New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Questions about Tasmanian fun and ammunition laws. Tasmanian Firearms Act 1996.

New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by juststarting » 20 Jul 2016, 11:32 pm

So am I reading this right?! On Firearm Owners United Facebook page, writeup about new appearance based restrictions for Tasmania - any bolt action with a pistol grip and mean looking is a no no, potentially?

:huh: how is pistol grip preventing crime exactly? My brain hurts.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by bladeracer » 21 Jul 2016, 1:46 am

They need to get their heads around the fact that legally-owned firearms have negligable impact on crime, even when we were allowed assault rifles and machineguns. They need to put their efforts to combating criminally-used firearms.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Oldbloke » 21 Jul 2016, 4:27 am

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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Mr.Seacucumber » 21 Jul 2016, 8:21 am

Gonna sell my MDT Howa 1500 and my air rifle, I don't trust these f***s not to put it in Victoria and at least I might be able to get some money back, after that I'll look at moving to New Zealand
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Bills Shed » 21 Jul 2016, 8:37 am

juststarting wrote:So am I reading this right?! On Firearm Owners United Facebook page, writeup about new appearance based restrictions for Tasmania - any bolt action with a pistol grip and mean looking is a no no, potentially?

:huh: how is pistol grip preventing crime exactly? My brain hurts.

Yes it is in schedule 1 of the Act, 1996
6. Any firearm that substantially duplicates in appearance a firearm referred to in item 1. (Item 1.)(Any machine gun, submachine gun or other firearm capable of propelling projectiles in rapid succession during one pressure of the trigger.)

Apparently It is starting to be enforced and there are some firearms owners waiting on decisions. "Appearance" is very subjective and is really someone's opinion. In theory your PTA or rifle could be refused or confiscated due to someone's opinion.
I believe there are moves afoot to have the clarified/ changed. If I have this wrong please chime in.

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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Oldbloke » 21 Jul 2016, 9:46 am

Im sure the vast number of police understand this is BS. At the end of the day we need a strong lobby to have the legislation changed.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 21 Jul 2016, 10:26 am

Oldbloke wrote:Im sure the vast number of police understand this is BS. At the end of the day we need a strong lobby to have the legislation changed.

Don't overestimate their powers of rational thought...

Fact is that only firearms are exempt, in this country, from evidence based policy and legislation. Mainly resulting from the minority that lawful gun owners represent, too many owners accept being treating like crims, accepted the bipartisan traitorous acts committed on us back in 96, and since...

Police are the keepers of the peace. NOT the legislators but we have this black is white left is right up is down situation where the POLICE ADVISE our legislators....WTF people???

I firmly beleive the licensing should be taken AWAY from police depts, enforcement yes. Licensing HELL NO. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. They want guns out of the community, ALL guns, they make no distinction between lawful or unlawful - of course their standard lines are "firearm are not a right..." "..we have to balance community safety..." "..not targeted at those who abide by the laws..." .. blah blah blah
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by on_one_wheel » 21 Jul 2016, 11:18 am

How on earth can something with a blot handle even remotely resemble anything other than a bolt action rifle.
Hopefully we don't have Samantha lee deciding if our firearms have a "military" appearance or not.

What if the chasis style stock is removed and replaced with a normal stock for the inspection ?

With the topic hotting up, all the lobby groups will be lobbying for change.

Its a regulation with zero logic solely designed to remove firearms from lafo's and have no impact on crime prevention.

What next ? Cars with spoilers look too fast.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Heckler303 » 21 Jul 2016, 6:21 pm

My F***ING face right now.


If something doesn't work, apply rule .303!
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by tac20 » 21 Jul 2016, 8:00 pm

New poster here - but feel I'm qualified to comment for the benefit of others. I bought a WFA1 recently and was refused by TasPol to have it shipped to the state. Ultimately I was provided with no answers and my questions were ignored. I lost around $1000 in investment of gear for the rifle and $600 on the cost of the rifle to resell. I had to sell it unseen and weeks after it was previously advertised, which means people were already wary and were not going to pay full price. This has been a VERY costly exercise for me at the expense of some secret negotiations going on. The difficult part to accept is the TasPol stated that there has been no changes and they are just enforcing the Act. I could accept this if Warwick Firearms had not received confirmation of Cat B compliance for the WFA1 from TasPol, and there is currently 1 registered WFA1 in Tasmania at this point. You read it correctly, they denied mine stating they were enforcing the Act but there is currently one in a safe somewhere under Cat B. I have heard there are 4 rifles on the hit list, including the Ruger Precision Rifle and WFA1.

I have been disgusted by this process and the severe lack of info provided to me, when I was the one following the correct procedures. This was an epic fail from TasPol and policy on the run. So, yes they are enforcing this amazingly pointless part of the Act. The odd part is if they applied the Act to the letter consistently every Glock would be illegal considering there are full auto Glocks **(Any firearm that substantially duplicates in appearance a firearm referred to in item 1. (Item 1.)(Any machine gun, submachine gun or other firearm capable of propelling projectiles in rapid succession during one pressure of the trigger.)**. But I get the feeling they are just afraid of the AR or modular look.

Hope someone comes to their senses soon.

