Lazarus wrote:Do you consider yourself a "limp wrist" because the gun laws changed alexjones?
I don't.
Mmm. I think things are not this straightforward.
Is my wrist stronger now, or more full of resolve given that the population has been disarmed in this way? Can't honestly say yes to that. At best you might argue we're as resolute as before '96, but honestly, I'm old enough to see that this angle doesn't appear be true.
So, as a country, not as an individual, are we more 'limp wristed'? Yeah, seems likely on balance, given face value observation.
Lazarus wrote:Do you feel a bit light in the loafers because the gummint, on advice from the medical community, took covid more seriously than you?
Of course not.
Oh, absolutely yes. Bureaucracy always has an opinion. Before the authoritarian stuff fired up in a huge way there was at least as much medical opinion from experienced long standing practitioners that varied from what became 'the narrative'.
Lets not try to gaslight what actually occurred here in Australia. There was an authoritarian power move made by the powerful over those who are powerless - and most of the people succumbed, despite a very large proportion of those poor sods preferring to not have been forced in this way.
Why was it not enough for the government to do the right thing and, acting on their own best advice (from the medical bureaucracy sure), make whatever medical interventions available that they deemed a reasonable alternative and then let the chips fall where they may? Why was it _so_ important to them that everyone succumbed to their power play?
I resisted this emphatically. If I'd died as a result, well, thats on me, just as those who legitimately and without coercion took the medical route ... if they die as a result ... its on them.
Medicine aside, whats with the lockdowns? Honestly, we can look back now, with plenty of worldwide evidence from countries/provinces that did and did not lockdown and see that it was all for nothing. Government couldn't have known what we know now, but why enforce _their_ will on honest Australians in this way? Too scared to leave the house? Don't leave. Willing to bear the risk .. ok then, go about your life as normal ... take responsibility for your own actions in either event.
So, the argument being - would people willingly fight for a dictating authoritarian state? I can't see why they would.
Goodness me, depending on who it is exactly that arrives and knocks on our door, its even possible they could be viewed as liberators
Lazarus wrote:I've had covid, it's a bitch.
Yep, its a bitch. Had it as well. In my case it was the same size nasty bitch I have had in previous years, with proper full on flu (note: not a heavy cold, actual flu). Nasty. 6-8 weeks for me to fully recover.
Lazarus wrote:Just imagine the pissing and moaning from the public if the gummint did nothing and many more died.
And it could have happened. Right. Noone knew for sure. As it turned out, more people died as a result of the various interventions than probably would have if we'd just let people decide for themselves ... and yep, people are moaning about that - and legitimately so. Because when you intervene and dictate then the results of that are on _you_
Lazarus wrote:The new generations are cream puff milquetoasts, because we older generations "spared the rod"
They are the result of years of, "every child wins a prize", "smacking your child is abuse" and many other stupid ideas.
Yep, can't argue that.