Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Questions about New South Wales gun and ammunition laws. NSW Firearms Act 1996.

Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by Biscuits » 14 Sep 2023, 8:57 pm

Hello all. I want to apply for a NSW prohibited weapons permit for 2 suppressors, a .30 caliber centerfire suppressor and a .22 rimfire suppressor. I already own the suppressors on an overseas licence and they are currently overseas.

The NSW guidance notes for the application is:

Recreational Hunting – Private Land - You must be the holder of a current firearms licence for the genuine reason of Recreational Hunting / Vermin Control  If you are the owner or occupier of rural land or have been given permission to hunt on rural land, you must provide evidence which must be objective as to why the silencer is necessary (i.e. not just the most convenient or efficient in your opinion).

I have permission to hunt and shoot vermin on private land. I have used suppressors to hunt/shoot vermin overseas, for the benefit of my own hearing (seems like this is not a good reason in NSW, it's better to go deaf instead), reducing noise for neighbouring properties and avoiding startling animals.

Any ideas for the application?
Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Posts: 132
New South Wales

Re: Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by deye243 » 14 Sep 2023, 11:26 pm

Hate to sound facetious. But I would buy a tatts lotto ticket. And with the winnings if I was lucky enough. Id use the the winnings for lawyers to try and fight the machine I don't like your chances Unless you are a commercial vermin controller
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Re: Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by stihl88 » 15 Sep 2023, 7:33 pm

Easy, move to New Zealand or the US, they're not as dangerous in those countries. For some reason they're excessively dangerous here.
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Re: Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by deye243 » 15 Sep 2023, 9:29 pm

As far as I know this retarded country is the only western country that demonizes them ......
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Re: Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by tuknal » 12 Nov 2023, 3:38 pm

i doubt youll have much luck unless you have a contract shooter or business other conditions on your licence
regardless ,,ive been told its getting easier for property owners tho

and i think itd be easier to sell your suppressors where they are and buy one here than have them imported
i know of people that have tried and its a complete stuff around with no luck
Posts: 18
New South Wales

Re: Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by Border_Bloke » 01 Feb 2024, 11:16 am

The only permits I've heard of being issued so far have been for professional shooters who work in, or close to towns (eg rabbit control on golf courses). I did see a figure stating how many had been issued in NSW and it wasn't many - from memory it was maybe 15 or 20 all up.

Here is some stuff to note that I discovered when I looked into this:
* You need a "prohibited weapons permit" for EACH suppressor- each one is an individual application.
* They require level-2 storage (an approved steel safe attached to the building). Cat A/B firearms only require level-1.
* They need to be transported in a locked container bolted to your vehicle.
* Prohibited Weapon permits have stricter tests to determine if you are an "approved person" - eg they can take offences over 10 years ago into account.
* If a suppressor is attached to a firearm, that firearm automatically becomes a "prohibited weapon" and needs to be stored more securely.
Posts: 93
New South Wales

Re: Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by 5-0 » 06 Feb 2024, 7:58 pm

A number of people have posted here and other forums about applying for them, none that I recall come back to say they got approved.
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Re: Prohibited weapons permit, NSW, suppressors

Post by Binyalenvironmental » 01 Aug 2024, 8:28 pm

Border_Bloke wrote:The only permits I've heard of being issued so far have been for professional shooters who work in, or close to towns (eg rabbit control on golf courses). I did see a figure stating how many had been issued in NSW and it wasn't many - from memory it was maybe 15 or 20 all up.

Here is some stuff to note that I discovered when I looked into this:
* You need a "prohibited weapons permit" for EACH suppressor- each one is an individual application.
* They require level-2 storage (an approved steel safe attached to the building). Cat A/B firearms only require level-1.
* They need to be transported in a locked container bolted to your vehicle.
* Prohibited Weapon permits have stricter tests to determine if you are an "approved person" - eg they can take offences over 10 years ago into account.
* If a suppressor is attached to a firearm, that firearm automatically becomes a "prohibited weapon" and needs to be stored more securely.

As someone who holds a NSW Prohibited Weapons Permit for Suppressors, I can attest that this is all correct, except for the first point. I hold one Permit that covers me for 3 Suppressors at any one time.
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