What did you do today?

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 09 Feb 2025, 7:12 pm

jezzab wrote:Yesterday I did some clay shooting (im not very good but learning and getting better) but after 50 rounds I know more than I did the day before and the last time I did it. Sighted in my new 7mm-08, the biggest calibre ive shot before, so I was pretty nervous. Worked out great though, no way near as bad as I had built up in my mind. My 223 kinda has an aggressive "bark" but this is more of a boom? /shrug maybe its in my mind. And the action didnt come flying off after I fitted a Boyds stock and ground a Limbsaver to fit, so thats good haha
Tomorrow im embarking on starting reloading, have everything ready to go, I've done my research and read all my books but no doubt I will have many questions here so I apologise in advance. Hard without some kinda mentor to show me the ropes and getting into this sport and hobby later in life but I love the theory, technical and science behind it all

When I started as a kid I didn't know anybody that was a shooter, and had only fired a couple of firearms in my life, a .22 rifle and a single magazine of 20rds in an M16. I bought my first centrefire and it never even occurred to me to buy factory ammo, I just loaded my own from day one with the Lee Loader. I did spend a couple months reading the reloading columns in the magazines of the day (early eighties) so I did have some understanding. While it is certainly possible to make some horrific mistakes I would say reloading is still a whole lot safer than other hobbies many people get into. I think you have to go out of your way to actually destroy a firearm or hurt yourself or somebody else. Some mechanical aptitude and affinity is a good thing to have, along with some common sense and some ability to forecast potential problems and mitigate them before they arise. Think about what you are doing and you should be fine. And ask questions if you encounter anything you can't sort of for yourself.

What area are you in?
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 09 Feb 2025, 7:17 pm

Oldbloke wrote:Yesterday. Visited the local ML Club.

Learnt heaps.
Met some great people.


That sounds like a great day out :-)
I'm chasing a pair of blackpowder revolvers if you hear of any available. I doubt I'll use them more than a couple times a year once the six months is up and I get a pair of .38's but I want to get plenty of fun out of them before then.

Yesterday I missed my first pistol shoot for the year. But I'm not complaining, I stood aside because we had a full house at the club and I wasn't going to stop a new shooter from having a go :-) Yesterday was my eighteenth pistol club attendance for 2025. Pistol shooting is expensive so I figure the more times I go the cheaper each shoot is :-)
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by fnq22 » 10 Feb 2025, 6:35 pm

bladeracer wrote:
Oldbloke wrote:Yesterday. Visited the local ML Club.

Learnt heaps.
Met some great people.


Yesterday I missed my first pistol shoot for the year. But I'm not complaining, I stood aside because we had a full house at the club and I wasn't going to stop a new shooter from having a go :-) Yesterday was my eighteenth pistol club attendance for 2025. Pistol shooting is expensive so I figure the more times I go the cheaper each shoot is :-)

Wow you probably need a holday now mate from all that shooting.. :D Unfortunately tropical rainfall has put a dampener on shooting activities in FNQ the past couple of weeks ...very disappointing after just getting a new gun..

Yep i like that reasoning the more you go, the more you save when you buy in bulk...thats kinda how I justify having 3 boats...the more fishing I get to do, the more we save in meat..
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 10 Feb 2025, 8:58 pm

fnq22 wrote:Wow you probably need a holday now mate from all that shooting.. :D Unfortunately tropical rainfall has put a dampener on shooting activities in FNQ the past couple of weeks ...very disappointing after just getting a new gun..

Yep i like that reasoning the more you go, the more you save when you buy in bulk...thats kinda how I justify having 3 boats...the more fishing I get to do, the more we save in meat..

Did an air-pistol shoot tonight followed by a committee meeting, something fun might be happening at the club soon.

I had a play with a springer pistol, what a weird contraption that is :-)
Very different to the compressed gas ones I've been using. The impulse of firing almost feels like the spring is unwinding as it flies down the receiver, very odd, and did not work well for me at all. I shot a 10rd 35mm group resting my arms on the bench so the pistol is accurate enough, but I'd call my shot and sometimes the pellet might hit 80mm or more from where I had the sights when I fired. I think it must also be significantly slower than the PCP ones as I saw most of the pellets coming into the target.

