by Die Judicii » 13 Jun 2016, 8:18 pm
Hey OB
Having never actually hunted them, and only ever shot ( 1 ) , but seeing as you ask I'll offer a simple observation.
Almost 100% of domestic dogs that I've squawked the "Scotch Predator" at, have either wanted to attack it or are overcome with curiosity.
However, a large percentage of them seem to very quickly lose interest after the first 5 mins of it.
That being said, you should only have to do it long enough to enable a well placed shot on a feral.
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most loving, loyal, and trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.
Whilst in most cases ignorance should be excused,,,,,,, stupididty simply cannot.