by Blr243 » 19 Oct 2020, 7:54 pm
For decades , either on a quadbike or in a Ute I have been shooting right handed , and sometimes in a hurry I have had to uncomfortably an very awkwardly shuffle around in my seat to shoot to my right. ...the game does not often wait for me to Prepare in prep for my 2020 stubble hunt I’m fitting some foam to my quadbike shooting racks, and giving some thought to how I’m going to deal with right side targets first I grabbbed the stock. With my right hand, pushed th butt into my left shoulder and attempted to use my left eye to look thru th scope. I had all sorts of trouble forceing my right eye to shut in an attempt to get my. Left eye on the job But once I focused it seemed possible.... tonight I tried Again but this time I kept both eyes open and threw my left eye into the bbacck of the scope. It was fast and simple. And with a bit more practice I reckon I can. Sort this out. , shoot to the right , and never lose time reshuffling my body ever again. On the hunt I fully intend to group shoot test at a target to ensure I’m shooting good if you are anything. Like me and have never tried this , give it a crack, and push beyond the first horrible five minutes , you. May be quite surprised. I’m also. Interested in hearing if you have already given it a go in the. Bush when required