The Australian Defence Force capability.

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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Lazarus » 09 Aug 2024, 10:42 am

Larry wrote:I bet those that are underrating our defense force also under rated our Athletes at the Olympics. For the size of our country we punch well above our weight.

It's not the force per se Larry, the average digger is anything but average.

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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 09 Aug 2024, 7:08 pm

We bury 45 MRH-90 Taipan helicopters (no real reason) that plenty of other countries operate.

We try to convert a nuclear sub into a battery operated sub. Then cancel the contract.

We buy US nuclear subs and pay a huge deposit with zero guarantee.

We can't even make primers.

I'm convinced the ADF is fukd.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Lazarus » 12 Aug 2024, 7:12 am

The AUKUS "deal" is looking dodgier by the minute.

Latest reports are that there is a "confidential" political element that we still aren't allowed to know.

Will that just be that the US can dictate where and when they're used, as with all their other top shelf military gear?

Or will we be obliged to show up next time they invade someone?

Then there's the not insignificant point that any future president can, unilaterally, just pull the pin if they feel the urge.

The elephant in the room here is that Moronison's twisting and changing has left us looking at a minimum gap of 10 years with no submarines at all, once the already aging Collins have to be retired.
Or, the prospect of spending more billions trying to keep.them realistically operational.

The Moronison gummint did us proud with this sh!tstorm. ... /104206862
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Lazarus » 12 Aug 2024, 8:04 am

This is exactly what I mean above.

Are we going to face this with "our" submarines?
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Aug 2024, 5:57 pm

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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Lazarus » 12 Aug 2024, 9:16 pm

Yeah, it just keeps getting better, eh?
If Australia was a person, we'd be walking around with a piece of paper taped to our back, saying "kick me", and all the other countries would steal our pocket money and eat our lunch.

How bloody embarrassing ... tent=other
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 16 Aug 2024, 8:38 am

This is new to me. AU building un crewed subs. ... -66264758#
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 08 Sep 2024, 3:42 pm

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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by alexjones » 08 Sep 2024, 8:58 pm

“1800 officers have been diverted from duties to monitor the area”

What a good way to announce to the criminals that they can commit their crimes and the police won't respond. You would think they would not disclose this? Like during covid the police in QLD announced they would not be doing RBTs or highway patrolling because the close contact was ‘unsafe’. Typical stupid public servants saying the quiet part out loud.

I do however support these protests for the fact that the government won't allow me to buy these weapons yet other people can? F them!
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Bugman » 10 Sep 2024, 5:04 pm

Just on a more recent note: Why would you join the ADF after the completion of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicides? Seems to me that a Basket Case of the ADF and Veterans Affairs has been uncovered.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 10 Sep 2024, 5:34 pm

Bugman wrote:Just on a more recent note: Why would you join the ADF after the completion of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicides? Seems to me that a Basket Case of the ADF and Veterans Affairs has been uncovered.

Mate, I don't know what's going on. But the ADF in general is a basket case.

High suicides rates are perhaps just a symptom of what's going on.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by alexjones » 10 Sep 2024, 5:40 pm

Bugman wrote:Just on a more recent note: Why would you join the ADF after the completion of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicides? Seems to me that a Basket Case of the ADF and Veterans Affairs has been uncovered.

Why would anyone join the ADF or any public service for that matter since the government forced us with threat of imprisonment to hand over our private property and register what we were aloud to keep?

I would never join any public service apart from being a politician.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 24 Sep 2024, 8:38 pm

I guess there is risk, whatever we do.

In my mind I wonder if we are setting our selves up to become a target? ... /104376384
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Beno » 25 Sep 2024, 6:38 pm

Oldbloke wrote:I guess there is risk, whatever we do.

In my mind I wonder if we are setting our selves up to become a target? ... /104376384

Possibly but to hit Tindal or any base with US assets more or less immediately brings them into any conflict. So a deterrent as well?

AUKUS will bankrupt this country. It will blow out to nearly a trillion $$ i reckon.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 28 Sep 2024, 9:40 pm

Beno wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:I guess there is risk, whatever we do.

In my mind I wonder if we are setting our selves up to become a target? ... /104376384

Possibly but to hit Tindal or any base with US assets more or less immediately brings them into any conflict. So a deterrent as well?

AUKUS will bankrupt this country. It will blow out to nearly a trillion $$ i reckon.

Inclined to agree in both instances.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by alexjones » 28 Sep 2024, 9:55 pm

Whats the alternative to not be strong allies with the USA?

Not being an ally makes us a target anyway. So either way it makes no difference.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by on_one_wheel » 29 Sep 2024, 7:52 am

alexjones wrote:Whats the alternative to not be strong allies with the USA?

Not being an ally makes us a target anyway. So either way it makes no difference.

Our resources makes us a target.
Without allies we'd be learning a new language in no time.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 01 Oct 2024, 7:36 am

Good news for ADF & Ukraine .
It doesn't say how many to Ukraine tho? ... c-66264758
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Beno » 01 Oct 2024, 9:23 am

I’d say most will go to Ukraine. it was interesting to seemhow far our production capability has fallen. Can’t produce a fuse, can’t produce the specific tnt, can’t even produce the required steel for the case. Too bad if there is a blockade of our ports, we’d be stuffed.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 01 Oct 2024, 12:17 pm

Beno wrote:I’d say most will go to Ukraine. it was interesting to seemhow far our production capability has fallen. Can’t produce a fuse, can’t produce the specific tnt, can’t even produce the required steel for the case. Too bad if there is a blockade of our ports, we’d be stuffed.

