Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Questions about Queensland gun and ammunition laws. QLD Weapons Act 1990.

Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 28 Aug 2014, 6:14 pm

Hey guys. Really in need of advice here.

I've had a pretty serious juvy history (only juvy), and I put myself in a mental ward for a week cuz i was losing control because of drugs (when I was 17) and im now 19.

They want me to write a letter to them explaining why they should give me my license. They are also requesting a note from my doctor to say that I am all clear of the previous ailments.

The lady that I spoke to at QWL said that I should be fine, because it was all when I was a juvenile, but yeah..

Do you guys think I will be ok or not?
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by fenderstrat » 28 Aug 2014, 8:56 pm

I think you should be alright, as long as your doctor writes up a letter saying that you're alright, I suffered from depression last year, because of a breakup, and ended up seeing a psicologist for a few months. When i applied for my licence this year i got him to write up a letter and i ended up getting it, now problem. As long as you're honest you should be alright
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 28 Aug 2014, 11:44 pm

Ok sweet man. Thanks :)

Putting in my forms tomorrow, so I should know by 5pm tomorrow whether I'll be getting my license or not :)
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by MeccaOz » 29 Aug 2014, 12:02 am

Just remember two words "Reformed" and "Regret". Everyone needs a second chance mate.. In my case im prolly on my 10th or so lol
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 29 Aug 2014, 8:38 am

I've written up a full sob story kind of letter aye. Hopefully it works... :/
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by bigfellascott » 29 Aug 2014, 9:42 am

Just give it a go mate, do as they have asked and with some luck you should be fine.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 30 Aug 2014, 8:46 am

How long did your correspondence take to go through the system Fenderstrat?
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Shotfox » 30 Aug 2014, 8:59 am

TikkaT3.223 wrote:Hey guys. Really in need of advice here.

I've had a pretty serious juvy history (only juvy), and I put myself in a mental ward for a week cuz i was losing control because of drugs (when I was 17) and im now 19.

They want me to write a letter to them explaining why they should give me my license. They are also requesting a note from my doctor to say that I am all clear of the previous ailments.

The lady that I spoke to at QWL said that I should be fine, because it was all when I was a juvenile, but yeah..

Do you guys think I will be ok or not?

They may request a phsylocical evaluation by a shrink. There is a series of tests you may have to do / pass along with an interview with a qulified psycologist. Not all psycoligosts do this kind of evaluation and it will could cost anywhere between $600 - $1500 depending on who does this evaluation and the requirements the registry want. I had to do this so I know the drill. It cost me $1400.00 to collect all the required paperwork / evaluations to get my licence back. So be prepared
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 30 Aug 2014, 9:21 am

Well, s**t...

I hope I don't have to do all of that... :/
Posts: 58

Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Shotfox » 30 Aug 2014, 9:42 am

TikkaT3.223 wrote:Well, s**t...

I hope I don't have to do all of that... :/

Hopefully you wont have to and a doctors letter will be ok but when I sent a doctors letter then they come back with you now" need a psycological evaluation" with a raft of tests both mental and multiple choice. The hardest thing was finding a shrink that did thid kind of test and the registry wont help you there either. After finding one and handing over $650.00 the tests took about 2 hours.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by noobtoguns » 30 Aug 2014, 9:53 am

Shotfox wrote:
TikkaT3.223 wrote:Well, s**t...

I hope I don't have to do all of that... :/

Hopefully you wont have to and a doctors letter will be ok but when I sent a doctors letter then they come back with you now" need a psycological evaluation" with a raft of tests both mental and multiple choice. The hardest thing was finding a shrink that did thid kind of test and the registry wont help you there either. After finding one and handing over $650.00 the tests took about 2 hours.

I don't agree at all. Whilst I think everyone should have second chances you should have to well and truly prove you are fit and proper. How much has genuinely changed in 2 years would be what I was asking? I remember when I was 19 and I remember my issues from around that time - they weren't sorted within two years. That fact that the OP criminal history is apparently pretty bad and that he spent time in a mental ward says it all. I do hope you can fulfil your desires but I personally think recent history including juvenile should be well and truly taken into account. If serious evaluations don't take place one has to wonder what the point of the legislation is. I honestly don't like the idea of a 19 yo, recent mental patient with recent serious drug issues getting access to firearms. It gives a bad impression and frankly is a liability
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 30 Aug 2014, 10:00 am

Well, obviously, you and I are two different people.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 30 Aug 2014, 10:10 am

Well look at it this way. For someone like me with serious drug history, you've got to assume that means serious drug contacts, which means serious gang contacts, which means series underground firearm sales.

