Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 30 Nov 2021, 6:11 pm

womble wrote:
Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:CZ515

If you actually hit the streets you would see that everybody is out there. Whites, browns, asians, men, women, children, hippies, patriots, young, old etc etc

Everybody from all walks of life are in unison against their hatred of tyranny.

I am loud and proud about my love of freedom but a lot of people are closet freedom lovers. They are scared to make a stand.

Self imposed tyranny.
Scared of needles.

Stockholm Syndrome is a legit thing. Just like that battered wife syndrome. Dan loves the Victorian people and only abuses them because he loves them.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by cz515 » 30 Nov 2021, 6:12 pm

Oldbloke wrote:CZ515, u seem to forget 6 months ago u thought he was doing OK.

Mate I don't like the guy, but saying that last year I gave him the chance to fix the mess that his govt and the public service got us into (800+ deaths) but that turned out to be a s**t show. But that's it life is not black and white, but hundreds of shares of gray. I can agree to the decisions regarding lockdown last year but due to the a multitude of reasons including vaccines this year I am against the last two lockdowns. And tbh the results NSW v VIC are clear to see

Has it been great, certainly not, but could have been a hell of a lot worse? Yep.
lot worse, come on how could it be lot worse when you have every other state doing a better job than us
And in most other states the State Premier declares the pandemic now. Sort of doesn't gell with your argument does it cz515.
That's not what's gotten me rilled up about this bill. I actually prefer there is a single person responsible. There are other aspects of the bill that's wrong, and it may not even be Dan, but some tinpot 10 years down the track that can misuse the powers

Remember, Dan is here now and will be gone some point in time and replaced. Its the system that is important, not the man.

You are like many focused on the man.
well he is the premier so yes the buck stops with him. Also is now known that there is an army of advisers that is working for Dan appointed by him, but he is the main face and there is no denying that

And what ever the legislation, a person will have the responsibility of declaring the pandemic.

I mean you wernt happy the Chief MO pulling the strings, now not happy with the premier. Should it be the health minister? And if you don't like him, perhaps the local garbo?

Imagine if it had been in the hands of Michael O'Brien or Matthew Guy. We would have had 2 years of covid denial. :violin: 1000s dead, but business rich.

So the question to ask is what position should it all fall on?
Chief MO
Health Minister
Another twerp in a government position

But who ever it is, some will not be happy.

again it's about accountability Dan and his govt has shown time and time that they will blame everyone but themselves. Many of The decision taken have no precedence in the world, no medical basis and the results is no doubt we are the worst state than every other state of Australia

A simple example to explain the last two years, the cattle farmer left the gate open, the sheep escaped, so he locked up his family in the house and blamed the postman. :welcome:
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Oldbloke » 30 Nov 2021, 6:46 pm

So, what were the bad decisions. And most importantly what were the correct decisions?
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by womble » 01 Dec 2021, 3:54 am

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:
womble wrote:
Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:CZ515

If you actually hit the streets you would see that everybody is out there. Whites, browns, asians, men, women, children, hippies, patriots, young, old etc etc

Everybody from all walks of life are in unison against their hatred of tyranny.

I am loud and proud about my love of freedom but a lot of people are closet freedom lovers. They are scared to make a stand.

Self imposed tyranny.
Scared of needles.

Stockholm Syndrome is a legit thing. Just like that battered wife syndrome. Dan loves the Victorian people and only abuses them because he loves them.

Well I’m yet to see him abuse anyone. Dose’nt seem to be in his character.
I’m neither a hostage or a wife. No more so than you are a holocaust Jew.
As much as i enjoy your romantic notions of birth rite freedoms, they don’t exist and they never have in the history of mankind.
Like the song says, freedom is’nt free. It always requires a sacrifice.
A great American once said ‘ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for it.
Mine has’nt asked much from me and I’m more than willing to give for it.
And fwiw you can’t fight tyranny by condoning fascism.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by bigrich » 01 Dec 2021, 4:44 am

One thing I’ve noticed in recent years is more influence from government and beurocracy on our private lives, and politics is a much more talked about subject than it used to be.
How our system works with regards to the states and feds has aspects that people haven’t seen before, with regards to the authority of the premiers .
The next elections are going to be interesting.
I’ll be voting for independents before major parties, labour and greens last .
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by cz515 » 01 Dec 2021, 5:53 am

Vic will elect Dan again... I am so sure that I am willing to bet my horse on it (lol)

OB, mate let's just agree to disagree.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by bigrich » 01 Dec 2021, 6:58 am

cz515 wrote:Vic will elect Dan again... I am so sure that I am willing to bet my horse on it (lol)

OB, mate let's just agree to disagree.

