much difficulty. Bit of pipe that's the same diameter with a foresight slide over the barrel?
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Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by puredingo » 18 Nov 2013, 6:15 am

Yeah Astor, I'm starting to think it's going to be mission impossible to find this part. The closest I've got was some German Ebay site but it was all in German text with no translation button and I'm not much good on the old puter anyway.

I've also thought of some sort of conversion like maybe loping a couple of inches off the end and fitting a more standard dove tail sight but I remember reading somewhere that a lot of old German rifles have a choked barrel and this might muck with accuracy?

I would love to restore to it original but I guess I'll have to do what I have to do?
Posts: 5
New South Wales

Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by Norton » 18 Nov 2013, 8:24 am

puredingo wrote:G'day Norton, from memory it's all one piece. It's plastic so the blade that sits on the sleeve is all one unit so to speak. You could slide it up and down the dove tail for distance to correnspond with the ladder type rear sights....Make sense?

Yep, makes sense. I thought it was 2 piece and was asking if you just needed the blade, but if you've lost the lot that doesn't help obviously.

I think crafting a new one is going to be your best bet as well.

You could try an aluminium cutting place, they can usually do small bits for a couple of bucks. I had 1 small bracket made for something years ago and they cut it on the spot. I think it was $18 or something?

Get them to use a 5mm sheet of aluminium or something and cut out a ring for the barrel diameter with a blade on top. Slide on with the tiniest amount possible of lock tight or something just to secure it.

Best idea I can think of unless you want to wait months/forever to try and find an original.
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Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by puredingo » 18 Nov 2013, 11:44 am

Might give that a go Norton, sux when missing such a small component stops a thing from being "original"...Oh well, thanks boys.
Posts: 5
New South Wales

Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by Guliver » 18 Nov 2013, 1:58 pm

Treat the young fella to a small scope, Dad had a BSA single shot many years ago and that was his solution.
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Re: Voere .22 single shot revamp.

Post by puredingo » 18 Nov 2013, 2:49 pm

Hey Guliver, it hasn't got the scope grooves to fit scope to it. It's only a real small rifle, originally called "the garden gun" believe it or not. But as I said really accurate and reliable and if your like me and do most of you hunting on foot you can carry this thing for days and not even notice it.
Posts: 5
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