I am looking for a firearm license in NSW because my family member enjoys the sport. I had a finalised AVO (2017-2018) in VIC and I cannot apply in NSW law if I had an AVO in the past 10 years. The protected person was a family member and it was because we had a really bad dispute. But we always being nice with each other so now she wants to help me.
Can you help me with the following questions please?
1. Can I revoke a Victoria AVO after it has expired? I checked the court website and the form to vary AVO seems like it doesn't say you cannot revoke an expired one.
2. Can I apply a Victoria "APPLICATION FOR DECLARATION TO BE DEEMED NOT TO BE A PROHIBITED PERSON" and does this help me getting a license in NSW?
3. Are there any ways to show that I am fit and proper person?
Thanks in advance!