You Echo my concerns.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by alexjones » 01 Oct 2024, 1:11 pm

Beno wrote:I’d say most will go to Ukraine. it was interesting to seemhow far our production capability has fallen. Can’t produce a fuse, can’t produce the specific tnt, can’t even produce the required steel for the case. Too bad if there is a blockade of our ports, we’d be stuffed.

Not even a blockade of the ports. What happened during the worldwide scamdemic a few years ago? The world was shut down over a flu creating a shortage in the supply chain. Could easily happen again now the precedent has been set.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by on_one_wheel » 01 Oct 2024, 8:14 pm

The script on how to destroy the worlds economy has been written and stress tested.
Perhaps next time it won't be a minor flue that was "so severe" most people dont even realise they have it, next time it'll be something brutal that the Chinese will be vaccinated for in advance.

I'll never forget the Chinese propaganda videos doing the rounds, people being rounded up, dead people littering the streets, buildings having the doors welded shut, hospitals being built in a hurry, military trucks fumigating the streets....
It was all 100% bullsĥit and the West lapped it all up.

As for the Chinese ship jammed in Suez Canal during 2021, that was really the icing on the cake for the supply chain issues.
I don't believe in coincidence.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 03 Oct 2024, 5:03 pm

A good news story. AU hov says they will buy 4 of these. But as we all know, could reneg on that. ... pabilities
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by deye243 » 04 Oct 2024, 3:14 am

Oldbloke wrote:A good news story. AU hov says they will buy 4 of these. But as we all know, could reneg on that. ... pabilities

Haha 4 this just shows how f***ed we are at a minimum we need 40 and then at least 2 aircraft carriers oh and while I'm at it 4 times the personal we have .
not the lefty ****** we have now in the military and yep I do have a bit of inside insight as most of my extended family were in .
Now they just shake their heads and wonder how the f*** we could ever fight of NZ without the us .
Don't laugh I recon we would fail .
Mate you can't even wear a aggressive insignia or swear now without facing charges wow what a military we have oh and I forgot they only promote on gender or lack of it definitely not on ability I could go on .
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by mchughcb » 04 Oct 2024, 2:25 pm

100k artillery shells a year. At the start Russia was firing 60k a day.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 21 Oct 2024, 6:28 am

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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Wapiti » 21 Oct 2024, 7:20 am

The AUKUS Submarine fiasco isn't going to eventuate.

Information now says that the US do not want to proceed with building subs for us, instead building extra units for their own Navy to specifically allocate to the region and operate them out of the new upgraded port in WA, specifically to address the threat posed from you-know-who.
This will see more nuclear subs potentially operating in the region, but none under our control as such.
On hearing this yesterday, the one thing I thought a benefit is that it takes more politicians from photo ops and keeps them out of big-boys' decisions.

Will the Brits stump ap and see the $Billions now potentially available to be mismanaged by useless politicians and hoovered up by the defence industry that makes the world evil fat and rich? Purely profit and politics but no real end to this joke.
Watch this space, it's pointless speculating. There's a stick in the spokes of the armchair experts.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 21 Oct 2024, 8:29 am

Wapiti wrote:The AUKUS Submarine fiasco isn't going to eventuate.

Information now says that the US do not want to proceed with building subs for us, instead building extra units for their own Navy to specifically allocate to the region and operate them out of the new upgraded port in WA, specifically to address the threat posed from you-know-who.
This will see more nuclear subs potentially operating in the region, but none under our control as such.
On hearing this yesterday, the one thing I thought a benefit is that it takes more politicians from photo ops and keeps them out of big-boys' decisions.

Will the Brits stump ap and see the $Billions now potentially available to be mismanaged by useless politicians and hoovered up by the defence industry that makes the world evil fat and rich? Purely profit and politics but no real end to this joke.
Watch this space, it's pointless speculating. There's a stick in the spokes of the armchair experts.

Has that been formally decided/announced?

Or is it media speculation?
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Oldbloke » 21 Oct 2024, 8:45 am

Laz, reckoned they were a white elephant.
He was right, we can make or buy a lot of sh1t with all those billions.

The whole sub thing has been a political football since they started building the current Collins class subs. Just one fuk up after another.
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Re: The Australian Defence Force capability.

Post by Wapiti » 21 Oct 2024, 9:22 am

Oldbloke wrote:
Wapiti wrote:The AUKUS Submarine fiasco isn't going to eventuate.

Information now says that the US do not want to proceed with building subs for us, instead building extra units for their own Navy to specifically allocate to the region and operate them out of the new upgraded port in WA, specifically to address the threat posed from you-know-who.
This will see more nuclear subs potentially operating in the region, but none under our control as such.
On hearing this yesterday, the one thing I thought a benefit is that it takes more politicians from photo ops and keeps them out of big-boys' decisions.

Will the Brits stump ap and see the $Billions now potentially available to be mismanaged by useless politicians and hoovered up by the defence industry that makes the world evil fat and rich? Purely profit and politics but no real end to this joke.
Watch this space, it's pointless speculating. There's a stick in the spokes of the armchair experts.

Has that been formally decided/announced?

Or is it media speculation?

It was a news story on Sky Sunday and there were some US Defence analysts talking about the fact that they will never get resources to make subs for us, as they are strapped trying to meet a quota for themselves for what they see is upcoming tensions kicking off. This came from a big concern in congress that's beginning to realise that they feel it's a bad idea because it holds up the US's security.
I've tried to find the story to provide a link for you but cannot.
If people want to use that as a reason to believe otherwise of to prove some other theory they want to win, go for it.

It's not going to happen and was never anything but politicians posturing and looking to rip us off again on another useless deal. And building subs in Adelaide with this Union clusterf***? :crazy:
People can believe what they want, if it gives them comfort.

I actually think this is a better idea, because the people Australians insist in installing into government here are incapable of putting this country and it's people first.
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