What's changed, is I'm going through the right hoops and doing everything legally. If I was the way I used to be, I wouldn't bother.

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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by noobtoguns » 30 Aug 2014, 10:26 am

Hey man, not trying to diss you in any way and honestly wish you well. I would e really curious to know how this process goes for you. As I said though I think the process for people with recent histories like yours should be extremely rigorous. I think you should be evaluated and I think your juvenile recent history should be considered also. You may be a nice dood but I don't like the idea of mentally unstable people who can't control their behaivour getting guns
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Shotfox » 30 Aug 2014, 10:32 am

Well Noobtoguns . BEFORE you go shooting your mouth off about who should have a firearms licence and who should not you need to FULLY understand peoples situation and how they ended up having to prove they are fit and proper. For your information, in my situation I was wrongly accused of a crime. It took me seven years and many court apperances to prove my innocence and eventually the police and court appologised for the accusation and stress caused and I was finally cleared. Secondly another eighteen months after that, proving to the registry I was "fit and proper person" cost me another $1400.00 to get my firearms licence back. This whole buracratic bungle could have been avoided if I could have been interviewed directly by the police or registry BUT we have to go through hell and jump through hoops to satisfy someones opionion of us from the other side of the phone. So if YOU dont like the idea of people who wish to join our shooting community just because they may had a difficulty in the past and pass the criteria then that is your problem not a liability.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by TikkaT3.223 » 30 Aug 2014, 10:40 am

Cheers Shotfox. Agreed.

Sorry about what happened to you aye. That's messed up.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Shotfox » 30 Aug 2014, 10:55 am

TikkaT3.223 wrote:Cheers Shotfox. Agreed.

Sorry about what happened to you aye. That's messed up.

Was messed up but all sorted now and Im back doing what I love. Anyway good luck with your application and I hope you do not have to jump through the hoops I had to but all I will say is be prepared for what can happen from here.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Lorgar » 30 Aug 2014, 12:49 pm

TikkaT3.223 wrote:They want me to write a letter to them explaining why they should give me my license. They are also requesting a note from my doctor to say that I am all clear of the previous ailments.

The lady that I spoke to at QWL said that I should be fine, because it was all when I was a juvenile, but yeah..

Slightly different story here but just FYI on the subject of the letter.

A colleague of mine had his vindictive ex-wife tell the police (false claims) he was threatening to hurt himself and others.

His license was suspended and his FA confiscated and he was asked to do the same. Letter from himself and one from the GP saying all clear.

Long story short... Went round in circles for a bit with VIC licensing but after a second letter from the GP saying he was all good his license was restored and his firearms returned. Case closed.

If the lady at QWL says it'll be fine then I guess you're fine. It's just jumping through the hoops because thems the rules.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by coloradoboy » 30 Aug 2014, 5:10 pm

sorry buddy, but I believe that you will be denied the license. Even in the United States and in gun-loving areas like Alaska and Arizona, Texas ( and possibly my state of Colorado) and even with our "...right to bear arms" enshrined in the constitution - if someone has a dependency to certain drugs or links to criminality or domestic violence, etc - you will be denied a purchase at the counter (and rightly so), and will be mostly definitely denied without question a concealed handgun license (CHL) / right to carry.

I can't imagine it being any different given my personal experience of the more restrictive regulations of Queensland / Australia.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Warrigul » 30 Aug 2014, 8:17 pm

Shotfox wrote:Well Noobtoguns . BEFORE you go shooting your mouth off about who should have a firearms licence and who should not you need to FULLY understand peoples situation and how they ended up having to prove they are fit and proper. For your information, in my situation I was wrongly accused of a crime. It took me seven years and many court apperances to prove my innocence and eventually the police and court appologised for the accusation and stress caused and I was finally cleared. Secondly another eighteen months after that, proving to the registry I was "fit and proper person" cost me another $1400.00 to get my firearms licence back. This whole buracratic bungle could have been avoided if I could have been interviewed directly by the police or registry BUT we have to go through hell and jump through hoops to satisfy someones opionion of us from the other side of the phone. So if YOU dont like the idea of people who wish to join our shooting community just because they may had a difficulty in the past and pass the criteria then that is your problem not a liability.