Tomorrow my mate will be out for our lever-action practice then we're doing a hay run. Centrefire pistol shoot on Wednesday with the club's Security Six .38.

It's something like $1000 by the time you join the club, pay for fingerprinting and Police check, provisional licence and then the final CatH licence. Somebody that only shoots the minimum ten attendances is looking at $100 per shoot for the year. If I do 200 shoots it's like $5 a shoot, and even I can afford that ;-)
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by ruger 375 » 11 Feb 2025, 8:58 am

Smashed a heap of pigs and a fox here this morning........heaps of pigs around at the moment, we got some rain so everything is on the move out here.
Just hunt!
Be happy!
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Bugman » 12 Feb 2025, 3:21 pm

Watched a bit of telly. Saw Sam Kerr being aquitted from some eroneous charge. Good news in my book. Saw two dopey nurses from Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital rant on with their anti semetic views. Definately bad news. Oy Vey! What is this world crumbling to.
Apart from this, I went shopping and bought some new clothes.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by ruger 375 » 12 Feb 2025, 4:39 pm

Rolled a few more hogs this morning......spent the rest of the day wondering if someone calls an indigenous person stupid and black how much crap they would be in......and about to go check some dams for pigs again now........they will be there.
Just hunt!
Be happy!
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Feb 2025, 4:43 pm

"Oldgirl" and myself met daughter and grandson at the RSL for lunch. The Tooheys Old was cold. :drinks:
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Bugman » 12 Feb 2025, 4:44 pm

Love that Tooheys Old........especially with a dash of lime :thumbsup:
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Feb 2025, 6:40 pm

Bugman wrote:Watched a bit of telly. Saw Sam Kerr being aquitted from some eroneous charge. Good news in my book. Saw two dopey nurses from Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital rant on with their anti semetic views. Definately bad news. Oy Vey! What is this world crumbling to.
Apart from this, I went shopping and bought some new clothes.

Sorry, disagree. I don't think cops (or anyone else for that matter) should have to put up with that sh1t while at work.

Letting her off just sends out the wrong message.

Ive come to the conclusion that some sections of sociely seem to think they are above the law and that social norms don't apply to them.

She should be held to account, what the penalty should be I don't know.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Feb 2025, 6:41 pm

Bugman wrote:Watched a bit of telly. Saw Sam Kerr being aquitted from some eroneous charge. Good news in my book. Saw two dopey nurses from Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital rant on with their anti semetic views. Definately bad news. Oy Vey! What is this world crumbling to.
Apart from this, I went shopping and bought some new clothes.

Sorry, disagree. I don't think cops (or anyone else for that matter) should have to put up with that sh1t while at work.

Letting her off just sends out the wrong message.

Ive come to the conclusion that some sections of sociely seem to think they are above the law and that social norms don't apply to them.

She should be held to account, what the penalty should be I don't know.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by on_one_wheel » 12 Feb 2025, 8:07 pm

Funny how if you add enough alcohol, people show their true colours.
I've heard that Japanese businessmen use it as a tactic to work what kind of person their potential business partner is.

Anyhow, her childish outburst will definitely cost her millions in the long run.

As for those Sidney nurses, shows while almost anyone can become an Australian citizen, it doesn't make you a Aussie.
This is a result of poor immigration policy that has become a generational problem.
Send them packing.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 12 Feb 2025, 8:17 pm

on_one_wheel wrote:Funny how if you add enough alcohol, people show their true colours.
I've heard that Japanese businessmen use it as a tactic to work what kind of person their potential business partner is.

Anyhow, her childish outburst will definitely cost her millions in the long run.