If Dan gets in again I’ll call the election rigged. I think the silent majority are fed up with over reaching politicians
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by womble » 01 Dec 2021, 8:18 am

Have a look at the opposition :)
How do you rig a landslide.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by bigrich » 01 Dec 2021, 9:12 am

womble wrote:Have a look at the opposition :)
How do you rig a landslide.

After what Dan’s been up to ? :wtf:
You reckon he’ll get back in ? :crazy:
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by cz515 » 01 Dec 2021, 10:56 am

Bigrich. Let's take a poll of enoughgun members including the preferences.

Dan will come back. He's a slippery eel. Media managed to the hilt. Even last year after 800 deaths under him his poll numbers were high.

People are sheep. They need a monster to rally or scare them, and as long as the Gov't can media manage themselves to appear as the saviours... they are winning
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by womble » 01 Dec 2021, 11:55 am

The loonies practically martyred him with death and rape threats to his family. Building a gallows for him at a protest.
His polling sky rocketed simultaneously.
People don't like being told what to do down here. Especially when it comes with intimidation and threats of violence.
Businesses in the CBD have been on the receiving end of it particularly.
People have been assaulted, properties damaged, someone was deliberately run over with a car. Police just caught that offender.
The qanon mob just keep digging themselves into a deeper hole. And people are fed up with their lunacy. There's even been counter protests.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by bigrich » 01 Dec 2021, 12:19 pm

womble wrote:The loonies practically martyred him with death and rape threats to his family. Building a gallows for him at a protest.
His polling sky rocketed simultaneously.
People don't like being told what to do down here. Especially when it comes with intimidation and threats of violence.
Businesses in the CBD have been on the receiving end of it particularly.
People have been assaulted, properties damaged, someone was deliberately run over with a car. Police just caught that offender.
The qanon mob just keep digging themselves into a deeper hole. And people are fed up with their lunacy. There's even been counter protests.

All that bad behaviour should not be tolerated. Sadly, it discredits the other side of the argument. People should be able to voice a opinion of opposition without resorting to the gutter tactics used by some. There seem to be more radicals in a lot of protests these days. Doesn’t seem to matter what the the protest is about, some just like to cause trouble.
Democracy is majority rule, but the minority have a right to be heard, and possibly sway opinions by stating their case and views .
Things tend to get distorted by media/social media as well. Makes ya wonder how much our society is being manipulated in these internet times.....
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 1:47 pm

Polls mean nothing and we all know that. With the anger that I have seen on the streets Dan will not win. Independents and the LNP will win by a landslide.

Victorian's have been told what to do for 2 years now. More so than any other place on Earth. They are over it and the people who support the tyranny are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or are that mentally beat down from the abuse that they don't know whats going on.

Australians are for the most part politically lazy but these protests are the biggest the federation has ever seen. Clearly people have had enough to be rallied in huge numbers.
Last edited by Communism_Is_Cancer on 01 Dec 2021, 1:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 1:49 pm


Have you seen the size of the counter protests? It is barely 100 people. Over 400 thousand freedom lovers in Melbourne alone have hit the streets this Saturday just gone. The people that are fed up are the freedom lovers, not the tyranny lovers.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by womble » 01 Dec 2021, 3:01 pm

While the other 95% of the Victorian population are enjoying their freedom.
Therein lies your problem.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by womble » 01 Dec 2021, 3:03 pm

I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by womble » 01 Dec 2021, 3:23 pm

Being told what to do by the worlds leading virologists.
Being told what to do by radicalised conspiracy theorists, grifters and scammers.
Big difference there.
Most of us chose the former.
Believing a cure is worse than a disease is the heights of delusion.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 3:59 pm

The only “radicalised conspiracy theorists” are the Victorian government. The most locked down tyrannical place on Earth. How about people get told what to do by nobody? How about people get to live their lives?

50000 political refugees have left Victoria this last year to seek refuge in the north. I don't see this federation(in its current form) lasting much longer If Dan wins the next election. Some kind of dissolution of states or intervention will occur.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Oldbloke » 01 Dec 2021, 4:53 pm

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:The only “radicalised conspiracy theorists” are the Victorian government. The most locked down tyrannical place on Earth. How about people get told what to do by nobody? How about people get to live their lives?

50000 political refugees have left Victoria this last year to seek refuge in the north. I don't see this federation(in its current form) lasting much longer If Dan wins the next election. Some kind of dissolution of states or intervention will occur.

My God, all I can say is I'm smart enough to identify BS when I see it.
CIC Please learn to use a dictionary.
You can start with,


Cz515. Fair enough.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Oldbloke » 01 Dec 2021, 4:54 pm

womble wrote:While the other 95% of the Victorian population are enjoying their freedom.
Therein lies your problem.