In your case Shotfox it was a mistake, however a person with a proven history of addiction is a totally different matter.

Two years clean is VERY commendable and I hope it continues but I can see why the authorities would be justifiably cautious. I have had to deal with too many cases of addiction over the years at work and not just drugs, in many cases alcohol is just as bad and problem gamblers have caused me more monetary grief that both groups together.

Humans have are fickle things at times and as much as I believe than sensible law abiding citizens should have unfettered access to firearms I also hold that those in need of extra support whom have already shown poor regard for the law should be denied items that may exacerbate the harm they can do. Until at least they have proven they can be trusted.

Just my personal take and no harm meant.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Westy » 30 Aug 2014, 8:52 pm

I wasn't going to weigh in here but how about we all chill and let Weapons licensing do their job!!!!!!!We can have all the opinions in the world and it will amount to s**t!!!!!Good Luck Tikka 223 and let us know how it pans out for you!!!' 8-) 8-) 8-) And Colorado Boy thanks to your lax Gun laws ours are made all the harder!!!!

Cheers Westy
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by MeccaOz » 30 Aug 2014, 9:47 pm

coloradoboy wrote:sorry buddy, but I believe that you will be denied the license. Even in the United States and in gun-loving areas like Alaska and Arizona, Texas ( and possibly my state of Colorado) and even with our "...right to bear arms" enshrined in the constitution - if someone has a dependency to certain drugs or links to criminality or domestic violence, etc - you will be denied a purchase at the counter (and rightly so), and will be mostly definitely denied without question a concealed handgun license (CHL) / right to carry.

I can't imagine it being any different given my personal experience of the more restrictive regulations of Queensland / Australia.

It is a bit different here mate along those lines. If you prove that you are all squared away now and over your issues, you do have a shot at getting your license, even in Nazi Queensland ...
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by fenderstrat » 31 Aug 2014, 1:30 am

MeccaOz wrote:
coloradoboy wrote:sorry buddy, but I believe that you will be denied the license. Even in the United States and in gun-loving areas like Alaska and Arizona, Texas ( and possibly my state of Colorado) and even with our "...right to bear arms" enshrined in the constitution - if someone has a dependency to certain drugs or links to criminality or domestic violence, etc - you will be denied a purchase at the counter (and rightly so), and will be mostly definitely denied without question a concealed handgun license (CHL) / right to carry.

I can't imagine it being any different given my personal experience of the more restrictive regulations of Queensland / Australia.

It is a bit different here mate along those lines. If you prove that you are all squared away now and over your issues, you do have a shot at getting your license, even in Nazi Queensland ...

Australian fair go, mate
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Josh Smith » 31 Aug 2014, 10:48 am

Look, the way I figure it is you Aussies are about the same as us Yanks (the real ones, you know, not the snobbish ones on the news that try to police the world that we all love to hate.)

We worked well together in WWII, Korea, and 'Nam. WWII especially.

You Aussies deserve your individual rights to keep and bear arms at least as much as the average US citizen. Why it's not a right there as it is here is a question I've not explored.

I would think that more people in Australia are kicked to death by kangaroos or some other such silly nonsense than are shot.

It makes me mad when folks I see as brethren are prevented by the governments from being able to walk into a store and buy the gun of their choice. In my view, that's oppression. This includes a lot of States in the US, most of Canada (mostly Newfoundland), and Australia. Even NZ is questionable.

I have an Indiana Handgun Carry Permit, lifetime version. This means that I can carry any handgun of my choice dang near anywhere I want in Indiana and most other states. Currently my handgun of choice is a 1911 Government model I built. I can carry openly or concealed in Indiana, and when I carry openly (which is rarely) I don't get looked at twice.

I can go into a gun shop and buy a gun. I disagree with NICS, but we're working on that.

Reversing laws in effect is tough, but not impossible.


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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by MeccaOz » 31 Aug 2014, 7:30 pm

Josh Smith wrote:Look, the way I figure it is you Aussies are about the same as us Yanks (the real ones, you know, not the snobbish ones on the news that try to police the world that we all love to hate.)

