How much ammo do you have?

Questions about Victorian gun and ammunition laws. Victorian Firearms Act 1996.

How much ammo do you have?

Post by bladeracer » 31 Jul 2017, 9:05 am

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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by bladeracer » 31 Jul 2017, 9:21 am

sungazer wrote:OMG for a lot of target shooters that could be a disaster, if they also include bullets in the ammo rule. The serious or very serious shooters will often buy thousands of projectiles just to make sure they come from the same batch. My wallet doesn't extend much past 12 months however I know I wouldn't switch or at least ever give up totally on the good ole 308 so can never really buy too much.
Even then I have a box of maybe every different weight and type in several brands just because of wanting to try everything.

It's ludicrous.
I think only WA classes brass and bullets as ammunition so everywhere else there shouldn't be any limit on those.
I have over 7000 jacketed bullets on the shelf.
But I'm going to be topping up my stocks of powders, primers and rimfire ammo for sure.

My neighbour only hunts deer and probably only shoots 30-40rds a year, but he probably doesn't bother keeping any on hand anyway.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Oldbloke » 31 Jul 2017, 9:30 am

How stupid is that. Will they do the same to criminals?
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Dexer » 31 Jul 2017, 9:35 am

We do a lot of clay shooting on private property, not unusual to for us to buy 10-15 slabs of ammo in bulk for savings. That'd go out the window real quick.

But what is 'reasonable'? For instance, I have around 150-200 rounds of .308 all in different weights and types, is that unreasonable? Unlikely to fire them all in the next 12 months. But packs come in 20s...
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Bushie » 31 Jul 2017, 9:42 am

Bentaz I really look up to you on that front :D

But on a serious note the more we habe the more things we need to buy the more GST they can claim???
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by gazza » 31 Jul 2017, 9:55 am

I get pretty low sometimes. Only shoot factory though and I enjoy going to the gun store. Has anyone here ever been questioned by police on their amount of ammo? It seems like another law the cops could use against you if they just felt like it.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by bladeracer » 31 Jul 2017, 9:58 am

bentaz wrote:While i am completely against any restriction of law abiding shooters (short of safe storage) i would find i difficult to store as much ammo as i go through in a year, unless they were going to limit components as well.
I reckon i could justify:
15 slabs of clay loads.
1000 loaded slugs.
2 slabs of no.2's
1 slab of buckshot.
1000 rounds of .222
1000 rounds of 6.5x55
1000 rounds of .303
1000 rounds of .303 sport
1000 rounds of 7.7 jap
1000 rounds of 8x57
1000 rounds of 6.5 carcano
Easy 5000 rounds of .22
1000 38 spec
And some others in lesser amounts 20ga, 410 etc.
Any one who thinks im exaggerating can check the thread on my birthday shoot, we went through half that mil-surp ammo in one weekend.

You must have a hell of a disposable income - not to mention the time involved in tossing 20,000rds down range every year!
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by bladeracer » 31 Jul 2017, 9:59 am

gazza wrote:I get pretty low sometimes. Only shoot factory though and I enjoy going to the gun store. Has anyone here ever been questioned by police on their amount of ammo? It seems like another law the cops could use against you if they just felt like it.

Strange thing is, I'm not aware of any law that allows Police to even ask how much ammo you have.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Daddybang » 31 Jul 2017, 10:00 am

How can they say what is a reasonable amount for twelve months use. I keep around 200 for Centre fire and around a brick for rim fire. I wouldn't use much more than that unless I have a "s**ts and giggle" weekend or two. Comp and pro shooters will understandably keep a hell of a lot more. All I can say is that it's a good thing these dumbarses won't be returning to government. Bring on the election :crazy: :crazy:
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by bladeracer » 31 Jul 2017, 10:08 am

Daddybang wrote:How can they say what is a reasonable amount for twelve months use. I keep around 200 for Centre fire and around a brick for rim fire. I wouldn't use much more than that unless I have a "s**ts and giggle" weekend or two. Comp and pro shooters will understandably keep a hell of a lot more. All I can say is that it's a good thing these dumbarses won't be returning to government. Bring on the election :crazy: :crazy:

Unfortunately the other dumbarses just vote the other half of the team in instead and we're stuck with the same garbage.
People need to stop voting Lib/Lab - they're the same bunch!
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Gwion » 31 Jul 2017, 10:10 am

Seems their major concern is an armed rebellion/revolution.

Thing they don't get is that, like your average criminal, rebels & revolutionaries don't allow themselves to be hampered by following pesky laws.