As for those Sidney nurses, shows while almost anyone can become an Australian citizen, it doesn't make you a Aussie.
This is a result of poor immigration policy that has become a generational problem.
Send them packing

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Bugman » 13 Feb 2025, 10:24 am

on_one_wheel wrote:Funny how if you add enough alcohol, people show their true colours.
I've heard that Japanese businessmen use it as a tactic to work what kind of person their potential business partner is.

Anyhow, her childish outburst will definitely cost her millions in the long run.

As for those Sidney nurses, shows while almost anyone can become an Australian citizen, it doesn't make you a Aussie.
This is a result of poor immigration policy that has become a generational problem.
Send them packing.

True. What does the writing on the T-Shirt say? " Intant idiot. Just add beer"
As for Sam Kerr, well I think the whole thing could have been handled better and a lot quicker than 12 months down the track. :|
As for today: Loaded some more crackers for upcoming matches.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Flyonline » 16 Feb 2025, 9:14 am

Went for a last poke about in the bush before the harvest kicks off tomorrow. It was going to be chilly (<15C) after being nearly 40 a week or so ago, so somewhat different! We've had a few showers through but nothing to soak the bush through so everything was still relatively crunchy. Despite that, I managed to pick up a couple of sambar making their way down a creek bottom below me as I was working my way into an evening sit. Ended up being a 1/2 grown calf and mum, but as I was hoping to see either a fallow or a stag and the freezer is still half full I let them walk and got to watch them for about 30min feed across in front of me as I waited them out so I could continue onto my intended sit. They were feeding in almost a frenzy and it took me some time to confirm they were antlerless as their heads were down the whole time eating. I was half tempted to drop the calf as I have a mate who doesn't get out much hunting and could probably do with some free venison and while no shot is a gimme, at ~80m broadside I would have been disappointed if it didn't work out.

I ended up suffering from olds man disease and stopped a hundred metres or so from where I actually intended, however I did pick up what I assume was the same pair of sambar bedded facing towards me as I slowly crept in towards the large opening. Luckily I hadn't fully stepped out from behind a tree before I saw the hind, and managed to bend down and semi crawl my way across the old mining track/road which appeared to work as I didn't get honked, and they were still there when I looked later.

There was nothing in the actual glade I was targeting, but there was a lot of sign of both sambar and fallow including a couple of wallows on a tiny side creek and what looked like some old pig diggings. The wallows didn't appear heavily used as wallows but there was a heck of a lot of foot traffic through/around the area so I put up a camera which also tracked a preach tree very close to the wallow.

Nothing else was seen other than a heap of wallabies and a lone hungry wombat and a nice stroll was had by all.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by wanneroo » 17 Feb 2025, 2:28 am

Not much to report here as the weather has been pretty nasty this winter. Lots of high winds, snow squalls, ice and cold. In the past 24 hours we had several inches of snow that then turned into an ice storm with big frozen rain coming down, then it's going above freezing with rain on top of that and then after the sun goes down it's supposed to change to heavy snow, then a cold plunge will come that will drop temps from a couple of degrees above freezing to many degrees below and freeze everything up hard. Big ole mess. I had wanted to come to Australia next month but that's not going to happen so oh well.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 18 Feb 2025, 7:09 am

:lol: Friday i went out on a property abt 35 min drive away. Lucked onto a fox and a few rabbits.
So yesterday took my grandson out. Anyway no luck with the rabbits.
What with showing him around walked past a couple of likely stands.
Late in the evening we sat down and I pulled out a cheap reed caller on the side of a gully.
After only about 1 minute a fox come running flat out into the reed caller. Only had about 2-3 seconds for the shot. Almost run straight into me. :lol: Got him at about 4 yards with my 12g. :D

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 24 Feb 2025, 9:56 am

Had a Cowboy shoot yesterday, including Pat Garrett with the extra rifle.
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Damned good fun :-)

I loaded some .30-30 ammo on Friday night, 115gn cast bullets on 8gn of Trailboss. Tested them on Saturday morning at 1340fps and the bullets shot to point of aim at 25m and made circular holes in paper, then we did a pistol shoot in town. I helped a neighbour sort his dam water pump in the arvo so he could run his orchard sprinklers and then loaded 25 .30-30's for Pat Garrett.

