Shipping guns to Australia

Questions about Queensland gun and ammunition laws. QLD Weapons Act 1990.

Shipping guns to Australia

Post by timbo59 » 31 Mar 2023, 7:49 pm

Hi all,
I'm posting this here, even though it applies equally to Sth. Australia.

I've been living in the USA for the last twenty years or so, and will soon be returning home to Oz to retire. Not sure which state yet - I've lived in both Queensland and SA and I'm not sure which one I'll settle in. The question I'm really weighing up is to do with bringing a few rifles home with me from the USA - not my personal luggage on the plane, but in the shipping container that will bring back all my personal possessions. It makes sense to do so on may levels, not least the fact that rifles and ammo are so much more expensive in Australia. Given that it typically takes a few months for a container to get across from the USA, that would give me plenty of time to get back home, get my gun permit in the appropriate state, and register the rifles before they arrive. Of course, there's also a layer with the Australian Border police to deal with. The other alternative is to hold off shipping the guns home in the container, leave the guns with family in the USA, then wait until I know for sure one way or the other if I can bring them down under - if so I can have them shipped down. If not I'll just get the relatives to sell them and stick the money in my American bank account to transfer across. Anyone out there have a clue on how this could work - or not?

I'm assuming that I can at least bring the rifle scopes to Australia, together with other stuff like reloading gear, rangefinder, etc? I haven't really kept up with prices down under over the years, but I'm assuming that the more I can legally bring with me the better, right?
Posts: 1
United States of America

Re: Shipping guns to Australia

Post by No1Mk3 » 04 Apr 2023, 11:22 pm

timbo59 wrote:Hi all,
I'm posting this here, even though it applies equally to Sth. Australia.

I've been living in the USA for the last twenty years or so, and will soon be returning home to Oz to retire. Not sure which state yet - I've lived in both Queensland and SA and I'm not sure which one I'll settle in. The question I'm really weighing up is to do with bringing a few rifles home with me from the USA - not my personal luggage on the plane, but in the shipping container that will bring back all my personal possessions. It makes sense to do so on may levels, not least the fact that rifles and ammo are so much more expensive in Australia. Given that it typically takes a few months for a container to get across from the USA, that would give me plenty of time to get back home, get my gun permit in the appropriate state, and register the rifles before they arrive. Of course, there's also a layer with the Australian Border police to deal with. The other alternative is to hold off shipping the guns home in the container, leave the guns with family in the USA, then wait until I know for sure one way or the other if I can bring them down under - if so I can have them shipped down. If not I'll just get the relatives to sell them and stick the money in my American bank account to transfer across. Anyone out there have a clue on how this could work - or not?

I'm assuming that I can at least bring the rifle scopes to Australia, together with other stuff like reloading gear, rangefinder, etc? I haven't really kept up with prices down under over the years, but I'm assuming that the more I can legally bring with me the better, right?

G'day timbo59,
First off forget bringing live ammo, primers or powder, not worth the paperwork. Then make sure you have clearance to export firearms from the US, then once you settle here apply for a Police approval to import, a form B709A, from your State of residence when you get your new Firearms Licence which nominates all your firearms, magazines, parts, any ammo components such as brass and projectiles. When your container gets here ABF will seize your guns and safety test them before release to your nominated Firearms Dealer to collect upon presentation of your B709A. you will need to apply for your Permits to Purchase in a timely manner, say 20 days prior to your container landing and clearing Customs so you can pick up your rifles from the Dealer once he collects them from ABF. If you want to defray some costs throw a dozen Bench-Source annealers or some or Dillon 750 presses into the container, you will make a few hundred dollars on each, Cheers.
Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
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