by wanneroo » 27 Dec 2023, 5:44 am
I watched a video from T Rex Arms on it.
Back 30 years ago when my dad was working on digital night vision with the military, at the time it was hilarious. You went in to this room and put on a massive helmet and head unit that was attached to a massive computer via a big wad of cables all bound together.
So it's funny to see how a lot of this technology has miniaturized.
However looking at the review, it's getting there but not quite there, which is why the US military is going across the board to a blended analog/thermal unit. You still have the chronic problems with digital and that is it's a battery hog, has latency issues and doesn't have the ability to adjust the gain, that is the amount of light coming into the tube. The advantage is for those that don't move, it works as an observation device, gives you a bit of color and also there are no ITAR restrictions.
Overall promising, but it has it's limitations.