Why do people have to tell LIES

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Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Die Judicii » 29 Jan 2025, 10:37 am

I find it extremely frustrating and annoying of late, the amount of people that tell lies trying to cover up their f@ckups and failings.
Especially so when everyday technology proves that they are blatantly telling lies.

Typical scenario:

You ring an establishment and the person that answers cannot address the situation immediately and says "I'll ring you back"
(In my case most of these places have my name and number on record)

So you go through the steps of supplying your name and ph number,,, and reason for the call.
And,,,,,,,,,, no-one rings back.

In frustration you ring back the next day and enquire about the lack of response.

Then I have to listen to the LIES. "Oh, so sorry about that,,, I tried to ring you back, three times, and you didn't answer."

I mean,,,,,,,,,, Seriously ????,,,,,,, You expect me to believe that ?
Are you trying to tell me that in this day and age, I'm the only person that has a phone that DOESN'T show missed calls ??
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Wapiti » 29 Jan 2025, 10:52 am

And all too often, you can't vote with your feed and go elsewhere...

Because it's so often government essential services, staffed by blobs with NO performance criteria to be measured against and a self-absorbed, self-important sense of worth.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Oldbloke » 29 Jan 2025, 3:02 pm

I've worked in a lot of industries in contract and management roles.

The number of lies MDs, CEOs and various other so called, professionals have told me would be about the same as the number of kernels of powder in 1kg of AR2208.
My conclusion is that it's a normal human trait. Sad, but that's what I now believe.
For me the frustrating thing is they seem to think your so stupid you will believe them. :unknown:
The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by noneyabussiness » 29 Jan 2025, 4:01 pm

Oldbloke wrote:I've worked in a lot of industries in contract and management roles.

The number of lies MDs, CEOs and various other so called, professionals have told me would be about the same as the number of kernels of powder in 1kg of AR2208.
My conclusion is that it's a normal human trait. Sad, but that's what I now believe.
me the frustrating thing is they seem to think your so stupid you will believe them. :unknown:

Me too and Totally agree...
The sad reality it's there is a awful lot the would be stupid enough... why they continue to get away with it...
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Jorlcrin » 29 Jan 2025, 6:50 pm

I dont think many people are taught to 'Own the Problem' any more.

When I grew up, you owned it, until you had sorted it.

Pretty sure the mind-set when we are training people these days, is "It's NEVER their fault"..
Occasionally, you run across a young(er) person who surprises and sometimes really impresses you, but for the most part, they dont.

My (darkly) amusing element in this, is the number of people who ring my mobile, despite being told MULTIPLE times that it doesnt work at home.
Yes; we CAN get Wi-Fi calling over our satellite broadband link, but it's VERY unreliable, and often doesnt ring.
When they finally make contact, they whinge that they've been trying to contact me for DAYS, and it's all my fault.
When I ask if they are calling my mobile, and when I then point out the repeated advice THAT MY MOBILE DOESNT WORK AT HOME, and they are still keen to suggest I've done something wrong.
Makes it very hard to take their problem/issue/concern seriously...

As the years hurtle by, I am more and more of the belief that the greatest improvement to the human race, will be the arrival of a Dino-Killer asteroid.
At least my frogs are likely to survive; I read somewhere the other day, that it seems amphibians survived the past 5 extinction events.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by noneyabussiness » 30 Jan 2025, 2:43 pm

along the lines of above, I don't wish any harm on anyone.. However, we need to remove a hell of a lot of warning signs and let nature take its course..
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Bugman » 30 Jan 2025, 2:54 pm

Yep! Enquire at your own peril, about sums it up in my book.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Wapiti » 30 Jan 2025, 7:41 pm

In business manufacturing and construction management, you can make yourself immune to BS from superiors, and even take them down. You have to set the bar and stick to it, if someone tries to deceive you or throw you under the bus, your skills in interpersonal communication, record keeping, correspondence and even your situational awareness of your work, results and those around you are there to back you. If you have the skills to keep them close.
I guess it depends on your particular character, knowledge and people skills, and your own personal strengths.
Some people are very skilled technically, but just do not have the personal skills or strengths to control people or situations. I've watched peers go down in flames whilst others with possibly less tech skills gained strength and success because of their interpersonal management. Sometimes unfairly so.

