Friday night field report 2

Varminting and vertebrate pest control. Small game, hunting feral goats, foxes, dogs, cats, rabbits etc.

Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Ferrisweil » 26 Jan 2020, 2:07 pm

You guys have hit the nail on the head. It certainly keeps you ahead of the pack.... You just see SO much more game and you get to choose the best approach in each situation.
I also get a buzz taking out new people to our sport, as they see everything in a new perspective.
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 207

Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Blr243 » 26 Jan 2020, 2:55 pm

I used to get a buzz from taking newbies. For me It’s been more fun watching them have a ball than shooting the pigs myself Until someone does , you know.... let’s not go there
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Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Ferrisweil » 26 Jan 2020, 3:13 pm

Until they miss?? Yeah, I get “white line fever” for sure. I hate seeing pigs get away but we all miss shots, just some more than others.
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 207

Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Blr243 » 27 Jan 2020, 1:47 pm

No more like when they start misbehaving and you have to have a talk to them about it
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Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Blr243 » 27 Jan 2020, 1:55 pm

Ferris , somewhere you mentioned in regard to minimise ing the white back glow on your face / body / ground anywhere really , but I can’t find that post never mind. I always knew there was probably that standby mode but I found it a shade technical so I avoided it altogether and just had it full on or full off. But after you mentioned it I thought I would try a little harder , and really it’s just a tad more thinking about long presses and short presses but as of all of last night I started doing that standby mode , prob saves battery power , reduces glow and quicker start up time ....So very glad u posted it
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Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Ferrisweil » 27 Jan 2020, 3:45 pm

All good mate. Glad it helped out. I find it works well because you can have your reticle setup (PiP) and brightness/contrast settings all sorted, so then ya just hit the power button once and you’re away..
I’ve never tested it myself but word is that standby mode still uses a fair bit of battery....
Nice work :drinks:
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 207

Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Blr243 » 27 Jan 2020, 6:01 pm

It’s Also good that you have mentioned the bit about pip and other settings because to have those ready to go is a godsend. Pigs are always moving on this place and often change ing posoition in relation to each other and mostly I’m flat out getting the hunt part sorted and remembering to film under stress sometimes. So there’s absolutely no room for me to think of pip as well. But I just had a practice with it and now I’m good to go. So later tonight I hope to report that I have just shot my first pip pig While driving around today in the daylight I had an idea. There’s lots of visible tracks across the cultivation leading to a bush block but the drought has thinned Out a lot of the undergrowth so there is better visibility in there. I had an idea to send my drone up to see all those tracks from the air. Prints easy at the moment with the rain. Hopefully I might be able to pinpoint a day bedding area from the air And also some rain in another district has sent a bloody ton of water along the creek that borders that bush block. So a walk along that creek with my dog helping me to find bedded pigs on the creek might be something I can do tomorrow.... I just have to find the energy because it will be warm and I will be a bit hammered after hunting all night tonight. So much to do in so little time. Oh to be 25 again
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Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Ferrisweil » 27 Jan 2020, 6:10 pm

I use PiP every time mate. Works really well. I use the PiP for my first shot (on 3.2 zoom) and then use the main screen on 1.4 zoom for follow up shots.
As for where the pigs are camping; have you ever considered leaving the dog behind (I know this could be sacrilege lol) and maybe going for a walk through that thicker stuff with a shotty/rifle during the day? Move nice and quiet and see what you can sneak up on?
Best fun!!
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 207

Re: Friday night field report 2

Post by Blr243 » 27 Jan 2020, 9:42 pm

I used to do a ton of that when I was younger at moonie amongst the lime bush and Mellon holes , sometimes on foot with a Rossi 357 or pump shotgun or dare I mention the first true love of my life a mini 14 ........ soometines on a Honda 185. I need to work out more about where most of the mobs are camped. Perhaps tomorrow if I have time. I have neglected that part of hunting since I got going with thermals in farm country at night. But I agree it’s great to mix it up.
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