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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 21 Jul 2016, 8:32 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:How on earth can something with a blot handle even remotely resemble anything other than a bolt action rifle.
Hopefully we don't have Samantha lee deciding if our firearms have a "military" appearance or not.

heres a refresher on the firearms expertise of 'our finest' *cough* *cough*

This sorry episode in Victorian firearm history, we refer to as 'some kind of automatic'-gate..
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by GCCA » 23 Jul 2016, 8:49 pm

Please everyone keep this in mind before your next state election! Spend 10 minutes to find out who your local state member is and write them a quick letter it will take no more then 30 minutes from start to posted!
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Baronvonrort » 24 Jul 2016, 5:46 pm

Maybe the SSAA will whinge about it when they try to ban military bolt action rifles like Accuracy International or are they considered Ok because most get them in FDE and OD intead of black.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 24 Jul 2016, 5:59 pm

Nah, when we are left with our single shot high powered 22 rimfires, and they start eyeing them off...... then the SSAA may have something to say
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by bladeracer » 24 Jul 2016, 6:08 pm

<<Genesis93>> wrote:Nah, when we are left with our single shot high powered 22 rimfires, and they start eyeing them off...... then the SSAA may have something to say

They won't bother doing anything until membership fees stop coming in to pay their wages.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Dogman » 22 Jan 2017, 10:53 pm

G,day Guys just wondering if anyone in Tas has heard anymore about this! I'm in Tas & heard there still looking at it & have recently stopped a PWS T3 with tactical stock leaving the shop unless the stock was changed!
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Bills Shed » 23 Jan 2017, 9:35 am

I have not heard anything, but I am looking either. It is still in the schedule and the schedule has not been clarified in relation to appearance. Appearance is still emotive so they can still refuse any application if they wish. There is nothing to say that they have to approve it, and the police can change their mind at any time.
I have never had a problem with the police but my gear is bog standard.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Noisydad » 23 Jan 2017, 11:27 am

Get onto the Combined Firearms Councils email list and see what's planned for all of us. It ain't pretty!
There's still a few of Wile. E Coyote's ideas that I haven't tried yet.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Gwion » 23 Jan 2017, 11:46 am

Noisydad wrote:Get onto the Combined Firearms Councils email list and see what's planned for all of us. It ain't pretty!

Got a link to some info, Noisy???
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by RoginaJack » 24 Jan 2017, 3:26 pm

Boom, Boom! Tikka, Tikka, Boom! Shoot first, video later.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Spudman75 » 27 Jan 2017, 7:09 pm

I take it you haven't seen the new Storage requirements due to come into force in TAS. They already estimate it will cost firearms owners $12-15 million to comply, better get your wallets out boys. It is too late to block, since submissions ended in late December.

Seriously those in TAS need to get out in the street and protest.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 27 Jan 2017, 7:43 pm

That one was shelved.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Bushie » 27 Jan 2017, 8:59 pm

Don't worry guys gun crime will stop if our law abiding citizens are unarmed
and if the crooks aren't allowed pistol grips they will shoot up another country

Stuff like this absolutely does my head in
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Gun-nut » 28 Jan 2017, 7:35 pm

The boys in Tas have a lot of s**t coming down the pipeline that they have to deal with.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by <<Genesis93>> » 28 Jan 2017, 7:43 pm

Gun-nut wrote:The boys in Tas have a lot of s**t coming down the pipeline that they have to deal with.

ok.... so its like this;

currently EVERY state has their gun-grabbing departments working feverously DRAFTING regs and bills to present to parliament combining the 'Adler' agreement laws and no doubt they will sneak in ANYTHING....just imagine theyre all rubbing their hands...
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Gwion » 28 Jan 2017, 8:13 pm

Storage laws (actually, regs) being brought in line with the rest of the country is no big deal. My safe already meets those specs anyway.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Bills Shed » 28 Jan 2017, 8:44 pm

Agree with Gwion,
There's are nothing new if you have lived in any other state beside Tas. I have lived in WA... Now that place is just hard work for a firearm owner. I do not envy them and their requirements to own and use a firearm. Makes Tassy regulations look very civil!

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Bills Shed
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Spudman75 » 29 Jan 2017, 10:57 am

Gwion wrote:Storage laws (actually, regs) being brought in line with the rest of the country is no big deal. My safe already meets those specs anyway.

Do you have CCTV and a monitored alarm? That is the new law. It will only get harder and more expensive. Sit back and wait if you want...
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Gwion » 30 Jan 2017, 2:04 pm

Spudman75 wrote:
Gwion wrote:Storage laws (actually, regs) being brought in line with the rest of the country is no big deal. My safe already meets those specs anyway.

Do you have CCTV and a monitored alarm? That is the new law. It will only get harder and more expensive. Sit back and wait if you want...

No, and i wont need to because i will never have ten or more firearms. 8 or 9 is the most i will ever have.
If you have 10 guns and your safe doesn't meet these requirements i think you're a bit complacent anyway. Again, these requirements are the same for most other states, anyway.
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Re: New firearms restrictions proposal (TAS)

Post by Gun-nut » 30 Jan 2017, 7:16 pm

Gwion wrote:
Spudman75 wrote:
Gwion wrote:Storage laws (actually, regs) being brought in line with the rest of the country is no big deal. My safe already meets those specs anyway.

Do you have CCTV and a monitored alarm? That is the new law. It will only get harder and more expensive. Sit back and wait if you want...

No, and i wont need to because i will never have ten or more firearms. 8 or 9 is the most i will ever have.
If you have 10 guns and your safe doesn't meet these requirements i think you're a bit complacent anyway. Again, these requirements are the same for most other states, anyway.

Even if YOUR fine with it, doesn't mean that others aren't for various reasons. Either way we should NEVER give in to the antis.
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