It is a real bitch though, to be in a situation where you are relying on others outside of this, and you cannot resolve the problems they cause because it's outside of your control.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by straightshooter » 31 Jan 2025, 8:24 am

Why do people tell lies?
Read this short parable from Aesop and then watch the video to gain an even better understanding.

The Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion says, "Because if I do, I will die too."
The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"
Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Wapiti » 31 Jan 2025, 9:08 am

The snake biting its own tail, to its own detriment,
That's the take-out from the Scorpion/Frog story.
The reason it happens all too often is people just accept it, so it continues.
Then they can become victims.
Posts: 434

Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by bigrich » 31 Jan 2025, 11:15 am

Such is the human condition fellas. Aesop’s fables. My grandfather being a retired teacher and WW2 veteran introduced me to a lot of old classic books, Aesop being one of them. The wisdom, common sense and life lessons have stayed with me and served me well. The current generation watch people getting hurt doing stupid stuff on YouTube. No wonder respect and morals are declining. And this is evidenced by the OP’s frustration with phone calls or lack off
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Die Judicii » 31 Jan 2025, 9:18 pm

Wapiti wrote:The snake biting its own tail, to its own detriment,
That's the take-out from the Scorpion/Frog story.
The reason it happens all too often is people just accept it, so it continues.
Then they can become victims.


Pardon the change of direction,,,,,,,,, In reality snakes are not affected by their own venom, other than it acting as "pain relief"
This is why snakes literally sink the fangs in after they've been injured.
I've seen it many times over the years,, with one stand out occasion involving a very large tiger snake.
It had been run over by a set of trailing discs with a wound across its back.
That snake struck and sank the fangs in several times,,, and each time was along the edges of its wound.

We watched in fascination, and after approximately 15 minutes it crawled off into longer grass seemingly non the worse off.
I do not fear death itself... Only its inopportune timing!
And,,,,It's been proven,,,,, the most trustworthy females in my entire life were all canines.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by bigrich » 01 Feb 2025, 7:00 am

Die Judicii wrote:
Wapiti wrote:The snake biting its own tail, to its own detriment,
That's the take-out from the Scorpion/Frog story.
The reason it happens all too often is people just accept it, so it continues.
Then they can become victims.


Pardon the change of direction,,,,,,,,, In reality snakes are not affected by their own venom, other than it acting as "pain relief"
This is why snakes literally sink the fangs in after they've been injured.
I've seen it many times over the years,, with one stand out occasion involving a very large tiger snake.
It had been run over by a set of trailing discs with a wound across its back.
That snake struck and sank the fangs in several times,,, and each time was along the edges of its wound.

We watched in fascination, and after approximately 15 minutes it crawled off into longer grass seemingly non the worse off.

thanks for sharing that DJ . i've learnt something new i didn't know :thumbsup:
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by wanneroo » 01 Feb 2025, 9:23 am

Usually people tell lies because they either want to avoid confrontation or to avoid doing work or are just plain dumb & lazy.

These days the other alternative with lies is they just ghost you and ignore you altogether.
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by Bugman » 04 Feb 2025, 1:42 pm

If your my age and have been married as long as I have, telling lies is a right of passage in my book. :|
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by on_one_wheel » 04 Feb 2025, 8:38 pm

Bugman wrote:If your my age and have been married as long as I have, telling lies is a right of passage in my book. :|

It's a survival technique :lol:
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Re: Why do people have to tell LIES

Post by mickb » 06 Feb 2025, 2:06 am

Good thread Dj, I noticed in supply chain industries the worker errors and general BS have gone through the roof the last 3-4 years -mostly items not packaged right, wrong items picked, misdeliveries, or lies about lead times , excuses. Main issues are smaller operators and workers getting hammered with staff, overheads and contract cuts trying to do more with less. And the new generation of worker not giving a damn about the level of service they provide or personal accountability.

Probably cant blame them. When I grew up, even if you were a ditch digger or trolley boy you knew with hard work ( and attention to detail, and personal honesty, and good work ethic etc) you could still buy and pay off a house in inner suburbs Brisbane. These days you'd need to be a doctor married to a dentist to pull that off.
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