Lol. Yep
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 5:07 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:The only “radicalised conspiracy theorists” are the Victorian government. The most locked down tyrannical place on Earth. How about people get told what to do by nobody? How about people get to live their lives?

50000 political refugees have left Victoria this last year to seek refuge in the north. I don't see this federation(in its current form) lasting much longer If Dan wins the next election. Some kind of dissolution of states or intervention will occur.

My God, all I can say is I'm smart enough to identify BS when I see it.
CIC Please learn to use a dictionary.
You can start with,


Cz515. Fair enough.

Yes sorry it is not quite 50000 but I rounded up. It is around 45000. Apologises.

According to the UN the meaning of refugee is:

“A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.“

According to that definition not supporting the persecution of mandates and locking people in their homes fits the bill of being a refugee. ... a-refugee/
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by bigrich » 01 Dec 2021, 5:09 pm

womble wrote:Being told what to do by the worlds leading virologists.
Being told what to do by radicalised conspiracy theorists, grifters and scammers.
Big difference there.
Most of us chose the former.
Believing a cure is worse than a disease is the heights of delusion.

i agree with advice from the virologists . the problems arise when the politicians get involved :roll:
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Oldbloke » 01 Dec 2021, 6:01 pm

Yeh, so now check the definition of "persecution".

It certainly isn't being instructed to follow regulations to prevent the spread of a virus.

Big words, very poor use of them. And you chave the gall to criticise the media.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 6:14 pm

According to Cambridge.

“ persecution:noun

unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs” ... ersecution

Forcing people to close down their businesses and calling people “non essential” and locking them in their homes fits that description because peoples political beliefs do not believe in the hysteria of such a low death rate being cause for concern . So because the meaning fits when they flee they fit the description of a refugee.

169000 Australians died in 2019 the last available statistics.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 6:28 pm

Well good news I just looked and the new statistics are out. 161,300 Australians died in 2020. 8001 fewer than in 2019. ... st-release

98,913 Australians have died between jan 1 and August 31 of this year 2021. Where is the outcry at Ischaemic heart disease? It is the leading cause of death in Australia by a country mile. Looks to me the only pandemic is heart disease, cancer and strokes. 2000 deaths from covid in 2 years. More infants under 12 months old have died in that time frame. Where is their outcry? ... st-release
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by cz515 » 01 Dec 2021, 6:54 pm

Dang mate you are pulling out statistics that you don't even understand. A simple reason could be a lot of people left Australia. As a lot of people were locked up in their homes flu was not able to kill anyone.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Oldbloke » 01 Dec 2021, 7:12 pm

Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:According to Cambridge.

“ persecution:noun

unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs” ... ersecution

Forcing people to close down their businesses and calling people “non essential” and locking them in their homes (inorder to manage a pandemic does NOT) fit that description because peoples political beliefs do not believe in the hysteria of such a low death rate being cause for concern . So because the meaning fits when they flee they fit the description of a refugee.

and the reason the death rate is so low is because the government managed it with various requirements including the lock downs you constantly winge about. Grow up little boy. You are just full of bull s**t.

169000 Australians died in 2019 the last available statistics.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 7:18 pm

The most lockdown place in the world, has the highest death count in the federation by far. Clearly lockdowns do nothing but decimate small business.

People die mate. Its a part of life.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by bigrich » 01 Dec 2021, 7:39 pm

Oldbloke wrote:
Communism_Is_Cancer wrote:According to Cambridge.

“ persecution:noun

unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs” ... ersecution

Forcing people to close down their businesses and calling people “non essential” and locking them in their homes (inorder to manage a pandemic does NOT) fit that description because peoples political beliefs do not believe in the hysteria of such a low death rate being cause for concern . So because the meaning fits when they flee they fit the description of a refugee.

and the reason the death rate is so low is because the government managed it with various requirements including the lock downs you constantly winge about. Grow up little boy. You are just full of bull s**t.

169000 Australians died in 2019 the last available statistics.

C’mon OB, no need to get personal. CIC has his opinion, you have yours .

COVID and politics discussion get heated on this forum. I got my opinions too, getting “blackened” shutting down another topic seems to happen all too often cause folks tend to get to personal.
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Re: Lambie vs Hanson. Cage fight. Who would win.

Post by Communism_Is_Cancer » 01 Dec 2021, 8:27 pm


I will make a sign with “oldbloke” and take a photo outside parliament house and post it. Maybe that will channel your inner John Wayne(like your photo). The duke would not stand for tyranny.

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