We worked well together in WWII, Korea, and 'Nam. WWII especially.

You Aussies deserve your individual rights to keep and bear arms at least as much as the average US citizen. Why it's not a right there as it is here is a question I've not explored.

I would think that more people in Australia are kicked to death by kangaroos or some other such silly nonsense than are shot.

It makes me mad when folks I see as brethren are prevented by the governments from being able to walk into a store and buy the gun of their choice. In my view, that's oppression. This includes a lot of States in the US, most of Canada (mostly Newfoundland), and Australia. Even NZ is questionable.

I have an Indiana Handgun Carry Permit, lifetime version. This means that I can carry any handgun of my choice dang near anywhere I want in Indiana and most other states. Currently my handgun of choice is a 1911 Government model I built. I can carry openly or concealed in Indiana, and when I carry openly (which is rarely) I don't get looked at twice.

I can go into a gun shop and buy a gun. I disagree with NICS, but we're working on that.

Reversing laws in effect is tough, but not impossible.



Well at the moment a few of us are actually checking to see if we have a valid constitution here mate, things are a bit blurry, and the government since the 60's seems to be invalid, and all the laws since. In our original constitution handed down by the queen, we are allowed to be armed, seems even our militia is in fact NOT the army reserve. As shooters we fight almost daily to keep and extend the meagre rights we have, but there are alot things up in the air we need to have sorted out too.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Shotfox » 01 Sep 2014, 7:04 am

And the other thing Josh is we do not have the weight of an NRA type organisation to back us and defend our rights. Our largest gun lobby is the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and they are more or less a paper tiger and seem to be becomming worse in handling shooting related issues.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by MeccaOz » 01 Sep 2014, 7:25 am

Shotfox wrote:And the other thing Josh is we do not have the weight of an NRA type organisation to back us and defend our rights. Our largest gun lobby is the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and they are more or less a paper tiger and seem to be becomming worse in handling shooting related issues.

Because they are pro gun and may one day help us out, I'll remain a member. I believe to many people fracture alot of pro gun causes, which is never good. In saying that the SSAA, needs to do alot more, instead of feeding off ranges in Australia ..
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Shotfox » 01 Sep 2014, 8:42 am

Tend to agree Mecca. Im only a member because of the insurance. I wouldnt hang your hat on the thought they may stick up for us and actually fight to win an argument for our rights.
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Westy » 01 Sep 2014, 8:32 pm

Shotfox wrote:Tend to agree Mecca. Im only a member because of the insurance. I wouldnt hang your hat on the thought they may stick up for us and actually fight to win an argument for our rights.

The only thing they know about sticking up is everyone every weekend at the range!!!!The S.S.A.A are in bed with the powers to be making the rules they only exist to line their own pockets from our misfortune!!! I wouldn't be a member except I have too, just to maintain my license !!!!!! :twisted: :cry: :evil: I here Brisbane takes in $25000-00 per weekend now times that by 52 and by my reckoning that comes to 1.2 million a year and we can't even get the bloody lights fixed for Tuesday night silhouette shoots!!!! not to mention what they take during the week???? And that's only the Brisbane Club,money hungry Pigs!!!!!!
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Re: Correspondence in email. Mental and Criminal.

Post by Warrigul » 02 Sep 2014, 12:01 pm

Westy wrote:
Shotfox wrote:Tend to agree Mecca. Im only a member because of the insurance. I wouldnt hang your hat on the thought they may stick up for us and actually fight to win an argument for our rights.

The only thing they know about sticking up is everyone every weekend at the range!!!!The S.S.A.A are in bed with the powers to be making the rules they only exist to line their own pockets from our misfortune!!! I wouldn't be a member except I have too, just to maintain my license !!!!!! :twisted: :cry: :evil: I here Brisbane takes in $25000-00 per weekend now times that by 52 and by my reckoning that comes to 1.2 million a year and we can't even get the bloody lights fixed for Tuesday night silhouette shoots!!!! not to mention what they take during the week???? And that's only the Brisbane Club,money hungry Pigs!!!!!!

You could always go and join another club or form your own, I know there are at least two other organisations in your area.

I am so sick of people who whine about the SSAA but who aren't willing to put up their hand and help.
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