Hello all and thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this
the info I can find on police sites vs forums is conflicting at best
I know the police do a background check for crimes and avos etc, but do they assess our medical info?
I'm applying for my license and while I do believe that background checks for criminality should be and are in use,
i don't agree with police having access to open medical records to determine eligibility, as it is really an invasion of privacy,
every doctor says the information is confidential unless you pose a threat to society, but i don't want cops to know what blood tests I've had,
etc etc etc etc etc, that is my info.
so do they and how if so can they access our records? I've seen that they have no access to my health medical logs, but they have a backdoor with
Medicare records, ie, if u received a flu shot, or got a blood test. and in this way, they can paint an accurate picture without needing access to my health medical records. sneaky buggers ill give em that.
cheers and regards
some guy who likes shootin'