What other reason is there for restricting ammo sales??? :unknown:
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by bullzeye » 31 Jul 2017, 10:18 am

Doesn't seem logical if you buy in bulk to get better value per shot.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Daddybang » 31 Jul 2017, 10:26 am

Ya 100 per cent right blade racer. The Australian ladies party and the other dheads are very much on the nose here in qld. I personally think that many voters will be going away from the major parties in our next state election and we will end up with a lnp/phon government. Don't know if it will be a good thing but I reckon that's what we'll get. :thumbsup:
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by AusTac » 31 Jul 2017, 10:26 am

Not alot, can never afford the bulk buy specials, probably have a few rounds at most of live ammunition ready to go, would rather buy appropriate fresh ammo for whatever i'm doing as i change rounds between target hunting, not to mention having the space to store it
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Daddybang » 31 Jul 2017, 10:27 am

Gwion wrote:Seems their major concern is an armed rebellion/revolution.

Thing they don't get is that, like your average criminal, rebels & revolutionaries don't allow themselves to be hampered by following pesky laws.

What other reason is there for restricting ammo sales??? :unknown:

Correct :thumbsup:
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Member-Deleted » 31 Jul 2017, 11:04 am

Yeah this is interesting as well as concerning and i couldn't find anywhere of how much ammo they deem enough for day to day useage for normal citizens
This could end up being a major decider in an election for labor in a way they're not expecting because by putting more restrictions on
firearms will just put more distrust on governing parties and licencing bodies, ( hell there's enough there now )

It is of my opinion that they should be putting their energy into finding out the reason why people are being shot dead by police rather than tazered when the victim is only holding anything but a firearm

I think all political parties want more gun reform but labor is the only one dumb enough to pull it on and think it wouldn't affect the outcome of the qld election
This should be a reminder to all law abiding gun owners to the slur to their integrety and inteligence and vote with this in mind at the next elections
God forbid we don't end up like america where there is so much distrust with the powers to be that civilians are already stockpiling weapons in fear of loosing
their rights of having them and if they loose these rights the people stockpiling guns will automaticly become criminals by having illegal guns

The only way we can retain our rights is to have good passionate people in the right places ( SSAA and the like ) fighting on our behalf and gun owners at the
ballot box
I can't see an easing of the push for more gun restrictions in the very near future so it's best all firearm owners keep their eye on the eight ball and let their
thoughts be known by getting in touch with their local members
Getting back on track i wonder if having bottles of powder for reloading would be seen as having the capability of having too much ammo ?
Maybe thats their idea ,take away your reloading and you have to buy ammo this way its easier for them to keep a check on people and know exactly
what calibers you have at your disposal

Anyway food for thought

Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by southwest shooter » 31 Jul 2017, 11:10 am

Everytime I walk in a gunshop I seem to buy ammo if they have a special on something !
southwest shooter
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by doc » 31 Jul 2017, 11:27 am

Whilst I find these new proposals preposterous and ridiculous it's the following that has me seething red:

In proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) or (2), the onus is on the defendant to prove that the quantity of ammunition in his or her possession was not more than was required to meet his or her reasonable needs in making lawful use of a firearm or in carrying on the business of a dealer (as the case requires) for the immediately following 12 months.

Another 'guilty until you prove yourself innocent' law. We wouldn't call it acceptable for police to go into people's homes and charge them for theft of every item in their house unless they can prove that they legally purchased them. How many cirminals get off because of 'lack of Evidence'. But apparently we as LAFO's aren't granted the same levels of protection.

This single statement should have lawyers civil rights activists, and the general population voicing their concerns in mass.Yet because it's against LAFO's - I dare say it'll be another still night with nothing but the sounds of crickets in the background. Nothing short of disgusting.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Member-Deleted » 31 Jul 2017, 11:35 am

Bladeracer i was talking to a bloke in the know and he states that with all these new bikie laws and terrorist laws police have the legal right
to ask a larger amount of questions reguarding firearms to gain a data base

Although he is not sure the ammo one is on the list but it could well be


Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by pomemax » 31 Jul 2017, 11:49 am

22 lr 7500
.17hmr 1000
.22mag 1540
22 hornet 82
223 1020
22.25 145
243 620
38special 536
357 mag 50
308 529
30-06 50
300wsm 270
30-30 310
303brit 120
9mm 3000
That is how much ammo I used last year I keep a spread sheet with receipts attached , onus is on the defendant to prove that the quantity of ammunition in his or her possession was not more than was required,
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Supaduke » 31 Jul 2017, 12:46 pm