The Cowboy shoot was good fun with most getting in some practice before the state titles at Little River in two weeks (March 7-10). Somebody had a case separation in .38 Special which was something I didn't think was possible. The rifle only extracted the rear 10mm of the case, like a Lee Enfield. My times weren't bad but I did have three misses (+5 seconds each) and three procedurals (shooting the targets in the wrong order +10 seconds each) which added 45 seconds to my overall match times. One of my misses was with the Rossi and I saw the bullet skim over the top of the plate by a millimeter, and one miss was because I left a round in one of the revolvers in a stage that was so confusing that I lost count :-) I also had one instance of fumbling the hammer and having to cycle the cylinder right around to fire the final round. And one stage had us only load eight in the rifle and put two on the table, forcing us to load two on the clock. My intention was to grab the two rounds in my left hand, empty the rifle then dump them in one at a time, but once I finished the pistols I grabbed the rounds and automatically fed them into the mag. I'll have to video practicing both ways but I'm sure I'm less likely to fumble it throwing singles in.

One stage I really liked had the plates spread about two metres apart (usually they're more like two feet apart) and we had to shoot them in order of far left, far right, mid left, mid right, then centre, first with the pistols, then double-taps with the rifle. Swinging your guns from side to side, and having the plates further back (around 8m) was a nice change of pace. The Pat Garrett stages had two extra plates back around 20m to engage with the "heavy" rifle.

Had my first go at the Fort Bridger Frenzy which is a lot of fun. You just have to put four bullets (five in each pistol and ten in the rifle) onto each of the five plates in whatever order you prefer, then load the coachgun and drop two steel poppers to finish. I managed to do it clean in 23.41 so I just need to halve that time and I'll be in with a chance of winning it :-)

Although I still have aperture sights on both rifles I'm not using the sights so I haven't bothered removing them. The 24" Rossi is far too long for this stuff but the longer barrel does make it easy to reach Major Power factor for 3-Gun (180gn bullet at 1670fps), so I don't really want to get rid of it. I'm looking for a 16" Puma in .357 to go with it.

In Cowboy you are essentially shooting the same thing every time, generally five from each pistol, ten from the rifle and two from the gun. When the stage is "open" or linear it really is pretty easy, just start at one end and shoot them all as you move across them. But the trick is mixing up the order so you have to over-ride your natural tendencies, rhythms and learned behaviours. Automatically grabbing loose rounds and feeding them into the mag rather than hold them in your hand, or shooting the pistol targets right to left and rifle targets left to right, or double-taps from the rifle then single-taps from the pistols, for example. It's particularly a problem when you have any kind of issue that disrupts your rhythm, trying to remember at which point you were when you get back into action can be hard, and getting it wrong adds ten seconds on top of whatever time you lost fixing the problem.

It is bloody good fun though :-)
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Valdash » 25 Feb 2025, 3:10 am

Today, I finally got around to sighting in my new scope on my .22.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Flyonline » 03 Mar 2025, 6:07 pm

Slid out out to the olds last night. Picked up two rabbits. Shot the second with a 10gr Zan slug which deformed nicely in sand, and it certainly made a much bigger hole on the offside of the head but it still wasn't a 'whack flop' as I was hoping they'd be closer in. Interestingly the sound is much different, even at 45m the thwack of the diablos are much louder than the slug. Still, a sample size of one isn't enough to go on and I'll have to do some more research before I give them up :thumbsup:

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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Wm.Traynor » 03 Mar 2025, 7:11 pm

Good shooting :thumbsup:
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bladeracer » 03 Mar 2025, 9:07 pm

Two weeks ago we had an air-pistol shoot, and it was a very busy night. So, rather than stand around, Rose decided to try the left-handed pistol. As rarely do we get lefties in it rarely gets used so is always available. She shot her worst score so far, not unexpected. I had shot the match with the same pistol but right-handed. To see if it was the left-handed shooting or if she was just having a bad night we swapped and shot a ten-shot card each. She shot a nice group so she's just not left-handed. But I shot a better group than the six cards I'd just shot right-handed, astonishing. I am totally right-handed with hardly any left dexterity, but I wasn't even trying, I was just having a laugh really.