The law is unenforceable anyway. Just feel good window dressing. How can they keep track of ammo bought and ammo discharged? The police are only authorised to check your safe. What are they gonna do? Go through your whole house in search of ammo? How would they know if you shot 50 rounds or 500 at the range?. At best it would cause shooters an inconvenience. So many other issues in Australia and yet this is the best these assclowns can come up with.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by southwest shooter » 31 Jul 2017, 12:48 pm

Whenever a laws are passed that that the onus of proof is required by the defendant shows we are moviing ever closer to a police state .
southwest shooter
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Member-Deleted » 31 Jul 2017, 12:53 pm

Yep all true Supaduke yet they seem hell bent on taking our sport away something given to us since christ himself was in nappies


Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by juststarting » 31 Jul 2017, 1:45 pm

I don't see how this could ever be enforced unless stores keep track of it and send it somewhere for "big data" processing as they said in the article. This is a mammoth task, without proper systems... And when or more likely 'if' you get an inspection, well, you know, you may actually let your friend borrow those 4kg cans of powder or a box of ammo, because they asked you for it... I just don't see how this could be enforced. And then you have ambiguity on - what's reasonable? And is it per rifle or in general. Per rifle, well most share primers and powders, so looking at it with equal distribution is a bit weird too, assuming those who stockpile actually do it coincidentally due to lots of guns. This is just weird.

...and then there's always an ammo collectors licence. ROFL
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by bigfellascott » 31 Jul 2017, 2:14 pm

bentaz wrote:While i am completely against any restriction of law abiding shooters (short of safe storage) i would find i difficult to store as much ammo as i go through in a year, unless they were going to limit components as well.
I reckon i could justify:
15 slabs of clay loads.
1000 loaded slugs.
2 slabs of no.2's
1 slab of buckshot.
1000 rounds of .222
1000 rounds of 6.5x55
1000 rounds of .303
1000 rounds of .303 sport
1000 rounds of 7.7 jap
1000 rounds of 8x57
1000 rounds of 6.5 carcano
Easy 5000 rounds of .22
1000 38 spec
And some others in lesser amounts 20ga, 410 etc.
Any one who thinks im exaggerating can check the thread on my birthday shoot, we went through half that mil-surp ammo in one weekend.

That's over 270rds a week or over 40rds a day. Glad I don't have that sort of addiction. :D
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Tiger650 » 31 Jul 2017, 4:31 pm

The grubs are pushing for a "cashless society" can you blokes connect the dots re what they will approve you spend whatever income they leave you on ?
Too much beer and your embedded chip will be rejected at the pub, forget ammo or components.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by juststarting » 31 Jul 2017, 4:56 pm

Tiger650, I already have a chip... It's recording everything that's being said here and I have no control over it. It's been implanted during my last abduction by an experimental craft, programmed to scan certain brain waves. In fact, this is being typed against my will, I am trying to resist but my fingers are just moving on their own. At this stage, I think the revolutionaries have hacked the system and took control of the chip and my actions. Please send help, bring foil. We need a lot of foil. And a donkey.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by scoobs » 31 Jul 2017, 7:11 pm

define a 12month supply lol
Tikka t3x super lite stainless .308/Nikon M-308 4-16x42 BDC-800.
Tikka T3X varmint stainless 22-250/Bushnell Trophy Extreme 6-24x50.
Lithgow LA101 22LR/bushnell rimfire 3-12x40
Adler a110 12Ga 20" tactical.
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by juststarting » 31 Jul 2017, 7:18 pm

It's what your closest green assclown feels is reasonable for you to shoot in a year. Isn't it obvious?
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Re: How much ammo do you have?

Post by Oldbloke » 31 Jul 2017, 7:30 pm

bentaz wrote:While i am completely against any restriction of law abiding shooters (short of safe storage) i would find i difficult to store as much ammo as i go through in a year, unless they were going to limit components as well.
I reckon i could justify:
15 slabs of clay loads.
1000 loaded slugs.
2 slabs of no.2's
1 slab of buckshot.
1000 rounds of .222
1000 rounds of 6.5x55
1000 rounds of .303
1000 rounds of .303 sport
1000 rounds of 7.7 jap
1000 rounds of 8x57
1000 rounds of 6.5 carcano
Easy 5000 rounds of .22
1000 38 spec
And some others in lesser amounts 20ga, 410 etc.
Any one who thinks im exaggerating can check the thread on my birthday shoot, we went through half that mil-surp ammo in one weekend.

I'm impressed!
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