So last week I shot a whole match left-handed. I shot twenty sighters to get an idea of where I had to aim, then shot the six ten-shot cards, scoring my personal best by six points. And I really wasn't trying again, I was just doing a "what if" experiment. I shot two rimfire matches left-handed last week. I have never scored a rimfire or centrefire match so don't know how I went, but the groups were certainly no worse than I'm used to. And tonight I shot my second air-pistol match, and despite feeling like I wasn't shooting particularly well, shot another PB by another six points. It's too weird for me to make sense of it, but it seems that I've become a lefty pistol shooter for some reason, for precision shooting at least. I have no dexterity to clear stoppages, or reload, or even draw and holster yet, but I'll keep practicing.
Last edited by bladeracer on 04 Mar 2025, 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Flyonline » 04 Mar 2025, 6:06 pm

Wm.Traynor wrote:Good shooting :thumbsup:

Thanks, have been practicing out past 50m, so a 30m shot feels like a chip shot now :allegedly:

There's something relaxing about sitting over a rabbit warren waiting for them to poke their heads out in the evening.

I knocked out a pulled goat shoulder sunday in the slow cooker which was sensational on fresh home made flatbreads. It's almost to the point I'd rather take the front legs than the back legs. The good half gave me the the eye when she almost chocked on a tiny sliver of bone like a fish bone about an inch long, not sure how it got there but could only think it was a result of the bullet impact.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Bugman » 05 Mar 2025, 3:40 pm

Had a look at some .22 lever action rifles. Possibly with a view to obtain one. Still thinking. More research to be done.
Loaded some more crackers.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 05 Mar 2025, 6:25 pm

Did a bit more work on my fallow skull mount.
Should be on the wall in a couple of weeks.

Also modified/lengthened my "standing" shooting sticks.
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigrich » 06 Mar 2025, 2:29 pm

today finds me bored sh!tless waiting for cyclone alfred . panic buying stripped supermarket shelves worse than covid . i might have to resort to housework to relieve boredom , and i hate housework ;)
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Oldbloke » 06 Mar 2025, 3:32 pm

So,, no toilet paper?

My Mrs has it all. :x

Just PM me if you need a few rolls. :friends:
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigrich » 06 Mar 2025, 3:57 pm

Oldbloke wrote:So,, no toilet paper?

My Mrs has it all. :x

Just PM me if you need a few rolls. :friends:

:lol: :lol: :lol: good on ya
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by Billo » 06 Mar 2025, 8:17 pm

Received some prototype projectiles in the mail today to test in my Ruger 358 WIn, loaded up 2 lots of loads with 2219 and 2207 to test, accuracy with a sprinkling of speed would be a bonus. :drinks:
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Re: What did you do today?

Post by bigrich » 09 Mar 2025, 8:45 am

what am i doing today, sitting inside haunting this forum making numerous posts as rain comes down :)

i live halfway between brisbane and the gold coast , everything is shut , waiting for the rain from the "tropical low" to p!ss off . you guys would not believe the panic buying at supermarkets cause of media hype over TC alfred. on the coast they copped it , but it's turned out to be nothing really . the REALLY stupid thing about the panic buying was they cleaned out the perishables , including frozen stuff and meat . idiots . i picked up a few cans of stew, filled up a couple of containers with drinking water just in case . got the 60 litre "kings" fridge to run in the toyota if power goes out to save the stuff in my freezer . dunno bout all the clowns stock filling their freezers/fridges to capacity . talking to the owner of the local IGA (won't shop at coles or woolies with their cartel behaviour ), and we agreed the panic buying was worse than covid . surprisingly there was still toilet paper :lol:

jump on the used gun sites to look for bargains even though i don't have much money at the moment . so that's my day . might have to resort to housework , and i hate housework :?
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